Songbird icon doesn't work

Discussion in 'Linux' started by allied35, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. allied35


    Sep 27, 2008
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    Hi fellow Oners, some help please, I followed this thread viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8013&p=64525&hilit=songbird+on+linpus#p64525 to install Songbird music player and it installed and I have an icon but the icon doesn't work. If I type /opt/Songbird/songbird in terminal it starts and works fine, but the icon doesn't work. 3 evenings of my life are gone forever trying to figure it out aarggh!
    I have searched the forum for an answer but could not find any that were in plain, step by step English. If you are kind and knowledgeable enough to respond, please, please make the instructions ultra simple ie "open terminal, type 'sumo clown yum yum', press enter..." :lol:

    Thanks for any help you can provide :)
    allied35, Jul 23, 2009
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