Starfield Thread SternFeld

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Sep 1, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I was looking at IGN's screenshots of their playthrough using a 3080 and wow it didn't look any different than my dialed in settings at 1080p, of course they likely never got below 60fps but just quality wise it didn't look any better. From a quality standpoint I feel kinda sorry for these xx80-xx90 level folks who waste so much money and such for these ripoff prices for minimal benefit really. They can't run 4k NATIVELY meaning no DLSS2/3 at ultra most of the time and you need an i7-i9 to not bottleneck them. Add in energy costs and wow that's not a good price/perf ratio. From my research an rtx 4060 with 8gb is about 250-300$ not too bad but that 8gb is where they try to extort dollars really. For higher res you need more vram to turn it up, 8gb for 4k is not good, in some games I get 5gb vram usage on 1080p like cp77, sony ports, etc so 4k would be crazy, and cards now are really better at the 2k/4k end rather than 1080p end. They're likely bottlenecked at 1k. But 4k doesn't make a lot of sense most of the time really, it's diminishing returns and you can bet 8k is a total scam. Instead of a 4k tv I'd rather have a 240hz refresh rate at 2k. Most 4k tvs are 60hz, even 700-800+ tvs.
    Hertzian56, Sep 9, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I think I'm pretty close to the end of the main story but I've heard the ending is amazing so I'm kind of taking my time. I'm not sure if I continue my playthrough after the story because I'm deep into Ryujin storyline and somewhat deep into the Crimson Fleet storyline as well.

    I'm just past the flight trials of the Vanguard/UC storyline but don't want to go too much further right now. And also I'm right to being offered membership in the Freestar Rangers. I'm also at the Red Mile looking to run that next bootup, since Ecliptic does the security there I'm thinking this may be a recruiting ground for them.

    I will say that in the main story at some point you go to "nasa" installation and I picked up a Mercury space flight suit which is just like an aluminum foil flight suit and looks really cool with the deepseeker helmet. Ugh though, anything nasa is a scam, it's an occult programming tool and marxist jobs program for fully zombified "experts" who've been through years of indoctrination in scientism nonsense. So you get some data set from who knows where and that makes pictures etc I suppose mass spectrometer must be in the jargon there too etc They're just a form of disneyland fantasy world they're so corny you look closely at them and know the scam of satans space opera but I've gone through that with bethesda above. At least that's entertainment but most don't realize it's all fantasy in all cases. Go see the badly done CGI of India and the Moon lately but most large countries are all in on the scam and have "gone" since NASA went. I wish all these liars, knowing or ignoramus', would just move to the Moon they're so sure about it, but I guess that trannywood basement isn't big enough for all that manure. I bet Russia has a few basements full of it, move over stick nasa in there too please.

    My feeling after 50hrs of play is that the base game is at least an 8-8.5 and FULLY worth the 70$ if you don't sail the high seas. It's a deep, versatile, varied and interactive game with mostly great graphics. I'd hold off on the $100 version which includes the first story DLC to be released next year sometime. The base game is so big and has so much content that it's almost like it already has what would be DLC's in most other games.

    I also played Tears of the Kingdom in emulation and that's a TOTAL RIPOFF at $70. But if you have dedicated cult like customers it's easy to up prices for no reason, see apple and similar companies like Disney's total ripoff theme park fees and etc

    Add in the already huge modding community for SF and you have a 9-9.5 or even 10 game.

    But a big indicator if you're going to like it is your past gaming of bethesda games. If you liked FO3/4/NV or Skyrim you'll feel the same way I do as to ratings.

    The main quest is fine, the side quests and exploration is amazing. Deep faction quests and add in the space ship stuff, settlements, ship building, customizing weapons, etc and wow that's a TON of gaming. I'm not doing ship building other than upgrading to max components, I'm all settlemented out with FO4 and I have no interest in mining rando planets I use a nexus mod to give me minerals as needed. I like hands on gameplay and bethesda games have a ton of that, I enjoy the comedic aspects of so much of it in various ways.

    Only thing missing really is more clothes, fashionable clothes like CP77 had and I added a ton of sexy and cool clothes to that game via mods. I want to dress my character which is usually female in sexy clothes or cool tactical clothes for combat. It DOES have a tone of space suits and helmets though, just street clothes are pretty bland options mostly.

    The romance options with just 4 companions is pretty limited for such a big game, they needed more rpg expanded options there imo but I get it that overtly sex is not the focus here which is fine really. But it would have been nice to have more options then just the companions, even a few lite storylines with outside love interests.

    The city NPCs are FUGLY scary looking most of the time but like RDR2 they likely did this to keep performance decent in high NPC places, it's a performance tradeoff that I think is pretty smart. In contrast CP77 has almost all very detailed NPCs on the street which is nice but for that you get performance demands for just walking around and if you have NPC/traffic density turned up you will need a kickass CPU to keep the fps up. I think I've got that on low in that game but I've also got custom tweaks of all kinds for that game and hundreds of mods, largely clothes, guns, cars, LUTs, and such that aren't too bad on performance.
    Hertzian56, Sep 10, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Was trying some of the custom LUTs which are a way to remove the filters and help with the washed out look of the colors which is typical of FO series. FO4 had more colors but a lot of the time they looked washed out and it needed a gamma setting and saturation setting badly, instead we get ini's and luts. You can also use reshade but I've never been a fan of those, just one more thing to run taking fps and such. LUTs are just edits to the native game lighting files so there's no perf loss and only dragndrop no UI to deal with like reshade.

    I've been using Stellar LUTs which seem to be more handcrafted and not the admitted sledgehammer work of the top files lut mod. He really seems to do a lot of work using various tools in Stellar to work on the lighting and shadows and such. Devs don't seem to bother or when they do it's my way or highway no options, especially in bethesda games. The filters can be a bit much default as they likely have automated that similar to cp77 where if skews the whole image based on what you're looking at or where you are, CP77 also has a heavy green filter which I used a mod to get rid of so it's much more of a dark darks look. Seems to look better and I adjusted the gamma to 2.2 in an ini tweak, to darken it up a bit. Default is supposedly 2.4, so higher is a brighter ratio between brightness and contrast. It does look better on average and he also has a Gravity LUT mod, all these are just dragndrop.

    I have a few mods mostly qol, one that makes lockpicking just a couple of easy layers, does that for all of them novice all the way to master. FOV to 90. No startup screens just loads into the main menu, no day message which doesn't matter anyways as I block games from any online connections via 3rd party firewall. Still trying to get the easy temple minigame to work, makes you only need to hit one of the markers to activate the gateway instead of multiple if you don't get to one fast enough. I was bad at one the other day and I was at 20 and gave up it was so irritating.

    I'm going to try EXE which is supposed to make the effects a lot better. The fire effect in this game is very low res and poly and other things. It's not supposed to effect perf.

    I don't need anything that effects perf as I'm only like 45 to 60 most of the time with chugs with a lot of complex geometry on screen but not too bad. I limit my fps in all games to 61 via ncp to limit the work my system has to do. I bet in enclosed spaces like ryujin offices I'd get way over 60 though. My screen is 120hz so 120fps is possible but fps is cpu dependent and this i5 gets hot which I don't like for longevity. So usually I turn max cpu down to 99% which turns off turbo boost meaning it is only at the base ghz not the maximum boost. And in emulators like ryujinx playing rdr1 with full boost I'd get 95c cpu temp, without turboboost I'd get 54c, sure it wasn't as smooth but it was smooth enough to save all that heat, fan usage and such. I keep turboboost on for starfield but may try it off at some point. I'm using that custom dll to bypass the gpu message and game not running, but it's really about the older win10 I'm using not my 2060, M$ buying Bethesda nuf said.

    I used all materials mod to give me 100 of each one he had in there, there's more but I can add them via the console if I need them. I added 500 lead via console so I could pass one "mission" to get materials for some rando at one point. For the weapons, clothes mods Flings trainer also negates the needed stuff whch is nice, time saving. And the research minigame is really boring, how they thought that is fun is beyond me. So for certain in game mods you need a certain level of research, say weapon muzzle mods there's 3 levels and to do each level you need to collect this or that material in the world, ugh. Flings trainer has a no crafting material req cheat which is good since I like a stealth approach and put suppressors on any weapon I can. I also like recon laser sights and 2x or more scopes, highest fire rate, full auto etc Cutting out or down the collecting reqs is always great to me, not into busy work, time sinks. I like slow tactical combat in stealth which this game does pretty well, you just have to remember to tell your companion to wait bc they always give you away.

