SD Card removed while hibernating, now XP won't start up

Discussion in 'Windows' started by shsims, May 11, 2009.

  1. shsims


    Nov 7, 2008
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    This is a stock XP home install with no bios tweaks or anything like that. I had an SD card in the card reader slot when I put the laptop into hibernation. Some time later, I pulled the SD card out (while still in hibernation). I later woke the laptop and saw the XP login screen. I heard the typical hardware-has-been-removed sound and a reminder chime from Outlook at the same time. The computer locked up as I clicked my username on the login screen. I was not even able to type in my password. Nothing responded so I powered it off. It now gets stuck on the black XP starting screen that has the little progress bar at the bottom. All seems normal for a short time, but then the progress indicator slows way down and it will continue like this for up to an hour. In safe mode with command prompt, I can see that it loads agpCPQ.sys and then freezes. I returned the SD card and restarted, but the same thing occurs.

    I did the Alt+F10 thing, but it too just hung on the XP start up screen with the progress bar crawling.

    So far, I have used the XP recovery console to:
    chkdsk /R, no errors found
    restored default registry from c:\windows\repair
    renamed hiberfil.sys
    disabled agpCPQ.sys

    None of the above has made any change in the laptop's behavior.

    I have also tried to enable bootlogging, but no log is being written.
    I tried to boot with BartPE, but it froze at the XP startup screen with no progress bar movement

    I do have an external CD/DVD drive and XP Pro disks.

    Any ideas, please?
    shsims, May 11, 2009
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