[Solved] UNR, Sickboy kernel and Wireless

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Mutant, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. Mutant


    Jan 2, 2009
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    I've gotten the UNR installed on my SSD ApsireOne; very nice.

    I installed the Sickboy kernel on top of UNR without problems, seems faster overall but I can't get wireless to work.

    I've tried connecting to two different access points, and although I can see the access point I can't seem to get connectivity to the internet. I've also tried computer to computer connections, but these fail also.

    Any tips / pointers to help me get this wireless on this distro working?

    Many thanks for your help!

    EDIT 25/1/2009

    Got UNR up and working, haven't put the SickBoy kernel back yet but will experiment more as time permits.

    If this can help any, I did a clean reinstalled of UNR, then followed the instructions in this post


    Seems like the 'Network' applet causes problems sometimes.

    The instructions in this post told me to edit /etc/network/interfaces directly, which finally worked.

    Joining upon wake from sleep and restart worked once, but after a prolonged sleep (about six hours) didn't.

    So I added the documented entries in /etc/rcS.d as instructed. Worked first time, like a charm.

    I will install the SickBoy kernel a little later, but for now I'm going to configure my working UNR.

    Hope this helps!
    Mutant, Jan 21, 2009
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