Spontaneous shutdown

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by Major Kong, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. Major Kong

    Major Kong

    Sep 26, 2008
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    I have an interesting problem with my AAO. I resinstalled iATKOS this weekend and the machine has worked like a charm. The machine ran for hours last night but now it is behaving mightly odd indeed. Whenever I turn it on it stays on for about a minute and then, with a small click, shuts down completely.

    It is like the power is broken temporarily but it boots allright and then the same thing happens. Has anyone seen this behaviour before? It is quite annoying to say the least since it renders my machine totally useless.

    I have a plain, vanilla, iATOKS 4.1 installation with iLive '08 and all the latest patches. The WIFI card is an Apple Airport Extreme with three antenna connectors (I used the ones on either end).

    Major Kong, Oct 19, 2008
  2. Major Kong


    Sep 3, 2008
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    Bolton, Lancashire, UK
    Can you check what is the battery level before shut down??
    melhiore, Oct 19, 2008
  3. Major Kong

    Major Kong

    Sep 26, 2008
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    I checked the battery meter and it read about half full. I also tried with the power adapter connected and the same thing happened, and the orange charging light was on all the time.

    The click I referred to might just be the disk head snapping back to position; I have heard similar clicks when shutting down I seem to recall.

    Still most annoying.
    Major Kong, Oct 19, 2008
  4. Major Kong


    Oct 15, 2008
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    Major Kong,

    Reporting same problem here in Jakarta.

    DId yours turned OK after 24hr? mine did.

    However, this problem seems to occur once a month (during my 2 months ownership).

    Really annoyed, still seeking to find a solution but nowhere to be found.

    the first occurrence of this problem was when i got AOA110 out of the box and was setting for date and time then it died, so the other problem was the ROOT PASSWORD was not saved properly so I couldn't access root folder, luckily http://jorge.ulver.no/2008/08/06/acer-a ... nd-tricks/ provided a way to reset ROOT PASSWORD without even knowing the initial password, handy!

    Please post if there's new development, you know I would.

    m1m1nk, Oct 20, 2008
  5. Major Kong

    Major Kong

    Sep 26, 2008
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    I noticed that the AAO was unusually quiet and that got me thinking. It seems as if the processor and the computer has a saftey feature so when the processor gets over heated it shuts everything down.

    I gave my machine a loving whack on the back and, lo and behold, the annoying fan sound started again and with that I got uptime well in excess of a minute... :D

    I have had it running for hours now so it looks like I must have found the problem, right?

    Major Kong, Oct 20, 2008
  6. Major Kong


    Oct 15, 2008
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    I would agree with you if you'd say AOA would auto shutdown if fan's not responding, but if you say over heating's the main source of problem, I have to disagree.

    Auto shutdown happened the first time when I was setting time and password, this is out-of-the-case AOA, over heating is out of the table.

    When I said it healed itself after 24-hr, i really meant 24-hr, i did try it back on in the next morning after I left it overnight off, therefore overheating is again no the issue.

    If you said to give AOA a rather "encouraging" pat at the back when it's doing the auto shutdown thing to make the fan running, when I'd say there's a sensor to feedback the system if fan is running or not, if not then the auto shutdown in one minute.

    Let's wait until next month and see if my monthly re-occurrance applies to yours as well, if it does, we might as well call it AOA's Period.

    I just read in local forum, only white AOA has Periods, what colour's yours?
    m1m1nk, Oct 21, 2008
  7. Major Kong

    Major Kong

    Sep 26, 2008
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    That is quite an interesting theory; that the AO has a date and time issue with the internal fan. I am looking forward to see what happens in one month. :)

    My AO is blue, by the way. It is a A150 with the internal Wifi card exchanged for an Apple original.

    Right now it is dead, however. Something during boot that keeps crashing; IOsomething resetting. I will check it out better and try to post about it when I get home
    Major Kong, Oct 21, 2008
  8. Major Kong


    Aug 25, 2008
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    From the research which was done when the fan control hack was being put together, it seems that the One closes down after 20 seconds or slightly more from boot if the fan isn't running, regardless of temperature. On the other hand, once it's up and running, you can turn the fan off with the software and it remains happy.

    Presumably there is some sort of system check which makes sure the fan is functional in order to allow it to run.
    daldred, Oct 21, 2008
  9. Major Kong


    Oct 15, 2008
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    Precious info, so I'll know what to do the next time AOA doing self-shutdown, give it a loving whack to get the fan going.

    Thanks all!
    m1m1nk, Oct 22, 2008
  10. Major Kong


    Feb 4, 2009
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    I get the problem today and have read through the thread I decide to give it a whack... and it WORKS!!
    I can't believe this is a solution.. actually is there any other "reasonable" way I can do if I get the problem again?
    Thanks anyway..
    davidchan, Feb 4, 2009
  11. Major Kong


    Nov 11, 2008
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    Seattle, USA
    this one is strange.

    have an winXP 'one' and this is the only thread i have found that comments on the issue i've experienced.

    had this boot issue for the first time today (had the 'one' now for about six months).

    netbook woas mostly done with system boot. the desktop is there but not all items loaded into the system tray ... i watch as i'm wating for netbook to connect to the house's wireless network.

    a CLUNK and the computer shuts down. after this happening twice i went 'F2' to look. nothing and the 'one' kept running. then the fan started. exited back and the computer did boot; and did once again. maybe this is a fan issue? makes you owonder with the CLUNK sound ...

    is strange.

    anyone with more technical experience care to comment?

    scoobflight, Mar 3, 2009
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