Speedy AAO Easy to Debug

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by info, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. info


    Nov 22, 2008
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    Bay Area
    I had a positive experience that I wanted to share: I had my first, not so minor, problem today on an XP 1Gig AAO 160 specifically with Active Desktop and, before making an adustment to the registry, preferred to play it safe and just hack out the problem. I was unsuccessful and ultimately ended up having to make the registry modification which fortunately nailed it straight away. In the process, I was forced to log in and out and to reboot quite a few times. I am only now realizing how *much time* the AAO's fast booting and equally fast logout and login speed saved me. It was incredibly zippy compared to previous laptops which somewhat by design have come with OSs that have been always somewhat out of their reach. The Atom N270 seems extremely well balanced to XP and the AAO has been vey well configured by Acer.

    I'm two weeks into it and every day I'm more impressed with this little beast. I thought that by now the fascination would be over. The early adopters of these netbooks are definitely part of an elite group which I'm now glad and proud to a be part of. :D
    info, Dec 22, 2008
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