    Tried the mantis suit starborn replacer w no luck, the manits suit and helmet are fugly. They're like that for a cartoony-ness on purpose though but from a pure aesthetics persp they're ugly clown suit. I usually stick w the mercury suit obtained at the nasa facility towards the end of the main campaign and the deepseeker helmet is my goto. The vanruun one is pretty cool too.

    Prob like 60hrs into it and very close to final missions, I plan on doing them but having a master save backup before that because you lose all your faction progress and similar in a NG+ kinda bummer. I'm pretty deep into the Crimson Fleet and Ryujin faction stories so won't do final missions until those are done. I think maybe NG will join UC or Freestar, I don't think you can join both of them at the same time as they are enemies but who knows have to look it up. And still nothing on the order of the snake, thought they'd show up by now. Vanruun are also just here and there in the missions nothing about joining or much else except picked up a few of their weapons and suits etc

    I'm using the top files on nexus version of the tweaks for high, med, low settings too not sure if I get a benefit though as I started the game with those installed. I have a mix of settings but as I've said someone told me on a board that indirect lighting needs to be high at minimum to not get blurry backgrounds especially in cities and it's true.
    Hertzian56, Sep 11, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    About 73hrs in and finished crimson fleet storyline, last mission of ryujin storyline, andreja storyline done which does touch on the vanruun serpent but only lightly, to revelation main quest last mission and no plans to do it right away.

    I did get a bug during the ryujin storyline during key ingredient, once I was in orbit of carinae iii-a a ship called freestar voyager kept attacking me and I boarded and I think I was there previously on a rescue mission and all the bodies were in there it was empty. Well you can't travel from orbit to land during combat and it was impossible to blow up that ship. So I used movetoqt command to get down there but I was under the installation fell through somehow so I was once again stuck. I used tcl to turn off clipping and was able to just jump through it out to the surface and continue on with the quest. One note is that if tcl console command isn't working make sure you HOLSTER your weapon, then it will work.

    I also got a bug during an akila quest to help a citizen talk to his relation on a ship in orbit. When I got there it was surrounded by pirates and I was in that faction so the battle to kill the pirates wasn't avail to me so I also had to just use movetoqt command there. BUT inside a ship you can't open the starship menu to travel in your ship because according to the game your ship is docked meaning no fast travel until you undock and my ship wasn't there. So I also had to use movetoqt to akila, got that one done thankfully. Typical bethesda game has bugs like this and you can lookup the console commands online. It's the same 20 year old game engine so many of the commands go back to FO3 and I remember a few of them. Every FO game and skyrim can use these console commands, they did seem to change it a bit for SF but not much.

    I expect this run to take another 10 to 15 hrs if I don't join the UC or freestar in this run. That would be another few hours if I focus on that alone. So yeah close to 90hrs or so one playthrough is pretty good and I'm not doing the LONG "activities" list of side stuff or not all of it. That's the stuff you overhear while moving around places w npcs and I've done a lot of them but always picking up more as I play. I just discovered Gagarins Landing a larger settlement in the same system as new atlantis, maybe same planet can't remember. But it had no part in any quests at all, there are some new side stuff there as well. Also went to New Frontier or something like that which is a farming and earth history settlement and there's more side stuff there.

    I don't think there are 1000 planets though, the starmap has red dots for unvisited systems and I have no more of those. I have not visited every planet within those systems which is about average of 6 or so but have been in orbit of at least one. But there are in the neighborhood of over a hundred planets, not all will have habitation but you can just randomly land on them and it will generate things like caves, unnamed outposts and such for farming, clearing and etc
    Hertzian56, Sep 12, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I started the Vanguard faction playthrough and it's pretty good so far, good combat sets, interesting story, doesn't seem to involve the other factions I'm part of like crimson fleet or ryujin both finished now. I'm not sure about the Freestar faction I'm right to where I can join up though, probably do that one after vanguard concludes.

    On the mod front I tried a mod that is supposed to autohide the spacesuit in breathable enviros but couldn't get it to work and it is an esp type file mod so I always got the warning about disabling achievements which I could care less about. It went away once I uninstalled it since it wasn't working anyways. The saves in bethesda games always balloon in size pretty quickly, same thing for FO4, have to go through and delete every 2nd or 3rd one eventually no reason to have all those saves, just early, mid and later ones if I ever want to jump into a playthrough.

    Uh I tried the black mark I mod, just turns it black color but that also didn't work, texture mods usually dont for some reason, deleted that one too. But I've only ever got one warning about achievements in game due to mods and it was the breathable suit hider, looks like the other working ones don't tripwire. Again could care less about achievements since this is the gratis version that's offline anyways. So unless I see one that looks pretty interesting I'm pretty much done modding. And I use the Fling trainer to just hotkey up at the start for things like 2.5x character walk speed and negating crafting reqs, don't have time for that busy work.

    I also upgraded all the equipment I use the most on the benches, stealth weapons mostly. Big fan of the kodoma type weapons, silenced and compact but powerful. Mostly use the shotty and kodoma as well as the larian rifle and lawgiver for long range sniping. I also got the Revenant badass assault rifle but that's not a silenced weapon so don't use it much. I used it on the terrormorph in an early Vanguard mission though. Full assault would use it. I also use the laser rifle and one of the other silenced rifles as well. I use the UC marine suit and deep space helmet mostly, sometimes the Mark I or Mercury suits. I also have the electric sniper rifle, don't use it much though. I had so much stuff in my inventory I went though and stored most of it on the ship so just use the same equipment mostly all the time. I don't have to worry about carry weight though since Fling trainer has an option there to always have 0 weight but the selection menus are way too big with all that stuff. I only pickup superior or legendary equipment or if it's a rarer version of what I already use.

    I have not done any settlement, ship building or mining for materials, all that is not my thing. I'm into combat, storylines and some lite exploring rando planets here and there. I have so much still there in the missions that that's enough. So yeah I'm at about 79hrs into it and still have vanguard and freestar faction storylines and I'm wondering if the Vanruun serpent worshipers might be part of the freestar storyline idk. Maybe they're featured in the story dlc shattered space releasing next year who knows.

    I do occasionally get a bug where my char gets stuck in the invisible mode with just the gun visible, goes away upon booting up next session though. Uh another one is that the game sometimes loses my xbone controller and won't pick it up again until the next session, really annoying. It's supposed to hot swap between kbm and controller so I have to just save and reload to get my controller back. Sometimes it does pick it back up right away but mostly it drops it and I have to reload the game. Can't find a fix for this either, usually it's about the steam overlay but of course I don't have that, it's just a little emu that doubles back onto the game that makes it think it's in touch and steam is there, SOP for most gratis versions.

    I'm actually glad that Alan Wake 2 is a denuvo game I don't need another big game this year and that won't become gratis for a while I'd think who knows what empress is working on next. And the new Assassins creed game is also denuvo thankfully but I really am done w that series after Origins and Odyssey, great games but it's enough. I still have an unfinished playthrough of AC4 sitting there for a long time. I could see an Origins replay, it's the better of the two imo, Odyssey is great but just too much game really, too big of world, too much outposts etc Bored of it. I didn't bother with valhalla, doesn't appeal to me. AW2 looks to be more about some rando fbi negress than AW anyways, ugh. Don't call it AW2 if AW is just a miner character you don't play as most of the time from what I saw.

