SSD gone

Discussion in 'Storage' started by willie, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. willie


    Dec 8, 2008
    Likes Received:
    The aspireone 110 from my daughter doesn't see his internal SSd anymore, last night see shuts him down and want to start him up again but he wan't start.
    All he does is going back to the bios, if i look in the bios i don't see the name of the SSD any more. I tried to bot from a Mandriva live sesion but al Mandriva sees in the MCC is the USB-stick named SDA. Does this manes that the SSD is died or is there a way to recover him.
    Installing Mandriva on a SD-card isn't a option because the SD-slots aren't seen at boot.
    Anyone a solution, the AspireOne is 6 month old.
    willie, Jul 27, 2009
  2. willie


    Apr 25, 2009
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    Long Island, New York
    It is only six months old it is still covered by the factory one year warrentee.
    OldPhil, Jul 29, 2009
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