Snow Leopard 10.6.1 - retail guide [outdated]

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by SP1950, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. SP1950


    Sep 4, 2009
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    Some Questions

    Hi SP1950!

    This is my first post here.

    Thank you for your great guide! I'm very happy to get your help reading this forum.

    I have some questions about the procedure.

    I have followed your last guide step by step but always get the same KP like yohko101 and others.

    When I try to boot from my pendrive in GTP mode without -flags, or with cpus=1, I get this error.

    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x2a6ac2): Kernl trap at 0x00508684, type 14=page fault, registers: blah blah blah.

    With -s flags I get your first error: PAE Enable <...> Error Code: 0x00000002

    This is I have done!

    I have installed a cham2 rc2 r640 in a usb pendrive with GPT mode.
    Create a mkext with MkextTool with fakesmc (from netkas' blog), disabler, uuid, voodoops2controller.
    Restore a MG Snow Leopard 10a432 in a partition of HD with GPT:
    * First Partition Mac OS Plus: SnowHD (where I want install SL)
    * Second Mac OS Plus: SnowSetup (where I restored SL 10a432).

    My questions are:

    1.- UUID: Is neccesary edit info plist in UUID.kext and change "YourMACAddressHere" for our Mac Address Card.
    Where I get the Mac Address in "About this Mac - More Information"? or any number will be ok?

    2.- DSDT.aml: I have used DSDT Patcher ( to get DSDT.aml from my AOA150 3309.fd Award Bios, but this program is incompatible with InsydeH2O Bios. ... pic=142434
    How I get a Patched DSDT in aml format for my AOA150 ?
    Can you post yours?

    3.- You have posted a Extension.kext in this post: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=15345&start=50#p95770
    When I use your Extension.mkext with MkextTool all is in blank. Is it correct?

    4.- In your last guide, only install chameleon RC2 r640 and don't copy another boot like PC_EFI_10.1 or 10.2 from netkas. Is it correct? Cham2 r640 read Extension.mkext without other EFI boot file?

    5.- To install cham2, I have used installer package and don't binary package. This affect anything? What is the difference?

    6.- Any -flags to boot with cham2.

    7.- When Is neccesary to do: kextcache -v 1 -t -l -m /System/Library/Caches/ /System/Library/Extensions

    I repeat again, Thank you for your guide and all your effort, but i think your last method dont work properly or there is something obvious that we are omitting.

    I hope that all questions can help us, Many Thanks again.
    arrasparus, Sep 5, 2009
  2. SP1950


    Feb 14, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    something is wrong...

    i have not been able to boot snow leopard after installing r640....AT ALL!!!
    i cannot boot the install disk using r640, but i can using r431
    i cannot boot snow leopard with r640, but i can using r431
    i use the same Extensions.plist and boot.plist for r640 and r431

    here is my boot.plist ("The extension plist is not allowed." the forum is not being nice =[ )

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    	<key>Kernel Flags</key>
    jakerrulz, Sep 5, 2009
  3. SP1950


    Sep 5, 2008
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    0. I got this kp if I install SL by osinstall.mpkg in leopard, but I don't get it if I restore the dmg and boot from the installer.The KP is a result of missing/bootloader-created kext cache.
    Try to restore the dmg again, but tick the "erase" option in the restore tab.
    Erase the EFI partition and install cham2 r640 into it (some guides are available on the voodooprojects forum)
    Pack the partition with the /extra/extensions.mkext, com.appple.boot.plist, dsdt.aml and so on.

    1. just generate a uuid with a generator (forgot what the name of the uuid-gen is)

    2. I think dsdt is not a must. However, I did have some issues creating the dsdt (something like loop error). But I think if you can boot with the dsdt created, then it is good enough... :p

    3. sry.. i just couldn't find the mkext you guys were talkin bout
    i have updated it, so check it out if u really think u can't create your own (i guess u did)

    4.At least I can boot with just r640 without modification, so I guess there is no point in copying those boot files. They can read mkexts but can't create a proper one (i guess)

    5. I sometimes can't install with installer. But if you can hear the successful chime, then it is a good installation.

    6. You can boot with "-v" if you like. But don't try to add "-f" cause that will get the kp in 0. And there is no point in adding "cpus=1' coz ht is supported!!! :p)