    So unless there's some emerging new big game this year that's not denuvo I'm good. Small to medium sized games are fine and I've got a ton installed that I can boot up. Still haven't done much in Spider Man Remastered either, not my fav superhero though. Uh I guess Cyberpunk has a big new DLC later this year so there's that. Saw a new rally game by EA is coming out but idk I still have WRC Generations waiting to be installed, in no hurry though. I play a lot at first but shelve those games mostly. I played a bit of WRC 10 last year but haven't been back to it. Same goes for Forza Horizon 4, and I've got FH5 waiting for install. Kinda all pro driving gamed out. I still have rfactor 1 w tons of mods installed too, great for F1, indycar and whatever there's so many series and tracks available but for that game I'm mostly those two series. Still eagerly awaiting the sequel to Hollow Knight, Silksong but who knows when that will release was supposed to be early this year.
    Hertzian56, Sep 13, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I honestly wish bethesda would make a huge game like this but more real times focused, a Noir detective style game like LA Noire with the whole world and such would be really cool. LA Noir is still a great game that I recommend but it's also fairly small and limited amount of meaty gameplay, it's no GTA or RDR like RS other games and Bethesda type open world games are much more flexible and fun than those two imo

    So as a fictional Gotham or Shytown setting it would be cool. Bethesda obviously so far has had the fallout theme of vaults/coffins and rebirth of the occult nature, every game you start in a form of coffin. FO was vaults, Skyrim was some prison, SF is a mine etc and various other forms of coffins like space ships, dungeons. You go in, transform, come out different, an initiate of sorts. But the dialog system would be good for detective type game obviously, the mystery, occasional combat even car chases or some creative way to involve cars but not in a GTA type of way.

    Obviously they're working on TES6 though. And I'm not sure the settlement etc mechanic would work too well in a noir detective game. Yakuza series only in certain games has driving but it's not in most of those games where you actually do the driving but does have some combat and minigames that involve it.

    They did have a lite form in FO4 with the Nick companion robot detective, one of the best companions too. Eh just a thought.
    Hertzian56, Sep 13, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finished the UC vanguard faction storyline and it was ok, it started out fairly mysterious and promising but was just ok at the end. One thing that was a bit glaring is that you go to a supposedly very dangerous place but you can also just head off to one of the procedurally generated plants etc on the planet and there's no sign of the bad enemies there lol outpost even had crimson fleeters there which were not a threat to me since I'm in the CF. I totally get the limitations of procedural generation though here, I've been to a few places where the outpost was EXACTLY the same setup as a previous one, that actually makes sense to standardize stuff in this space building thing though, and on a larger level too like whole installations. So the combat is the real thing there and looting-farming if you need it which I don't. You also get some unique equipment from the UC towards the end.

    I'm currently first few missions of the Freestar Rangers and another mystery, not as terrifying as the UC one so far though. And the faction storylines aren't all tangled up like in FO4 where you have to choose to betray one of them at some point. Your membership in another one doesn't carry over and effect any other ones either so far, for instance in the CF story you take out a part of another faction but that isn't mentioned or a factor in the story for the other faction. I plan on just doing this last joinable faction and then probably have some master save backed up before I proceed to the final few main story missions. Remember in NG+ your missions etc don't carry over only stats and such.

    I can't imagine wanting to go through the whole story again including factions, I'm probably at 80hrs in or so and once I get to the end of the main story I'll be ready to put this away for a while. I think 100hrs is pretty good. And that won't count the mission boards for all the factions, independent mission boards, all the activity missions and just picking up more random activity missions upon overhearing npcs. Add on delivery missions, ship building, settlements and prob more and wow it's a huge game. For just rando combat it's easy to go to some star system, scan planets and head to installations.

    The Freestar Rangers involve HopeTech which I had been to for the Ryujin story previously and unfortunately got into a firefight there so a lot of named npcs were taken out, probably had some smaller missions and such w those. Named npcs usually do. I picked up some activity stuff in Gagarin Landing and New Homestead which so far are two medium sized settlements that didn't involve main or faction story lines. I think I've been to all the medium and up sized places there are now.

    There was a small patch released 1729 which I don't know that I'll bother with since I've not had any gamebreaking bugs. Of course yeah I had to use the console commands in a couple of missions and that's great about the bethesda universe, you really have a ton of options and freedom which is pretty rare elsewhere and it's standard from FO3 onwards so I can remember a few of the common ones like tgm, tcl, coc qasmoke, coc xx standard instant teleport command, etc You could use the general commands from skyrim or FO4 here. The next patch later is supposed to have DLSS and gamma etc stuff but by the time they release that many will be done w the game and likely solved all that with mods.

    I've stuck with a ship I bought early in game since I use the infinite money fling trainer option. It's the largest crew number I could find so I can pretty much have the whole Lodge with me. The Taiyo Narwhol, not the prettiest ship but the largest crew accommodations I've seen at 7. I've maxed out the various components as well. Works just fine, has all the upgrade benches and large cargo hold for storing things. I've got my fav weapons and gear figured out so I've stored as much of the various loot I've picked up as possible in the ships cargo. Only pickup rare to legendary stuff anymore. Superior, rare, legendary suits and helmets.

    I think I'm done adding mods as well, the big ones like LUTs etc are done until they get worked on more and released simple dragndrop. Uh I've got a mod that gives minerals as a simple bat file, not into looking for all that on rando planets. The fling mod takes care of a ton of stuff that would be a pain to find separate mods for. There is a ton of mods for this game already, from small trivial stuff like hats to menu replacers w star wars etc themes and music to replacing guns with iconic ones from other games etc to a ton of other details if you are so inclined. I'm not, the game vanilla stuff is enough. I turn off the music in most games as well, it makes it harder at times and also I don't need a music video experience. Just the ambient sounds are enough, like real life.

    Great game recommended IF you have played a few of these bethesda top level games and liked them, FO4, Fo76, skyrim, FO3 even obsidians FNV. Because it's a form of those just w a space background. There are a lot of loading screens too, not a big deal imo. FO games always had a lot of them it's just that the main world was one big one with no loading screens and the various dungeons-buildings mostly always had loading screens. This is different since you're traveling between planets, you'd need a loading screen or pause in there because it's empty space in the context you'd likely cryosleep in this genre anyways, maybe ship management minigame in between, the space genre travel distances would largely be autopiloted since it's mostly empty blackness, wouldn't be too fun to have to actually sit there and watch empty black space. You get much smaller sets to play around in like the cities but also larger ones like the rando planet stuff and installations which isn't too interesting imo, you know it's just procedural and has no story to it just combat-farming stuff. All the procedural does is give a sense of scale and size but not much else unless you're a packrat farming lover or settlement builder. I like the hands on combat but there's plenty of that in the story and side content, maybe if I feel like combat here and there in between though. It's nice that it's there for a game component but it's not my thing to use it too much. ymmv.

    And as I've said I played the settlement minigame in FO4 to death so I'm not interested in doing it more in a different game. Some probably will get into it, and some get into the custom ship building part too. As I said games 8-8.5 IF you liked FO4 and played it a lot. Add 1 point for mods and you've got a solid 9 in my book, it's not a ground breaking game nor does it have 1000 planets but it's still a great game. Sometimes all you want is more of a good thing and this is what this is with add ons and new stuff and since bethesda isn't hostile to mods and the engine is flexible and known to modders that's a whole nother reason to give it high marks. Best new game of 2023 for me. I'm not into the turn based rpg of Balders 3 which is the other contender this year, so I can't say between the two but for me at least this is the best new game of 2023 easily.
    Hertzian56, Sep 14, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    98hrs all faction quests done, many side missions, to Revelation which is the last but one of the main quest. Again I may just watch it instead since NG+ you lose your quests and I've played enough for a while to want to start all over on the side quests and faction quests which would be the main reason along with whatever you get from the last mission that carries over. I used the console cheats to get the starborn armors there's about 10 of them and also a console command for the Starborn ship which is cool but surprisingly according to ship stats just ok compared to a fully upgraded Narwhol. I also got the Dragonfire which also has 7 crew and looks cooler than the Narwhol but has no missiles weapon slot so is not as good there.

    I don't plan on any of the other stuff like settlements, ship building other than upgrades, mineral hunting which I use a mod to give me 100 at a time for, it's a bat file you run in the console. I found the Vultures something which is an Ecliptic bar and cleared it out but otherwise haven't found much else with no red dots for unvisited systems so looks like just procedural stuff. Went back to Pilgrims Rest and there was a stranded survivalist not too far away got an escort mission to his ship which I then commandeered but it's not too great a ship, mostly a research vessel. I commandeered an Ecliptic Dagger smaller attack ship from the Vultures Nest, pretty small and I like having as much crew as possible available.

