spit on AO751h, go with 10 inch?

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Anfernee, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Anfernee


    Jun 3, 2009
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    First of all, Hey everyone, I just joined this site to find information about the ao751h, which personally, is my dream netbook. big screen, big keyboard, 2 GB RAM and 250GB hard drive (according to the wal-mart sticker, which doesn't count anyway, since you can't buy them yet. Also, wal-mart claims it runs Vista Basic. Maybe that's the recall and the reason for all this mayhem. So what is the real deal on this ao751h? Is wally world actually going to sell them? and what about the processor? The only thing that makes me mad about it is reading about the 1.33GHz. Would I be better off just forgetting about the 11.6 inch, and going with a 10"? do the 10 inchers have the bigger keyboard, as opposed to the original 8.9? Ever since the day I saw my first Aspire One at walmart, I decided that is the netbook for me. Phooey on the EeePC, and other expensive netbooks; they'll update and make new ones in a month anyway, so theres no sense in spendng a lot of money on them.

    So, here are some questions I have about the 10 inch Aspire One's
    1 - are there different models? I want the standard netbook specs, 1 GB ram or more (willing to upgrade myself), N270, regular hard drive, instead of solid state
    2 - do they have a bigger keyboard compared to the 8.9? a friend of mine bought a white one for school, and hated her keyboard.
    3 - do they all come with an optical mouse? mmy friends had a miniature mouse, that I thought was a nice addition
    4 - Can you really get any other color besides blue and white? I've seen licensed pictures of the white, blue, red, pink, brown, black, etc., but in person, or home-made pictures, its nothing but blue, except for my friends, which is white.
    5 - how many of you guys "game" on your aspire one? that's one reason I want to get one. Not any of those heavy 3d games, but stuff like starcraft, Age of empires, and Unreal Tournament (99 and 02)... games like that.

    Anfernee, Jun 3, 2009
  2. Anfernee


    Feb 26, 2009
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    I am not familiar with the new ao751h at all.

    to answer a few questions.. To my knowledge, the 10 and the 8.9 have the same keyboard. Differant touchpads.

    there are diferant 10" models a D150 and a D250. each one has a few differant flavors depending on where you live. Some have bluetooth some dont. some have 6 cell, some have 3 cell batteries. some have a 3G broadband option (just launched at costco & at&t this week i belive).

    The 10 does not come with the accessories that the 8.9 came with. no sleeve, no mouse. Just the netbook, Power supply and a manual pack.

    I have personally seen Blue and Red. other colors suposedly exist, but who wants a poop brown netbook? I'll pass on the pink.

    memory and hard drive are easy to upgrade in the D150 for sure, i did mine in under 5 min. I assume the D250 is the same.

    Gaming.. yes and no, the game you listed should be fine. I play Warcraft 3 and few other games fine on my netbook. (you really do need a mouse though) there is a gameing section on this forum. it should answer all your questions. the 8.9 and 10 are pretty much the same for gaming.

    I think You alredy havea good idea of what You are looking for baised on Your questions. now it is weighing options vs availability vs cost. no matter what you chose, it will be obsolte in 6 months. so get a new toy and have fun with it. upgrade to a better toy in a year or 2.
    Plastikman, Jun 5, 2009
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