Skype Issues - video freezing for one contact

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Toonster, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. Toonster


    Jul 7, 2009
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    I'm cross posting this from the Skype User forum as I'm not having any luck there!

    I'm a new Linux user, using Linpus Linux Lite v1.0.21E on an Acer Aspire One netbook. I've got Skype V for Linux (I cannot remember which version of Linux Skype I downloaded, as I had to download a number before I could get one which worked with Linpus)

    I have been trying to call from New Zealand to the UK, my contact is using Window Skype (not sure what version)

    Only for them, my video freezes; I will last about 20-30 seconds before I have to restart the video. However, when I call them from my husband's netbook (exactly the same settings), I can call fine. (Therefore I know that it is a problem with my set up specifically, and not the contact)

    What do I need to do to get my Skype working properly? I am wary of downloading the Beta upgrade as I am not good enough with Linux to be able to fix any problems which crop up without a lot of handholding!

    Any step-by-step solutions will be gratefully received (I suspect I might have a slightly incorrect version of Skype for Linux - if so, then which one would be best for the Linpus OS, and is there an easy way of changing over, or do I need to deinstall what I have and start again?)

    Many thanks for your time and patience!
    Toonster, Dec 8, 2009
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