    There is pretty much an endless amount of side stuff like bounties and escorts and such on the boards around, and almost any named npc in a store or office etc will have fetch quests and such. Did some lost and found on Paradiso then did some LE mission there too. Already settled the time travelers there but their ship is still in orbit empty but one in the mausoleum. I still have powers to get as well but never used them in game. Mostly have my fav menu full of weapons I use all the time all upgraded. So no more junk pickup really, even the suits since I wear the starborn suits which take up all the slots so no other thruster pack or helmet with them they have them as just one package. Fine by me the starborn suits are really cool looking and have way above what the other suits have afa protection but you can't mod them on the bench so no adding in various things. So I'd say add in the extra 2hrs to an even 100hrs which is pretty good, still have activities menu missions but those are not too much more than the board missions and such. If someone got into the settlements, mining, ship building it could add a ton more hours to this game.

    But 100hrs is pretty good and I used trainers and other cheats, someone who played without those would probably have more hours or get a lot less done than I did before moving on. Trainers and other mods really help with cutting down busy work and filler that's not too interesting for me and this isn't some online game or betting or whatever so I don't have any problems with it. I always thought mods and trainers are a way to have more control over your time and experience then what the devs decide, so vg's aren't just a locked in thing.
    Hertzian56, Sep 15, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I guess you can just finish the main story and choose to stay in the "universe" you're in so you don't lose your faction and side mission etc progress. Otherwise you can head directly into NG+ where you only keep stats really. I've read through the endings and the ng stuff which is just grabbing artifiacts and doing it all over again but the constellation npcs change in different ways, but the world and the other npcs don't. And so if you do it a few times the main constellation npcs change more and more. Mkay nah not interested in all that. I'm fine in the one "universe" and game so likely not doing Revelation or do it and choose not to go to a NG + new universe.

    I used console cheats to get starborn suits and a starborn ship, that's all you really get in ng+ and I've heard one more new mission. No thanks 112hrs in and I'm good with my playthrough with all the faction stuff done etc. Doing the faction board missions also opens new things up in the game too. I did some freestar ones and there was some new things after a few missions. I was exploring a world and found a log to be returned to an npc in new atlantis, the starborn seem to be following me as well. Sometimes if I'm on a planet exploring they'll land their ship there and go off somewhere if they don't see me. I finished the UC police side missions with a simple mystery crime. Grabbed another UC vanguard mission, got a Vae Victus hit mission, got another bankster collector mission, did some of the general board missions like bounties, settler transport etc I was going to do some Constellation job board missions at some point as well and also Crimson Fleet job board missions.

    So yeah it is a bigger game than say FO4 which at some point the faction missions ran out, them all being story heavy ones instead of more general ones. SF has the story ones but then you can do additional board posted missions for each faction so yeah it's bigger. Then in almost every city you can ask to do missions for named npcs as well, out exploring you can get random escort missions, lost and found items and such. Some worlds are a lot better than others. I like the more barren desert or frozen ones or volcanic tropical deserty ones. The ones that are woodland aren't too interesting and you can't see far too well, bland textures and trees with no rivers and very rare lakes makes no sense.

    Fermi is a great system that has one of those rose colored deserts. And if you go back to Argos Mine where you started the game from you can see the difference between procedural blandness and hand crafted detail. It's one of the most unique sets there is because it's where you start from, detailed higher res assets, the surrounding area is much better looking because it was hand made but sadly the mine is abandoned empty no npcs and the world has very little nearby either. You'll find the most handcrafting in named places on planets mostly, not generically named like abandoned mine or cryo lab etc but named like Vultures Nest or Vlads House, I found site Gamma, etc And planets with major settlements seem to have more handcrafting sites nearby them. All in all though this game is a HUGE sandbox for modders and DLC for years to come. It's not as Heart of Darkness type of stuff like in the FO series ie no macabre stuff, but more straightforward trying to survive and thrive in hostile space sort of thing. Not as much personality other than the space opera stuff.

    Space is really just a narrative, it's satans fantasy space high opera. If any of this was really real in an objective way it would be terribly banal and soul sucking. The space opera of satan is really a vision of hell. Soul less survival, running around looking for material goods to run around more and look for materials more ad infinitum. No meaning to it at all. Instant explosive death from catastrophic decompression of bodily pressure into a void of zero pressure. And around every corner at every second forever. Nah this all just satans opera, none of it's real at all in the real world. Hostile environments and planets filled with hostile life forms and geology etc

    In all previous history of man on earth, which is all there is, you were provided with air, water, etc to survive free, no danger was involved in it. For things like food and shelter and clothing you had to work for it from the sweat of your brow but it was not out of normal reach for average humans. Animals and fauna were provided free, wood and etc to build shelter free, water free, air of course free, the soil supports edible plants and even edible plants just grew naturally in places etc etc Of course since the jewmasontranny satanists took over control of society most of this is charged for exorbitantly at interest and prices for such have gone up and up and up. And people have to work more and more and more to stay at the same level. Their solution to THEIR benefit and plans is marxism, which is just slavery under other names. How sad and low mankind has fallen, to be ruled by satanists but not even know it, even to love their lite version of hell, to prefer it. Sadly most people believe in their fantasy space opera, fully brainwashed so how could they even suspect these satanic tranny inverts all over? Very sad.

    Anyways getting back to this game I plan on just doing side stuff and exploring and at some point doing the final mission, siding with neither starborn and not doing an NG+. I'd think any NG+ might be best years from now really. Or I'll just backup my saves and start up at an early one to skip the first parts mostly, then use the console commands to get starborn suits and a ship. I now know the weapons and buildout that I prefer as well so can start with all that early in the game in those saves. I still have FO3/NV/4 saves all backed up so I can just jump in instead of starting from the beginning. Although I'm done with FO4 and Skyrim, all played out and when I've tried again last few years got bored fairly quickly. FO3/NV I'm pretty sure I could play through again and not be bored. I'm pretty sure SF might be a bored one though since I didn't play FO3/NV nearly as much as this one or FO4 which I put hundreds of hours into easily. Skyrim is a limited game really and I'm not into too much modding so it wouldn't look too good and is clunky really. Worlds not that big either. Not my kind of game too much either, magic and such.

    TW3 was different as the magic wasn't a huge trait but just a little tactical weapon, with the hands on sword and bow being most used. That games gorgeous, huge world w dlcs, lots of story and lots of choices etc def could play that again. And I'm not even talking the HD remastered version just the vanilla one looks amazing and is only like 38gb installed w all dlcs and I could max it out not too hard now. The HD version is likely just upscaled textures mostly which is about 70gb installed and not sure I could max it out at 1080p even w my laptop. Have to jump back into that one.

    Anyways yeah at around 115hrs and mostly done with SF, great game overall with some odd choices by bethesda but still overall great. It's the exploration, factions and side stuff that is most of the game, the main story is just ok like most FO games before it and skyrim. Nothing too exciting really. It's the freedom and sandbox nature of it that's awesome and the already hundreds of mods in the first 2 weeks are only a start. Add on the confirmed story DLC next year and wow great game. I think they needed to have less worlds and thus less procedural generation though, always better to have less but more hand crafted content than miles and miles of empty terrain and generic installations all over. I've been to the standard cryo lab a few times on missions and I don't want to see it again, baddy npcs at the same places in there too, ugh. If you're going to use the same installations limit it to like 3 times max or have a more random configuration to them or whatever. And it's not believable either than someone spent the trillions or whatever to just abandon them, or have some fully foundationed and structural material platform in the middle of nowhere on a distant planet that's just sitting there, makes no sense. No if space was real the installations would be very resourced and populated and used, vital and in well thought out locations not in some hostile desert or etc
    Hertzian56, Sep 17, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    At about 125hrs into it and just doing some side missions for bounty hunters and picked up some of the red devils sample collecting missions. I've also finished the artifact hunting that you can do in your first run I think as I've talked to vlad and found a few more, so far have not got anymore notices to go see vlad for more temples. UC faction has two types of side missions the first is taking out space ships in orbit and the other is killing terrormorphs.

    I checked the Crimson Fleet side missions and it's usually smuggling contraband, getting cargo from other ships by either shooting them down or boarding them or not sure, and stealing various items at places. Eh not too interested in that as I've still not figured out how to install shielded cargo bays to evade system scans and the hassle with going to jail, paying a fine or bolting, not worth the trouble of having to find a bounty board and paying it off.

