What internet security is compatable with linux I have kaspersky on my laptop (windows xp) : :?
Linux is designed to be internet secure by default: you don't need a load of space-hogging and timewasting security add-ons.
Hi I have been trying to put Norton onto my Acer Linux version and having downloaded it and took someone else's advice to install and use Wine to open .exe files, still not properly achieved this task. Reading your comments, is there really no need to install any form of internet security on the Acer? As my main computer uses Windows XP, I know I wouldnt want to be without a Firewall and security. Very many thanks.
You will never be succesfull with running an Windows antivirus software on Linux with WINE or anything else... But then again, you won't need to. Linux distros typically have a built-in network protection and there's virtually no viruses for Linux. Windows viruses can't do anything to Linux machines. so just forget about installing the antivirus
Thank you! I didnt want to risk harming my new toy as soon as I obtained the netbook, hence feeling that I needed to install an anti-virus package immediately. I think it is going to be quite a long learning curve until I suss out all what it can do.
Well, let's try to put this into perspective: viruses: while there are viruses for linux, they are more proof of concept, and right now I'm not aware of any real thing running wild trojans: same as above, linux still is not the target of choice for crackers, as the distribution is not that widespread as windows. attacks via the browser (javascript thingies, cross site scripting, ...): this is something I would look out for. I don't know, whether this is wide spread, but then it's more cross platform and if you're doing online banking or some sensitive work, you can't be too cautious nowadays. While I'm not using any antivirus on my machine for above reasons, and also for what the other opinions are (linux is quite secure in the beginning, this is still true), I'm using the NoScript-Addon for firefox, and enabling javascript only for sites that really need it (and I care for) Klaus
Hi folks Thanks for the advice. Being new to Linux I am not sure how I install NoScript - Add on for Firefox or enable javascript. Any advice would be appreciated. I am gradually adding items such as Wine to open .exe files and have sussed how to get to the advanced info. I am thinking of installing anti-virus www.avast.com as this seems to be recommended by many people (just to play safe and have some security!). Thanks.
For no-script, follow the link info very helpfully gave, and click on the button that says add to firefox. Simple.