Some problems with Xubuntu!

Discussion in 'Linux' started by meri, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. meri


    Jan 6, 2009
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    Before starting I would like to excuse for my not so good english, I?m Italian :) And I would like to say that I've tried to search information in the net, with no success

    My Aspire One version is the one with 512MB di RAM and 8GB flash card, I chose Xubuntu since Linpus got crashed after some installations and didn't boot anymore :? Xubuntu because I didn't want to dicrease too much the performance, but sincerly I'm not sure this was the right choice because Ubuntu is better for me ;)

    No problems with installation of Xubuntu or programs, the problems come when I use the programs :( (To say the thruth I didn't try the card reader and the wi-fi because I didn't have chance yet)

    So, here are my problems:
    - windows that cannot be resized (such as settings windows) don't fit the screen size (they are too big) and the lower part is not visible. I've tried (as found in the net) to press ALT while moving the window but it's not working. I also tried to put two working areas vertically and moving the window in the lower working space, but this is not working. Strangely, if I try to do it with two horizontally working spaces it works (I see left and right parts of windows in the two working areas), but vertically it doesn't work :(
    - I installed OpenOffice 3.0 and everything is quite fine, except for two things: menu character size (i.e. the characters of the menu are too big proportionally to the rest of the space on the display). I've tried to change settings both in oo and in the window manager, desktop,... but none of this worked :x Do you know a way to doing this? Maybe someone with linpus installed can tell me if he/she has the same problem. Or someone knows about a different version of oo that is better for the netbooks? (By the way, have you ever heard about Thinkfree? What do you think about it? Is it compatible with Oo?).
    - The other problem in OO is that when I want to run a presentation in full screen mode, the slide doesn't fit the screen size, and the result is that I have two black stripes at the left and right side. I solved this adjusting manually the size of the slide, but this means fitting it on every presentation I need, and changing it back when I use a normal PC. Solving another way would be much better of course! ;)

    Thanks for help in advance!
    meri, Jan 6, 2009
  2. meri


    Jan 6, 2009
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    no one can help me? :cry:
    meri, Jan 11, 2009
  3. meri


    Sep 15, 2008
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    first on xfce windows being too big - I had the same issue but solved it choosing a smaller font in xfce settings (where xfce system fonts are selected, don't remember where and being too lazy to open my One right now)

    then on OO presentations - this behaviour is quite expected as presentations are usually in 4:3 aspect ratio and One's screen is 16:9 so another options could be stretching the slide horizontally (fonts and images would be stretched and this wouldn't look good) or stretching proportionally so that some part of a slide is left off the borders of the screen (with some stunning really important information not shown on the screen!!! :) ) anyway I don't think this is supported although you could try searching for such an option in OO settings. As far as I know on 4:3 external monitors / projectors the standard 4:3 slides correctly fill their standard 4:3 screen estate when displayed from OO on One
    bloomdido, Jan 11, 2009
  4. meri


    Sep 15, 2008
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    On my Xubuntu everything seems to be fine with menu fonts in OO (Xubuntu 8.10/OO 2.4) - do you really need OO3 - and anyway I'm not sure the problem is with OO3 - choosing the smaller font in Applications - Settings - User Interface could help.
    bloomdido, Jan 11, 2009
  5. meri


    Nov 3, 2008
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    West Yorkshire, UK
    Can I recommend that you try Ubuntu Netbook Remix (UNR)? This is a version of Ubuntu optimised for netbooks and their limited display devices.

    There is a project based in Italy (lucky you!) that is developing a version specifically for the Aspire One.

    Check it out at

    By the way, as an Englishman I can tell you that your English is more than acceptable. I can fully understand your original post.

    ronime, Jan 11, 2009
  6. meri


    Jan 27, 2009
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    I have just installed Xubuntu 8.10 on my AAO and experienced the same problem with too big fonts (indirectly causing windows to get too big as well), however the information on the following page helped me through that:

    That page was golden for me and I followed most of the advices, fixing and optimizing several aspects of the installation. I discovered however that sound worked better for me without making the audio adjustments they suggested. I also chose the smallest possible window border and removed one of the panels to get more space for the applications.

    Except for some issues with sound stuttering (which might be related to some of the optimizations on that page) I've got a great system now! :)
    tordj, Jan 27, 2009
  7. meri


    Jul 28, 2008
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    Quebec City, QC, Canada
    I concur with tordj: the font size problems with GDM (the session manager) and Xfce are fixed by modifying xorg.conf.

    I installed xubuntu-desktop on my intrepid installation a few days ago. After getting fed up with Linpus, I tried UNR 1.0.1 but I wanted to have automatic updates, so I installed Ubuntu 8.10 and the UNR packages. It was not satisfying though, because the Netbook launcher was buggy: often it would disappear and I had to kill the process and restart it.

    I then tried KDE 4.1, then 4.2 (release candidate, so 4.1.96 actually; akonadi server was buggy in 4.1.96), but found that it's too big for the 512MB RAM/8GB SSD. So here I have come back to Xfce.

    I'm rather pleased with Xubuntu 8.10, it's much more responsive than KDE 4.2, and more responsive than GNOME as well,almost everything works, but I have one problem: power management. Suspending work if I close the lid. However, if I don't close the lid, my Aspire One doesn't go to suspend even though I configured the GNOME power management panel for suspension after 5 minutes.

    Anyone experiencing this as well?
    taxus, Jan 28, 2009
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