shortcut home page on Desktop

Discussion in 'Windows' started by karlh43, Jul 3, 2010.

  1. karlh43


    Jul 3, 2010
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    I have somehow created a shortcut and ended up with its home page in the upper left hand corner of my Desktop. Whenever I turn on my Acer, the shortcut apepars. How can I delete the mistake, please?

    Despite more than 30 views, none of you had an idea how to solve the above:
    well, here is the answer: It's all to do with active desktop. Should this happen to any of you, here is a solution:

    1.Open the Control Panel.
    2.Open the Display icon.
    3.Click the Desktop tab.
    4.Click the Customize Desktop button.
    5.Click the Web tab in the Desktop Items window.
    make sure all checkboxes in this window are un-checked.

    happy days...
    karlh43, Jul 3, 2010
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