    Why all the side missions and paying bounties and such are not just available via a screen on your ship is a bit strange. So you've got to actually go to akila, the key, New Atlantis, Neon for side stuff from each faction and you also have to find kiosks for general side missions which is in cities and some settlements. So you're talking about loading screens which we don't need more of in this game. Your ship can grav jump instantly millions/billions of miles around in no time but for some reason a relayed electronic signal can't do that? hm ok.

    Soo really I'm pretty much done w this game as I have no plans for NG+ stuff for a long while. Like I said it's a solid 7.5-8 base and add in 1 point for mods so that's 8.5-9 and the best new game this year imo. Only other ones I remember of the big games are RE4remake and Ratchet Clank Rift but those are not new games they're old games released for PC. RE4r was just ok nothing too bad or good, I played the original PC version as well. And my fav of the RE remakes is 2 by far. 4 remake is great but didn't grab me, no noir to it, not really scary etc and I had played it before whereas I never played 2. And RE3 remake as a cut down version of the original from what people have said and was short and very much more action oriented than 2. 3 also reused the sewer from 2 kinda cheesy. Ratchet was a great game amazing looking too ran great as well, only about 20hrs though, kind of a ripoff for the 60 they want for it tbh. I could probably do another run of RE4r at some point, I don't think it was too much more than 20-30hrs and they left out the ada wong side stories from the original PC version likely to charge for it later on. And Wong looks like and really sounds like a man, really cringey stuff.

    The only other big game I'd have interest in this year is Alan Wake 2 but it looks like you play as a negress instead of AW most of the game, gag. Prob grab it on the high seas but it's not a priority. Uh Judgement from the Yakuza universe too but idk the main protag is a trannyman so obvious so it's kind of a turnoff. At least Yakuza proper had male characters or looking ones and the yakuza over the top zanyness to it. Judgement seems very banal stuff so far haven't been back after a few hours, not too motivated to go back tbh.

    Uh so yeah likely put SF away for a while, it was great 125hrs or so and a few small mods like Stellar LUTs, easy digipik, console cheats but that's it, couldn't get others to work mostly. I'm staying on 1723 or V1 since I've had no major bugs and only a handful of crashes in all that time. Most mods are trivial stuff which wuuld not ad much and be a pain to keep track of if they came out with real big updates. Even DLSS likely wouldn't cause me to update since FSR2 w sharpening has been fine and I'm happy with the FPS and graphics I get.

    It weirdly feels smaller than FO4 since I played that so much and the world there was handcrafted so it felt like there was hidden content all over the place and I was really into settlement building in that game. Never modded it though, other than console stuff and a trainer. Only the major settlements and story places in SF really felt unique but I never got the hidden content in any of them too much. Or content that felt too interesting to want to do it, like almost all store npcs have missions but they're just busy work stuff mostly. I did finish Galbank collections missions as well. In FO4 you have to exterminate one faction as well so I had a save to choose different ones and played through each one. Also FO4 had 2 major DLCs which I played.

    So I can't say SF is smaller but feels like the size depended too much on procedural bland stuff and the same installations just in different locations. The three major areas of New Atlantis, Akila and Cydonia aren't really that big and the other stuff like Paradiso, Hopetech, New Homestead, Gagarin Landing and others aren't really too big either. Red Mile is just a bar really and I did the run 3x, that's enough not too interesting. So it's a bit bland feeling but it's a much bigger sandbox for DLCs and mods than skyrim or FO4 are. Still if you loved FO4 and similar this is a great game for 100hrs and if you are into the other stuff like settlements, ship building, surveying/mining it's even more content.
    Hertzian56, Sep 18, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I was watching some yt reviews about this game and the very negative one linked below has a lot of good points, and I didn't really focus too much on what's wrong w SF because it's just FO in space thing which I'm fine with. I didn't focus on dev promises too much, waste of time. Yeah it's understood that this game is just another jewmasontranny cult platform for propaganda. I've mentioned more in depth stuff in this thread but not all of it. I mean just look at the jewmasontranny matrix of today if you have the courage to be objective about it, it's trash, it's hell on earth and their solution to their problem they are deliberately making is a marxist State-God which will dictate everything, managing the surviving goyim as they would put it. Read the first few chapters of a Brave New World to get an idea but 1984 and lots of others have bits and pieces of it.

    The idiot dupe masons and their offshoots like shriners, rotary, lions, knights of columbus, mormons etc will deserve liquidation because that's what you're going to get and fully deserve it. The serpent sheds it's skin in it's winding crooked path. You are not just simply in egypt/sodom you ARE it, you are responsible for it through your tradition continuing of it for personal and material gain. Surprise, the leadership of all of those are trannies likely jewish talmudick-kabbalist ancestry, remember crypto-judaism is a huge parasite that is largely hidden. The HOLY Inquisition kept it at bay for a while but once Luthifer, Calvin or Cohen, the kabbalistic renaissance, greedy lustful monarchs and such came along it was just going one way and that's Apocalypse. The bearded venus-baphomet-inana kabbalistic cult is ancient and was continued through the talmudicks-kabbalist tradtion, it's modern final form is out of the ghetto through the various scams to enslave and breed out once glorious Catholic Monarchies and from top down pollute humanity in almost every way. Most people will love antichrist the clown figure these satanic cultists will hoist up as a super satanic fake saint like lincoln, ghandi, MLK and countless other devils clothed in the same deception as satan does as lucifer. This is the REAL dark ages for humanity.

    I could go point to point what's wrong here but will just do a few.
    -npcs are hideous, all trannies because that's their brave new world designer farmed baby factory world. The ones that are in ALL high profile industries already live this way. Todd Howard is just another one, a hidden tranny and likely a jew certainly a mason, no one has the kind of money to do any of these huge enterprises than the criminal central bankster mega monopolies. Yeah epic crime does pay, in this world, for now.
    -npcs are actually not human they are hybrids with animals and just design choices by these satanists, infrahumans as bred horses.
    -LOTs of jewmasontranny principles all over, materialism aka satanism, perversions as good, fake transwomen as women in leadership roles almost exclusively
    -VERY few white npcs
    -A minor but prominent talmudick-kabbalist clown on the paradiso settler crew, gag
    -Whole satans space opera fakery, an image of a form of hell really, banal, insect existence
    -Yeah lack of freedom as to who you can kill, but that's not really my style anyways
    -Atlantis is a form of what God destroyed with the Flood, it's perversions and satanism was so powerful, like today.. the city of Atlanta today is full of trannies and sickos for a reason, like all big cities and then the californication of rural states and areas going on for decades now, so evident.
    -It's not terribly original or unique but that's a good thing for modders to pick up the slack, bland banal worlds and installations all the same just small varations.
    -Story is pure jewmasontranny cultism, another satanic fantasy.
    -mechanics are nonsensical but you get used to them, a controller is a lot easier imo
    -Forced perversions that are in your face like the sodomite "couple" on neon and elsewhere.
    -ALWAYS prominent satanic obelisk-circumcised penis in all games. FO3 had the DC one, FNV had the space needle, FO4 had skyscrapers and the major obelisk settlement, SF has the Mast, the rock, rockets-ships, etc this is a symbol of these sex force tranny androgyne "gods" ,satans associates.
    -The various tropes like climate change inference, fracking, diversity/inclusion, other forms of marxism all over and what have you.
    -The obvious lampooning of St Thomas Aquinas as Aquilas the bad guy hunter starborn, classic Catholicism has always been jewmasontranny enemy #1 despite the general ignoramus world we live in.
    -Starborn= A star is born, an old trannyhookerwood movie trope that's been remade several times it's a ritual really just always updated in the modern form. Last one was the two satanist trannies bradley cooper and lady gaga. This refers to the mechanism in show biz and really all their crime syndicates way of initiating applicants into their club as a confirmed satanist cadre. It's really a FALLEN star/angel is fully initiated or invested into the satanic cult. In this form it's a young trannyhooker clown is brought up elevated by an aging established trannyman whom is mired in decline but in a spiritual way passes on and lives on through this new initiate it has elevated. It's a sign of the traditions of the elders continuing. The snake and the charmer as one tradition, using the spectacle of distraction and escapism on the masses for the cults objectives.
    -Constellation=jewmasonry secret club with all the secrets clothed in light like lucifer who is really satan. Whole narrative is just a kabbalistic trope.
    -Lots of nonsensical stuff not worth mentioning.

