Solution for 10.5.6 (No keyboard & Trackpad)

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by seal, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. seal


    Nov 17, 2008
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    Don't want to dismay you there but reinstall might be the easiest way out for now.
    Depends on your circumstances, but if you can afford a USB external Hard Drive it
    will be well worth the investment. When you get a reasonably stable system
    on your AAO, duplicate it on the external. Then you can choose it with F12
    at boot time to repair unfortunate accidents like this...

    Another word of advice (too late :( ) download Pacifist and always check inside
    these .pkg before installing. PostPatchAAO.pkg installs a grab bag of eleven,
    count 'em, eleven kexts. All of which are arguably necessary to run OSX on AAO,
    but some of which you may already have in different versions, which conflict,
    or have been overwritten. I wanted to ask Branch where he got that link from
    so I could read the original story. I've seen a couple of posts elsewhere in the last 24 hrs
    lamenting the awful lack of documentation on much of what's floating about the OSX86 scene.
    That OSX86_AAOv4.tbz contains a swag of stuff that could be useful, but,
    some conflicting versions, some things that may be no use to you.

    e.g. there's a GMA950.pkg in there that looks like the one I used to get 1024 screen
    when nothing else worked, But if you have been using Ox27ae then this could break
    your display settings.

    e.g. superhai said on his forum only a month ago
    that he would shortly retire SMBIOSResolver as most of the functions are done via Chameleon's SMBIOS.
    You really need to have been following the discussion where the package was posted from,
    and I'm as much in the dark as you.
    pink, Jan 9, 2009
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