    7. That was supposed to fix the kp in 0 by creating a new mkext. But i guess this only works from a working sl environment and it basically does the same thing as "kextcache -update-volume /......./" so if you are still in leopard than this doesn't help/

    this was the second time i updated my guide, but i just can't think of any step i have done apart from the guide. just restore, bootloader'd, extensions'd, and i can boot the install.
    SP1950, Sep 5, 2009
  4. SP1950


    Sep 5, 2008
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    umm... did you use the installer or bin package to install?
    try to use the bin one since it always works

    install chame2 r640 to a usb flashdrive and boot from the usb drive and boot sl.
    SP1950, Sep 5, 2009
  5. SP1950


    Mar 27, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    i had so much problems with the 640 release of chameleon2. so i stick to the 431 (rc1) with a PC 10.1 EFI boot file. once i installed 431, i delete the boot file it installs and replace it with a SL compatible boot file. so far from what ive read, and seen, its really stable.

    here's my take on those kp's:
    1) make sure that the Extensions.mkext in /System/Library/Caches/ is correct. Do a kextcache.
    2) make sure that the Extensions.mkext in /Extra/ is also correct. In the kext utility folder, drag the /Extra/Extensions folder to the kext utility icon. the utility will create a Extensions.mkext automatically.
    3) have a valid in /Extra.
    4) have correct permissions. Since i found a working Snow Leopard computer, i attach the drive of my aao to it. then, on the terminal, 'chown -R 0:0 /Volumes/SnowLeopard/System/Library/Extensions/'

    boot and cross your fingers it doesnt give you a kp!

    by the way SP1950, did you try that sleepenabler.kext from the wind forum? for me, i changed my settings on my energy saver to keep the hard drive on always. i figured that if sleep doesnt work on the 10.5, it prolly isnt going to be working in 10.6 either lol
    yohko101, Sep 5, 2009
  6. SP1950


    Sep 5, 2008
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    Umm.. I thought sleep was working on winds.
    Will try later coz i'm still on the fone.

    How long does it take for u to boot?
    It takes me 25s compared to 16 s in 10421...
    I will reinstall it later if anyone can get 20s below!

    boot time is now down to 20s (for no reason)
    and the sleepenabler is giving instant kp (about pm & kernel cpu #$^&* mismatch)
    but anyone who is interested can try installing it in /s/l/e/ (i only tested /extra/extensions.mkext where it is not working)
    SP1950, Sep 5, 2009
  7. SP1950


    Mar 27, 2009
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    yeah, i know it works for them, but i just saw that kext and was wondering if anyone else tried :D

    i clocked mine at 40 sec when the gray screen starts to the login screen. i say 1 min from a cold boot :shock:
    yohko101, Sep 5, 2009
  8. SP1950


    Sep 5, 2008
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    wow... perhaps you got too many startup items?
    my aoa is even faster than my desktop! (which is an amd :? )
    you can get the approx boot time from the kernel log in console (i used "disaply: not usable" - [first line of boot msg] to get the time, which should be the number of rotations of the "dots" in the boot screen)
    SP1950, Sep 5, 2009
  9. SP1950


    Jul 23, 2009
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    Hey everyone,

    I had an awful time getting things set up. As it turns out, I had to resort to the osinstall.mpkg method, then using the rest of the guide here. One really important step that I didn't see mentioned here is that I had to set my Sata drive to "IDE" in the bios or else I'd get a kp on ioatafamily every time.

    A quick favor to the group: Does anyone have a solid smbios.plist file for a D150? I'll go create one if I have to, but I figured why duplicate other people's work. I want to have the smbios report the correct processor/ram type/and any other goodies for our netbook. My current smbios is reporting as a macpro3.1. Thanks in advance.
    mlazy, Sep 7, 2009
  10. SP1950


    Mar 27, 2009
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    i skipped that step for mine lol
    yohko101, Sep 7, 2009
  11. SP1950


    Sep 5, 2008
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    I didn't realize the fact that d150s have the ahci option in the bios. Mine is an a150 so i don't have to enable/disable ahci even if i want to... :(
    I am not sure, but I think the new apple intel ata kext over netkas' blog can sort this out?
    SP1950, Sep 7, 2009
  12. SP1950

    harlley sathler

    Jan 24, 2009
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    Hi all!