    BUT I still like the combat, the options, the extensive content, MOD support, it does look amazing at times, some planets are cool like the deserty ones etc, just more hands on gaming w the combat is my fav, similar to csgo tactical stuff, there is still some genuinely interesting rando finds, some unique side stuff like the celebrity clones mission, the lost settlers over paradiso, mars is pretty cool, the red devils mine early UC mission is amazing with it's size and scope and if you play stealth like I do it's awesome and etc.

    I don't get the same handcrafted feeling of wonder like I did w FO4, not as much personality but it's good enough. I don't feel like there's an interesting side quest or find just around the corner. FO3 was a lot more interesting right from the initial vault drama, a lot of heart of darkness stuff like Dunwich etc, effed up npcs like the kids in FO3, the hotel civilization. FO3 had 3-4 story dlcs as well. FNV had the western theme which was nice, obsidian extreme choices and freedom, a ton of real DLC etc I half expected Liberty Prime to make a comeback somewhere but never got it. To be fair this isn't strictly an FO world game though, still give me some references in there. And of course there is already one announced DLC for SF shattered space, likely only a max of 2 for this game. TES6 likely will launch in a few years so it's getting more attention.

    Last edited: Sep 18, 2023
    Hertzian56, Sep 18, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Another point I wanted to make was that just look around the gaming landscape, it's terrible at the AAA space for a long time, just formulaic franchises, remastermakes, recycled reskinned stuff, cringey stuff etc So in comparison SF is just better than most of it. It's obviously a reskinned FO game but I really just wanted that, more.

    When gaming is about graphics and fps for so many and about selling hardware and overpriced games, online cash register stuff and really more overt forms of social engineering then you have a sorry state of affairs. Even Nintendont is pretty bad, greedster, hostile to modders or anyone really and all about hardware gatekeeping. I get that Baldurs 3 appeals to a certain type of player, turn based DnD but that just never appealed to me so I can't include it as far as comparison of goty 23. It's a non game to me, but is likely the goty for those who like that gameplay. If it had TW3 type of more hands on gameplay instead of rolling the dice, turn based play I'd have grabbed it. It also features all the jewmasontranny cult tropes that all AAA games do so there's nothing better there in that respect.

    As far as similar but non bethesda games there's not much else that's better. Outer Worlds was pretty forgettable for me and I didn't bother with even grabbing FREE version of the final spacers edition with the dlc it was so forgettable. Even if it is an obsidian game and featured more choice and freedom than SF, more handcrafted, more overt comedy etc I didn't like the gaudy art style either. Idk maybe I should grab the spacers complete version load up my archived saves and give the DLC a try.

    No Mans Sky interested me with the hype train back when it first released and that type of generic procedural and settlement building, material farming stuff just never grabbed me. I've also played a couple of the patched up versions over the years briefly but the core game is the same stuff that doesn't appeal to me.

    I never really cared too much for Mass Effects either, it's too much dialogue not enough action. Politics the game. I did like Andromeda but it was not that big of a game and not that much exploration really, no mystery to it, bland diversity inclusion stuff, dialogue heavy etc

    Prey is a great game I just got done with a replay but it also was a loading screen heavy game. There was a few choices to make and the meat of the game was really helping survivors and finding the remains of those scattered about who didn't survive. It looks great, not world shattering but it's enough. I played mooncrash a bit but it just gets old since it's a rogue lite or like whatever where you're expected to escape or die over and over and move forward with new play, but I got bored w it eventually. Just like all space opera games the science isn't accurate to their system or to any real world way fake space would be either.

    So yeah the bethesda FO games I enjoyed and FNV obsidian FO universe game also. I played the hell out of vanilla FO4 and the DLCs and just used the console cheats and a trainer. So yeah this game had a lot of that just different setting and stories so to me this is the best game this year so far. BUT it does have a LOT of problems and such. But the hate is a little overblown snowflake stuff. If you're focusing on what some star dev promises for a game instead of just the game as is you're going to be really mad a lot. Granted I do not pay for games, and all entertainment of the last 130 years it's just jewmasontranny social programming focused and should be free or just paid back for costs not profits. So yeah if I put a lot of my own money into it I'd probably be a lot more pissed off too, but that's a losers game. With the deluge of games now and a long time at most one major AAA game per year should be enough, with sales and such and small indy games of quality that aren't that much at first and are much cheaper on sale. You'll burn yourself out w these games if you take offense like the above linked video creator does, but remember he does that for views/subs which is a way to get paid really.

    So if you take ultimate best game of the year to be on a closest to 10 scale for me it's SF this year. Closest I've played to a full 10 game imo is TW3 with both DLCs especially blood and wine. Open world lots of content, great graphics, great tactical gameplay, cool swords and bows, huge amount of storylines going on, romance, general adventure, handcrafted feel, great exploration etc Scale SF compared to TW3 and it's a 6-7 no mods. I never modded TW3 much either just a few QOL small ones, trainer, occasional console cheat.

    CP77 is a great game as well and likely a 7.5-8 in there and I added a TON of mods mostly clothes, guns, cars. The limited world and story is it's biggest stumble, but me being a noir fan is really where it caught me.

    RDR2 is also the closest to a 10 I've played vanilla, it's amazing and one of the greatest most detailed open worlds ever bar none. I actually like it more than TW3 or the same just different story genres. I also have a fair amount of mods there too making it even better. It just needed more SP attention post launch, real SP DLC would have knocked it out of the park. It doesn't have the choices of TW3 or FO games but just the world and wandering is amazing. The typical RS straight jacket missions and overall bummer insane story is where it faltered. Then they abandoned it for online garbage then abandoned that for a likely stinker in 6.

    I really hope to be out of this hobby within a few years it's just not getting better and the inflated cost of the hardware and now software is just too much. The focus on online cash register gaming is also something that is driving me away rapidly from video gaming. I've never done it and won't. I don't have steam installed or any other online launcher and won't. I don't believe in digital rentware etc I have such a catalog of games now that I may still play games just not as much and delve into replays and smaller indy games. I can't wait for the Hollow Knight sequel. The cp77 lone dlc comes out later this month may be the only other thing I'd checkout of the AAA games. AW2 likely will wait but it's another AAA one on my radar this year. So aside from sleeper stuff that emerges there's only those mentioned I perhaps grab this year.
    Hertzian56, Sep 18, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Soo let's say they just came out with MORE of the same type of TW3 or RDR2 SP focused missions and gameplay that was the same quality as the original game, most who love those games would be happy with that but it wouldn't be as profitable as the original with all the marketing and press despite the fact that it would involve really just more writing and minor graphical additions or much more easily done with the same engine and artists involved. SF is really a lot of that in the FO form just a whole new sandbox, new skinned stuff sells better with newer graphics and tech like FSR2 and such. And you have the angle with new stuff of upping the HARDWARE reqs, thus selling more hardware at the ridiculous inflated prices nowadays.

    And it ain't inflation, sure there's likely a component of it but the vast majority of these price hikes are just because they can/monopolies and less people buying at 30%++ prices makes up for lost buyers or buyers who can't afford it. It's well known that hardware makers either own studios or heavily contribute to them and their content. And as far as Bethesda is now owned by M$ if you try this game on an older win10 you get shut out as I was, I have 19041, in the reqs it specifically says 19043. Only reason I was able to get this to run is a hack that I posted above, a dll that is a 19043 version. So forcing paid or otherwise upgrades is also the strategy, hardware and software selling. All these games would likely run on anything win7 and up. Agility SDK is just another built in strategy to force upgrades at a hidden level. This hack was put up on nexus by someone else btw it's called a bypasser. It's likely a russian based hacker who made the original hack I posted above sourced from a now deleted reddit thread which I also linked to in that post.

