For what it's worth, I compiled the latest versions of SMPlayer and MPlayer for my AspireOne (with stock Linpus). I'm using it now instead of VLC 0.8.7 and really like it. The picture seems better to me (sharper and more saturated). The navigation (fast forward/rewind) is much more precise and responsive (in VLC it was too rough and sometimes didn't work at all). And the subtitles are much nicer... If you wish - you can try it on your own as follows (sorry, but I was lazy to build a proper RPM): 1) Download the file from [URL][/URL] to your AspireOne and rename it into smplayer.tgz 2) Install it via the following commands: [code]cd / sudo tar zxvf smplayer.tgz[/code] 3) Add smplayer to the Fun menu via the following command: [code]dca add 12 "file='/usr/local/share/applications/smplayer.desktop'" [/code] 4) Start smplayer, go to the Preferences menu (e.g. via Ctrl-P) and in [b]General -> Paths -> Select the MPlayer executable[/b] change [b]mplayer[/b] into [b]/usr/local/bin/mplayer[/b] A few more technical notes (for those who care:) *) The mplayer binary is installed in /usr/local/bin - so it doesn't overwrite the "stock" mplayer binary and doesn't break stock Media Master application (not that I find it very useful - but anyway) *) The following "output drivers" (configured via General -> Video) work best on my AspireOne: [b]xv[/b], [b]gl(fast)[/b] and [b]gl2[/b] *) You may need to install some additional RPMs (that I installed while compiling the binaries and didn't took a note of) - e.g. you most certainly need [b]qt4[/b] library 'cause smplayer is built against it; use [b]sudo yum install qt4[/b] command if [b]qt4[/b] is not installed on your AspireOne (I guess that you need to have fedora 8 repository configuraed for this - but if you installed VLC as per macles* instructions you probably already have it set up) *) Latest version of smplayer (compared to the one available in Fedora 8 repositories) has some nice additions, namely ability to define default SSA/ASS subtitle size and "add black borders when in fullscreen" option that helps to move subtitles below the image That's it. Enjoy, Alex