
Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by biohazard1991, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. biohazard1991


    Sep 26, 2010
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    will the 10.1 screen from any aspire one with that screen size connect up to a 751h motherboard the reason i want to know is because i am planing to build a tablet out of my 751h but there is no multi touch screen kits for it but if i could use a 10.1 screen the have the multi touch kit for it but here are some ideas for my tablet build the tablet will be about the size of the 751h just a 10.1 screen it will also have a slot load disk drive all mounted in a carbon fiber case when its all done it will be less then 1in thick and will have 1usb 1 headphone 1 mic 1 ethernet and 1 vga and evry thing would kinda be like a suped up Ipad just more practical :mrgreen:
    biohazard1991, Sep 26, 2010
  2. biohazard1991

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    And better for not being Apple LOLs

    As for the original question, I'm not sure if anyone has even tried this yet. I dare say if the cable fits, it might be worth a try. If I had a spare screen from another model I'd sure as hell try it just to see if it works. But thats the gadget hacker in me talking.
    Swarvey, Sep 27, 2010
  3. biohazard1991


    Sep 26, 2010
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    i do beleave that all the aspire one netbooks have the same 40pin screen plug correct me if im wrong
    biohazard1991, Sep 27, 2010
  4. biohazard1991

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    I couldn't say yes or no to that, I'm on my second AAO. I threw my old 150 out a long time ago and don't remember what the plug was like at all.

    Here's a pic from when I tore down my D250 though, it shows where and what type the sreen plug is. (Top left of the image, large white block, just above the fan)
    Swarvey, Sep 27, 2010
  5. biohazard1991


    Sep 26, 2010
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    well now i have to tear mine apart and take a look ill let u know by any chance do u have a pic of the back of the screen thats more of what im interested in thanks
    biohazard1991, Sep 28, 2010
  6. biohazard1991


    Sep 26, 2010
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    well i just took a look at it its not the same plug but on the back of my screen i have like a gold 1in conecter theres no lock to it its just push in
    biohazard1991, Sep 28, 2010
  7. biohazard1991

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Not in any hurry to dismantle my D250 again, not until I get that shiny new touch screen kit :mrgreen: But here's a link to my photo album I uploaded when I did the teardown. ... directlink
    Photo's of the back of the screen start at about number 25, enjoy!
    Swarvey, Sep 28, 2010
  8. biohazard1991


    Sep 26, 2010
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    thanks alot it looks like the same connection well looks like i need to buy my screen now just to check and if it doesnt ill just buy a d250 with a broken screen on ebay and put my new screen in it so it looks like theres no chance of losing any money :mrgreen:
    biohazard1991, Sep 28, 2010
  9. biohazard1991

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    If you were in Australia I'd say I'll trade screens with ya, I'd be willing to for go my touch sreen to get a larger one. Freight to/from the states for a screen would be a bit too expensive considering we're not 100% sure if it'll work. But if it is a success, please get as many photo's as you can, this will answer a lot of questions for a lot of users.
    Swarvey, Sep 28, 2010
  10. biohazard1991


    Sep 26, 2010
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    ill be taking as many pics as i can this is a contest between me and one of the networking teachers at my collage who just bought the stupid ipad and is showing it off and i opened my mouth and said i could build one better out of a netbook which is what i use in the class. i would like to make this case as universal as possible so anyone with a netbook could build it. i also ran into another problem is the screen resolution im not sure how i will get that to work if u could tell me what your screen is running at that would also help but i think i might be able to just use the drivers for the intel chip set for the d250 but another problem i will have is im puting the mobo upside down so the screen will work well the usb port will be upside down i was thinking of just useing some wire and soder them on the right way. but idk if i should even add a slot load disk drive because of the size of it. for the disk drive i was just going to buy a usb powered drive and mount the hardware that it has in the case i was also going to buy a mini pci card with wifi+bluetooth because there not very expensive. i also have thought of makeing a few extra cases and selling them on ebay for the amount of the carbon fiber and fiberglass i will be using and including a few metal standoffs so u could mount the mobo and some epoxy to glue them down. as of right now im designing the mold and i already have the carbon fiber which would be enough to make two cases. and i have the metl standoffs just waiting to get some cash to buy the screen and touch kit and slotload disk drive i also need to get a new battery .

    ps. if any one has any ideas that would make it better let me know
    biohazard1991, Sep 28, 2010
  11. biohazard1991

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Drivers will be dependant on the graphics chipset of the machine you're installing it into. But, under Windows 7 Ultimate x86, with a registry hack, I'm currently running at 1152x864. Its a tiny bit stretched but you don't really notice it that much.
    Swarvey, Sep 29, 2010
  12. biohazard1991


    Sep 26, 2010
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    ok thanks
    biohazard1991, Sep 29, 2010
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