    SF is just a mix of the games I mentioned above with the bethesda specific MO and heritage. They seem to just have moved on from the Fallout series for the foreseeable future, but as I've described above this is just the same FO story reskinned. Same form of vault/coffin dweller re emerging after a form of death, rebirth ready to learn more secrets as an initiate, the other story stuff like finding someone or something is the journey part. It's classic jewmasontranny kabbalistic ancient pagan cult in modern garb. And you'll notice that vgames is just an evolution of the same thing done in electronic media and in older forms before that, occultism laced.

    Ovids greek gods were awful terrible creatures with all sorts of vices and such, they were the chronicles of fallen angels or demons. The pantheon of pantheism at it's height in state mandated worship in the Roman Empire, we have a form of that for centuries now but more overtly in a secular-looking way since masonic takeovers of modern times. Going to the illiad and odyssey you have a form of it as well. Odysseus getting home and the journey there. And the previous war in the Iliad over an unfaithful but beautiful woman in Helen. Similar to Eve's craftiness and Adam falling for it blinded by the lower creature through seduction and his sensing the passive aggressive plausible deniability there. The lower creature easily manipulated by Satans lying promises, with the real objective to bring down Adam through artifice and deception from afar. Same old story that's just as relevant today.

    But getting back to my original point, SF is just more of FO/Skyrim reskinned and some new tech like procedural generation, updated graphics, new old story, space opera version. So if you liked playing FO/Skyrim you'll like this it's just more of it. The main stories have never been that great in FO/Skyrim, although FNV had a somewhat unique story there by obsidian with the choice to make at the startosphere. Side content and storylines were always more fun really. The main story isn't too interesting here either, so the theoretical physics babble comes into it with alt universes and such total nonsense of course but a major theme for theme among many.

    And as I've said I have really no interest in essentially the Dead Cells formula of doing something over and over to get slightly different results and some new stuff here and there, how they thought this would be interesting in a heavy game like SF is bonkers. Sure Dead Cells is a simple game that's not too long but in something like SF it's just almost like work for very minimal benefit. The starborn suit and ship can be had with a simple console command, no reason to bother otherwise. Uh I guess the other powers probably involve different worlds but you can just go to all the worlds the first run afaik, I've been to all the systems, though not all the worlds in those systems but scanning them most are just barren rocks or gas giants, the greener ones I usually go to. So to just want to go for some powers I never really used anyways is fubar.

    It's the factions, side quests and general exploration as well as combat that's fun, not any NG+ stuff. In fact I'm thinking of just loading up an early save and grabbing the starborn suit and ship then, I know the weapons I like and how I want them modded, all the skills can be had with the trainer, all money too etc Only difference to me afa the factions is I could join SysDef and infiltrate the Crimson Fleet instead of honestly joining it like I did. Redoing the missions would likely be fun in the other factions. Maybe a different compromise with the 200 year old settlers, choosing a different path between genghis, FDR, or the egyptian princess in that quest. Developing Sarah as a companion more and saving her on the Eye would be better, not too much a barret fan and I've done Andreja as a companion and romanced.
    Hertzian56, Sep 19, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And I never use the starbon ship, it only has 5 crew and I use the Narwhol since it has the most I've seen in vanilla ships, 7. So therefore I can have the whole Lodge mostly onboard. The SB ship is the most combat focused but I just use the trainer for ship invincibility and such. The SB suit has very high protection, built in balanced boost pack and looks by far the best of all the vanilla suits. There are about 10 variations under different names as well. I even game my current companion one to wear. I've had Autumn from the freestar rangers as a companion, a lot less annoying comments.

    So yeah just basically another run but slightly different but with all the intro stuff fresh unlike in NG+ sounds better to me. I'd likely load up somewhere not too far after the first few missions. I didn't do the factions until close to the end of the main quest.
    Hertzian56, Sep 19, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Another annoyance I've noticed is that Earth is some sand world now but there are no settlements whatsoever there, huh? Makes little sense that the moon is all settlements, mars, venus etc all have settlements but they made sure sand world Earth has no settlements, ridiculous nonsense of course. Of course it's just a game but also a platform for their propaganda of all kinds, easy to see. I think I'll try to make ONE settlement in this game and it will be on Earth lol

    As I've said this is all scientism fake science presented, the Earth is in reality a heat pump, a CLOSED system therefore water is not lost by evap it just goes into the sky makes clouds and falls somewhere as the equivalent of soft/distilled water with no minerals in it. It picks up minerals falling through dust etc in the air it falls through and also once it goes down into the water table below. Natural soft water is in places where it rains so much that it runs off and collects little to no minerals since the ground is already saturated, say the pac NW. Oceans have tons of evap daily but it all flows back eventually somehow, only way it doesn't is through storage long term but even then it will if the stored water is used in any way.

    So since the Earth is a closed system yeah hot and cold can move around on a longer timeline but it's not lost to "space". And since the sun isn't enveloping the whole Earth all the time in light you'll never get an oven boiler cooker effect, clouds also cool down the surface. The oceans are major parts of the heat pump, so even if they rise it's actually better, but of course makes no sense overall since it's a CLOSED system. Only geographical or volcanic etc changes could make a rise of levels on a local level, there's virtually nothing big enough for all levels everywhere to rise, that's only unknown power level like God.
    Hertzian56, Sep 21, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just to add yeah I did load up a save after the first mine part with sarah as a companion but before the first mission with her along. I added starborn suits via console, 5 each of the 10 or so. Gave sarah one, and am just picking up less stuff or selling it off. I know the loadout I use mostly and of course a companion loadout. Console bat files for research, perks, materials etc to cut all that out and just focus on side stuff and hidden stuff. I still can't figure out Muria at Galbank lol or the sweeper lady at the NAT and her bf who loves coffee.

    Left off last at saving barrett. So I'll just keep going I guess until I get totally bored which isn't too far away really. Over 130hrs is a lot of play. No more mods for me and I'm still at 1723. Just stellar LUTs, digipicks, console commands, fling trainer. I just use FSR2 w 80% sharpening and it's fine, I get over 60 easy inside but I limit all games to 60 via ncp for system stability. Outside it can drop to 45 or so. I'm at 1080p with res scale to 88 or so, all medium except low shadows, high indirect lighting, low volumetrics.

    It's nice just having starborn suits, legendary pickups and the constellation suit, so much junk to pickup in this game it's nice to cut way down all over. Still can't just have a dozen or so weapons though but have a lot less. I have a different ship but it has 7 crew so works, can't remember the name though. I only use the ships you can buy and upgrade them but modders have made some that are pretty cool looking too bad there isn't a way to make spaceships easily installed in a modular way.

    Anyways was actually thinking of some TW3 play again. I've also still got cp77 fully modded on my secondary NVME but idk I played that one for hundreds of hours kinda done w it storywise but it's cool to just look at it and wander around do some of the small side stuff.
    Hertzian56, Sep 21, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Another annoying thing I forgot about was that almost without exception every authority or main figure in this game is what is represented as female, or negro or other. There are no caucasian males almost at all. Sam and the other constellation guy are almost the only two I can remember. Again just another platform for subversion and programming, all their properties are there's never any whole good about anything this satanic cult finances, writes, directs etc

    You can see easily the npcs are all mixes and all look literally like human-animal hybrids, just weird frog eyes and faces bizarre stuff. These people worked on this game for over 5 years they know exactly what they were doing don't doubt it, the plausible deniability is very thin for these megacorps in any project. Sure negligence and stupidity happens but not in some huge project that goes through hundreds of reviews and such over the years, nah.

    We see this in the real world a lot lately, whole city councils of what appear to be women, likely all trannies though, and major cities have these nasty tranny women mayors like SF, NOLA and even in small rural cities totally unqualified women somehow made the vote, nah nonsense. And real women are just like eve, easily fooled by the devil and his associates which then is used to tear down the Adam from afar, crafty. Feminism is jewish-masonic from beginning, and likely mostly trannies since these organized movements are all jewmasonic infested.

