sidux aether latest version

Discussion in 'Linux' started by djtilko, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. djtilko


    Jan 18, 2009
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    Well Ive been using as you probably know sidux for quite some time, and have now installed the latest version of sidux which is aether kde lite,and running kernel 2.6.30 and I have to say its near perfect! at least for me. It is also available as xfce lite and full as is the kde 4 full version.

    It running KDE 4.2.4 and boots up in about 60 seconds, but before any more posts saying linpus, fedora or any other distro boots quicker let me say that the wireless connection is also up the instant the desktop loads you are ready to surf the net or do any other tasks, unlike linpus etc that need a further 30 seconds or more for the network to connect and finish loading applications!

    Most things are detected at install including the wireless card, the wifi led and suspend resume along with sound and the sd card slots work on both sides although mine are always in the slots when I boot up so havent checked whether they work if not in their slots at boot up.

    Only things I had to get working was mouse scrolling along the edges of the touchpad by copying this file into /etc/hal/fdi/policy folder as instructed in this thread viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12216&start=90

    After that install smxi script from the sidux web site by typing this line as root in a terminal
    cd /usr/local/bin; wget;unzip;smxi

    Then you can install flash player open office and many other software packages and upgrade the system altogether on a weekly basis, thus having a bang up to date system all the time!

    Before settling down with sidux again I tried distro hopping yet again to see if there had been any improvements but there were none still that come close to sidux, highly recommended and kde 4.2.4 is getting very nice as it progresses to the extent that I am sticking with it. I really dont like xfce but if thats your bag then I suppose that would run even faster and boot faster too.
    djtilko, Jul 30, 2009
  2. djtilko


    Feb 24, 2009
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    Hi, djtilko

    Following your other topic about sidux, I gave it a try and I'm also very pleased with it.

    Here is my detailed experience with the last version:

    Maybe you can give me a hint about my last 2 questions :)
    margarett, Jul 30, 2009
  3. djtilko


    Jan 18, 2009
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    Hi margaret! ;)
    In answer to these questions

    So, what is missing?
    1 - Create a shortcut on desktop to umtsmon. Or, better yet, how to copy shortcuts from menu to desktop?
    2 - How to autologin my user? I am not used to login in my home computers :)

    A shortcut is very easily added either by simply dragging the program out of the menu or by changing the desktop view to folder view by clicking on the cashew top right of your kde screen and then select folder view settings this will then bring up a box allowing selection of show the desktop folder view so select that and then right right click anywhere on the desktop to give link to an application. thats one way the other would be to put an icon on the panel by simply dragging from the menu your chosen icon-program it will ask add program to panel and just select yes. this is all so easy to do once youve done it a couple of times.

    question 2 is even easier !!
    bring up a terminal change to root, by typing
    then your root password
    then type the following
    dbus-launch systemsettings
    That will bring up the systemsettings but with permission for you to change settings in advanced mode which you will see a tab for so click on it then you will see an icon for login manager, click on that and change to your user the allow auto login!! you will find many other stuff in the systemsettings also that you may like to tinker with!
    djtilko, Jul 30, 2009
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