Sony WalkmanNWZ S515

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Matchieu, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. Matchieu


    Sep 9, 2008
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    Hi guys,

    I've got a bit of a strange problem.
    I'm trying to sync my Sony mp3 player with Amarok and it doesn't work for some very strange reason.... I did the same thing with Mandriva (which has the same base as Linpus) and it works perfectly.
    But on Linpus I can't manage to get Amarok to connect to it.... It's like it doesn't recognize it.
    Anyone got any clue hos to fix that?

    Thanks :D
    Matchieu, Sep 9, 2008
  2. Matchieu


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Ok, I pulled out my NWZ-A815 and booted in to Linpus. It is a little mucked up, but I'm still running the stock Linpus kernel. 'dmesg | less' shows it finds the device, write protect off, assume drive cache write through, etc and then:
    sdb: sdb1
    sdb: p1 exceeds device capacity
    sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk
    sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0
    sdb: rw=0, want=4294967044, limit=3596288
    Then a bunch of:
    Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 1073741760
    attempt to access beyond device
    The "want=" and sometimes the "limit=" changes. That is what I usually see in F8 and then after a quick bit it would get detected (as a removable drive, possibly belonging to a camera per the icon).

    Anyway, to still test the "something is missing" theory I booted into my F8 liveCD running kernel Pretty much the same out of 'dmesg' as before and then (F8 assigning it sdc vs sdb because I'm booting it from a usb stick):
    hald: mounted /dev/sdc1 on behalf of uid 500
    Back into Linpus, to try a manual mount in case it is just a missing HAL rule. Yep, 'dmesg' shows the disk part of the device is being detected as 'sdb1' when I don't have another USB device plugged in. A check of 'ls -l /dev/sdb*' shows there is a '/dev/sdb1'. Now let's try a mount from the terminal:
    [user@localhost ~] $ su -
    (enter your password)
    [root@localhost ~] # mount -o noatime,noauto,sync,umask=000 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
    [root@localhost ~] # ls /mnt/sdb1
    Unmount it with:
    [root@localhost ~] # umount /mnt/sdb1
    That worked for me, but I'm not sure what HAL rule you'd need to add or tweak. You could probably add an entry to your '/etc/fstab' so it is easier to remember a short command. Below we create the '/mnt/sony' directory to use, then edit '/etc/fstab' so a device assigned to '/dev/sdb1' can be mounted, and accessed, by a regular user to the '/mnt/sony' directory:
    [user@localhost ~] $ su -
    (enter your password)
    [root@localhost ~] # mkdir /mnt/sony
    [root@localhost ~] # mousepad /etc/fstab
    Now add the following at the end of the file and then save it:
    /dev/sdb1   /mnt/sony     auto    user,pamconsole,noatime,noauto,sync,umask=077 0 0
    After that you can connect it by running, from a terminal as the normal 'user':
    [user@localhost ~] $ mount /mnt/sony
    And then when done, but before disconnecting:
    [user@localhost ~] $ umount /mnt/sony
    Do note that if you use other USB devices adding the entry to '/etc/fstab' might not be the best way to go. Those settings shouldn't harm another USB device, but I don't know what you might be plugging in. The first USB device inserted will be assigned the sdb[#]. The next, if the first is still plugged in, will get assigned as sdc[#]. If you unplug the first before plugging in the second then the second will get assigned sdb[#]. So remember that difference if you are using multiple USB devices and change any call to '/dev/sdb1' above accordingly.

    Once you get it mounted I believe you either let Amarok auto-detect the path or manually point it to the directory you mounted it to. I've not used Amarok to manage my Walkman, since plain drag-n-drop is enough for me.
    yodersj, Sep 10, 2008
  3. Matchieu


    Sep 9, 2008
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    Thanks for that yodersj.
    I think I don't need to do any of that as my walkman get mounted and recognized.
    My problem is that I'm trying to get it to work with Amarok....
    But has you said a drag'n drop should work so instead of being stubborn I will try that :)
    Matchieu, Sep 10, 2008
  4. Matchieu


    Sep 9, 2008
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    Right... Drag and drop works perfectly :)
    Matchieu, Sep 11, 2008
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