    It started in England by a form of terrorism, that cursed island has done more harm to the world since at the muslim-mongol invasions of the past. Their cursed empire was really a talmudick-kabbalist directed one of piracy, dope inc and subversion. Started in 1688 w the cursed usurper financed by amsterdam tribesters, william was likely a crypto himself and orange=33 they now have another williamina in the wings and another henry 9th in the wings as well, oof. How many JUKers know that their sick royals have been crypto jew trannies for a long long time? Cut the hair on that **** elizabeth 2 and it was just a small jewish man, look at pics when he was young with his brother, both trannies. It's a freaking satanic cult that was inserted into the royalty from the ghetto pit likely somewhere between Henry 8th philanderer scum and William of Orange scum, probably the later. The Lionheart was the last great English King period and he went on a Crusade at the behest of the Pope. Nobility hasn't been there since then. Whole 1600s was the real first major revolution in Europe since the protestant one, it wasn't any 1789-1815 that was a mid point one to 1917-1945. And this satanic empire reaches all across the world now, with a long tradition of trannyism all over.

    I rewatched this awful movie called Lamb with the tranny Noomi Rapace in there so gross and it's about a tranny couple, hard "woman" and big soft "man", running a farm on Iceland, mostly lambs. So they are barren likely from the hormones, procedures and such so the magical solution is some very sick human-lamb hybrid that somehow shows up and this sick couple adopts it. Noomi kills it's fully lamb mother with a gun and every time they can't find it it's really cringe to hear this man called Noomi scream with his man voice the name of this abomination. It's called Ada. So the under message there is human-animal hybrid babies being grown in an artificial womb, and there HAS been publicly shown a lamb being grown in an artificial womb IRL, look it up. And perhaps this is done in huge underground factories in places like Iceland, easier to fly to europe and eastern US. The stork analogy they came up with for this probably.

    Read the whole Brave New World book first few chapters, it's in there. And these male looking women are likely not having the children, at least the higher profile ones so there must be some standard service this cult has for children. Give your bodily samples and they take care of the rest, it's just an advanced form of human surrogates really. Many Many of the trannywood ones have a twin way out of normal probability, pointing to the use of hormones for helping the IVF to take and such. Dr Mengele also specialized in twins, he was definitely in this cult. These people value life very cheap so human engineering from as early as possible is likely done, dna mixes with animal dna and etc is very likely. Also the offspring likely goes through extensive conditioning before delivery, pavlovian, hypnotic, drugs, implants you name it. They are raised as the opposite of their sex as determined by skeletal proportions including finger ratio and size, feet size, hips of course, etc it's about the ratios not absolutes. This is as I've said a tradition of inversion as a way to show fealty to satan. Androgyne gods as Adam is in their effed up false beliefs. We see that the offspring of these public people look like them so there is material used from them, like a sperm bank or egg donor type of thing. They're usually eerily similar looking, likely those assigned these offspring were the same thing so there is likely a bank of all of their material taken from after or before birth. They likely can do this without fluid samples from the assigned parents, just dna but who knows.
    Hertzian56, Sep 21, 2023
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Anyways getting back to the game I think it also gets a bad rap as far as random content. Usually these complaints are from people who play very few hours, like 20 or less, or not at all. Youtube play is very focused on missions, there's not much just random planet wandering etc

    I've landed at empty worlds or abandoned installations and had a few different scenarios happen. If you happen upon a stranded traveler usually it is an escort them back to their ship which is pretty far by foot defending them against creatures. I came across one that had a pirate ambush with a rigged up microphone of some settler calling for help. Another one was a huge farm that was overrun with deadly huge bugs. So yeah the game does have at least some random scenarios that are interesting. I also was browsing systems and came across an SOS from a ship with someone on it who could be a crew member or companion but I didn't have ship parts to give HER (once again) to become a crew for some reason.

    Of course there's always the ones that are go here kill these guys from settlers and miners and such, usually skip those. Some are requests to ferry someone off a planet to a city, standard stuff that's only occasionally interesting.

    I've also done two very rough and quick settlements. One is on Earth which has no other installations or settlements, only story stuff that's empty otherwise like the nasa thing, london monument and who knows what else but that's all just for show. The other is on Eridani or something. The perks cheats and other cheats make everything avail right out of the gate, no grinding. I did the hell out of settlements in FO4 and have no plans to do much more in SF. Almost the only reason is to have a way to remember where worlds I like are since there's no easy index of where you've been and what you did there in this game.
    Hertzian56, Sep 21, 2023
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    After 140-150hrs def kinda bored w this game. This reload of an early save I have done things a bit different but not that much different. I wish there was some real choice here without it adding objectives to your list, if I want to just NOT do some quests I wish I could not have to look at it on my quest list gone. And all these quest givers are marked essential so no blowing them away which would be certainly another way to not do that quest. There is a mod that can mark them as non-essential I think but I doubt it's going to do anything but break the game, ie npc dead but still have the objective to talk to them. Nah.

    It would be nice to have the option to side w the bad guys on a smaller level too though, I mean I was part of all the major factions last time including crimson fleet and they don't really intersect like FO4. The trend w bethesda is definitely less choice and consequences most of the time. Spacers, Ecliptic and Varuun Zealots would have been nice as a neutral bad guy to just opt out.

    I think vanruun and ecliptic will likely be a larger part of the DLC next year, Spacers are just generic bad guys to take out. And no matter how many of those three factions you take out you don't get any bounty on you, which is kinda strange tbh. I've got bounties put on me from all of the joinable factions besides Ryujin. Ecliptic has a base called the Vultures Lair or something like that, Vanruun don't afaik. The Red Mile where there are ecliptic guards might be a possible connection w them the more you do the Run which is pretty boring tbh I've done it like 5 times but the record is 28 times nah not going to sit through being announced and all that 29 times.

    If you joined the crimson fleet and went to a fair bit of abandoned places or still doing bounties and they were crimson fleet there was no resistance there until you fired the first shot.

    Still who can complain about a 70$ base game if you get at least 70hrs out of it, 1/hr is a lot better than most entertainment today. Even digital movie rentals are usually more than that per hour of entertainment. The mods do extend it as well in some instances. Prob keep it on the ssd until I really need the space, I'm guessing the cp77 phantom liberty will add 30gb to the base game and my base game with about 2gb of mods is around 70gb so 100gb for cp77 dlc1 game. I'd guess Alan Wake 2 is going to be 60gb or so. I have to be very selective for nvme and ssd space. SF wasn't an option had to do either one otherwise it's horrible. AW2 prob be fine on an hdd, usually cp77 is fine but I have it on an nvme since I used to play it all the time.
    Hertzian56, Sep 23, 2023
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I found a couple of interesting things just exploring systems last night. A reliant organics lab that had gone wrong, one caretaker and an industrial accident made for a permanent lockdown and infestation so it was pretty creepy to find a way in and clear it the reactivate it after that. Pretty cool.

    Another was an abandoned Freestar Rangers base with some spacers to clear out or maybe crimson fleet, then a whole story about it being forgotten and the rangers decided to have a party lol The base is on a high plateau.

    I also found Nishina Research but out of the quest line so was not able to enter it. I think I might use the no clip console command to just head inside. During that mission later on you don't get too much chance to see it too much but I won't go into that mission much here.

    I found an abandoned Deimos ship yard which was cool to see and clear out. Found Safehouse Gamma again in this replay, it is creepy the first time you do it.

    So there's definitely value in just rando exploring systems. I don't bother with the generic named stuff like abandoned cryo lab, outposts, etc that's just generic stuff. Only really land on interesting looking worlds as well, none of this rock world stuff. Needs to be some place to land that is unique OR that I haven't ever been to one like the abandoned freestar base. I saw some war barracks that I've never seen so have to land on those.

    Once you get the hang of the UI it's fairly smooth to play, exploring systems with the starmap is a quick way to pseudo explore then set course, jump to planet screen, and if there isn't any in ship events you can just ope the scanner, look at the known places on the planet and it will have an "X" to land. You don' t need to open the planet map to land.

    So yeah people need to actually play a game to just dump on it. I see too many 20hrs or less players dumping on it on steam reviews and metacritic has always been polarized place that also has AI bots, especially Jubisoft games but in many other cases. I get that if you hated FO4 then you shouldn't even bother with SF, but barring that I don't think it's unreasonable something you pay 70$ for you spend at least 25hrs or more playing to judge. Especially when you can just go watch playthroughs free BEFORE you buy. Pre-order people are just idiots, they deserve what they get.
    Hertzian56, Sep 23, 2023
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