Sound weak/not working

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by kirkevonphilly, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. kirkevonphilly


    Sep 22, 2008
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    I bought the SSD version, upgraded the ram to 1.5 immediately, and installed XP. I did all the recommended fixes and got it up to speed. I installed all of the drivers I found on the forum. Then I went to check out the sound...I started playing an MP3 and didn't hear anything. I turned the volume to the max and held my ear up to the base. Voila, some music...out of the right speaker only, barely louder than the fan noise.

    I wasn't sure what was up, so I plugged in a pair of headphones to see if maybe I didn't plug the audio cable back in all of the way. Same story, but instead of fan noise, mostly hiss and some barely audible Beatles.

    So what I have is some very very light sound, you can't hear it unless you hold the one up to your ear. I opened it up today and reseated the cable for the speakers, nothing different.

    Has anyone experienced this or have any recommendations?

    XP SP2
    kirkevonphilly, Sep 22, 2008
  2. kirkevonphilly


    Aug 22, 2008
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    hi, similar stuff happened to me last night! i noticed sound was hardly audible thru speakers when watching you tube videos,tho' thru headphones sound was ok if a little on the quiet side! have checked the volume control etc and is still the same. i even done a live update. was reluctant to do this because of all the negative comments after updating etc i noticed one of the updates was an audio patch! maybe my partner has done some twitching or somethin to it,as it is actually hers.its a shame because i was only telling her to lower the volume when playing back her digi cam videos the other day.jesus! i hope this thing is ok as i will undoubtably get the blame and my life will be roasted for the considerable future! ;)
    wavefinder, Sep 24, 2008
  3. kirkevonphilly


    Sep 22, 2008
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    So I've reinstalled windows and installed the Realtek audio drivers I found under the downloads on the main page.

    Now I don't hear anything but the fan coming out of the bottom of the laptop, but if I do plug in headphones, I hear a lot of hiss and low volume sound, even though my sliders are all maxed out.

    Any one else experience this?
    kirkevonphilly, Oct 7, 2008
  4. kirkevonphilly


    Sep 22, 2008
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    kirkevonphilly, Oct 17, 2008
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