    News on Parallels 3 compatibility:

    An user has posted on the Parallels forum that if you right click (control click) the Parallels and show the package contents, navigate to the Mac OS folder and open the Parallels Binary, it runs as if it´s on Leopard!

    I tested the VirtualBox and, despite the ugly and not so functional interface, it runs very well! I´ve virtualized a Tiny Windows 7 with full performance!

    I´m still using the 10.5.8, but if anyone can test the Parallels 3 trick, please post here the results!
    harlley sathler, Sep 7, 2009
  13. SP1950


    Jul 23, 2009
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide


    That kext over at doesn't seem to do anything for me. Tried it in /extra/extensions, and in S/L/E. If anyone with the D150 is using the AHCI option in bios, let me know.
    mlazy, Sep 7, 2009
  14. SP1950


    Sep 4, 2009
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    Hi SP1950!

    Thanks Again for your answers.

    0. I have tried to build a DSDT.aml for my AAO-150 (3309 Bios) but always get any error.

    I have tried with DSDT Patcher (from iAtkos 7 DVD 10.5.7) from Leopard iAtkos 10.5.7, and with DSDT Patcher ( from Windows XP, but this program is incompatible with InsydeH2O Bios 3309 from my AOA150.

    I dont know how I can get it (DSDT.aml). Can anyone post his DSDT.aml or any url with a guide to build our AAO-150 DSDT.aml. Please & Thanks! ;)

    (Update 12th Sept) This Method works perfectly for me:

    1. Maybe this url is interesting. It is another guide step by step with all needed files for 3310 bios version for AAO-150. Many steps vs SP1950 guide. ;) ... ry_state0=

    2.- Again, your mkext appear blank under MkextTool. It is very odd, i dont know where is the trouble to see your packed kext.

    I begin to be some frustrated. ;(

    Nice Day!
    arrasparus, Sep 8, 2009
  15. SP1950


    Sep 5, 2008
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    0. I force-build my dsdt. Having a dsdt is not a must for recent cham2 releases but just in case anyone got the dsdt-dependent version of bootloader! Btw, i strongly recommend all of you to update to cham rc3 as it finallysupports sl mkexts! So you will not have the kp on my first post!

    1. That is exactly the same way i installed the gm (but not the same method in my guide). It installs the bootloader in the efi partition, so it works just like a real mac. Just pop in an install disc and it boots if you got the extensions in the efi part right. It would be very useful but the partition has to be gpt before you can do anything. (where it wasn't for me when i first install sl). You can create a boot partition for mbr disk too, but it would be much easier to just install the bootloader to the install disc restore partition, right?

    2. Impossible!!! Freshly downloaded and tested: [​IMG] Anyone who cannot use mine should create their own. As simple as using kexthelper.
    SP1950, Sep 8, 2009
  16. SP1950


    Sep 4, 2009
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    It is very odd.

    Freshly downloaded and tested with original iMac 8.1 with Leopard 10.5.8


    i dont understand what is wrong!

    arrasparus, Sep 8, 2009
  17. SP1950


    Sep 5, 2008
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    Me neither... :eek:
    Oddest thing I have ever seen this month!
    Try to create your own mkext then...
    SP1950, Sep 8, 2009
  18. SP1950


    May 7, 2009
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    Hello. Could this "zero kext" problem be related to the new method that Snow Leopard show file sizes, ie. some Snow binary files will show as zero size under regular leopard because Snow Leopard is packing the code in the attributes resource fork (the dreaded return of the old Mac OS resource forks). Probably some utilities need to be updated to show these files properly.
    kentest, Sep 8, 2009
  19. SP1950

    harlley sathler

    Jan 24, 2009
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    Hi all,

    I read on this ( topic on Insanely Mac that the new RC 3 of Chameleon 2 is able to load the Snow Leopard, using no mkext.

    I will not upgrade to the Snow Leopard now, so I will not test it...
    harlley sathler, Sep 9, 2009
  20. SP1950


    Sep 5, 2008
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    Re: Snow Leopard GM - retail guide

    I think the feature means 'proper mkext handling' instead of 'disabler/fakesmc' free installation. I'm saying this Because a disabler is still included in the bin package, for both leo&sl
    I have installed rc3 on the day it released and it's working great here. I even tried the -f flag and everything is just like the old days in leopard- working!!! :)
    SP1950, Sep 10, 2009
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