Software Updater doesn't work???

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Frappawotsit, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. Frappawotsit


    Jan 6, 2009
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    I'm new to Linux so please forgive any numpty questions.

    I've done the xfce-setting-show unlock for the right click menu, and i've also ensured i have run the live updater so my new AA1 is fully up to date with all the latest updates.

    My problem is with the software updater (right click on desktop, system, software updater)
    When i select it (i'm assuming this is to check for updates to all the software loaded on the AA1) it opens the package updater and after a quick download it tells me there are numerous updated packages available and by default all the boxes are ticked.

    When i select "Apply updates" i get a message stating "resolving dependencies for updates" and after a little while an ERROR box is produced. When i click on details to see what the failure is, i'm afraid it means nothing to me, i've copied the output and here it is below:

    Missing Dependency: gecko-libs = is needed by package yelp
    notification-daemon-xfce conflicts with notify-daemon

    Can anyone help me with what i need to do, as none of the software will update now.

    I'm not sure if it's helpful, but i have added VLC and i have also removed the installed version of open office and installed the up to date version 3. The only other thing i've done is updated firefox to the current version 3 also.

    Please help, i desperately want to understand and also keep linux, but if i can't get software to update, i fear i may have to move back to windows, which believe me, is NOT my preferred option!!

    Thanks for any help...

    Frappawotsit, Jan 12, 2009
  2. Frappawotsit


    Oct 6, 2008
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    Uh, the program you probably wanted was "live update", which gives you updates from Acer for your system. What you've just run is similar to add/remove programs in the same menu (which itself is a gui version of yum, the command line package installer), except that rather than letting you select new programs, it will update everything installed on the system to the latest versions. The problem with this is that Acer have made various mods to the standard system (a couple of which threw you those error messages), and just updating it all is liable to break something. So don't do it, at least not without making a backup first. (On the subject of which: ... ackup.html). In fact, I'd change that to just don't do it.
    markh, Jan 12, 2009
  3. Frappawotsit


    Jan 6, 2009
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    Ahhhh, many thanks.. i had purposely selected the software update, (wrongly) assuming that it was seemlessly update the installed software to the latest version.... the piece of the puzzle i was missing was the part where Acer have modified the software so much, that updating it may in fact cause other software to fail entirely.... NOT a good system by anyones standards!!

    Thanks for the tip off.... wrist duly slapped, lesson duly learned!
    Frappawotsit, Jan 12, 2009
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