Starfield Thread SternFeld

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Sep 1, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Grabbed a mod that unlocks the affinity for companions so no waiting for their side quests. I did Andreja in the play to the last mission before already. I also did Sarahs side stuff before this mod. So doing Sams right now and it was just getting the "I need to talk to you" multiple times in a row and finally getting to the start of his missions. After that I plan on just going for Barretts stuff immediately. So I can see all that in this play.

    Did all the factions stuff in the last save. So I'd say other than the stuff that comes along with NG+ I'd be good. Always a ton of npc radiant stuff, some better stuff than just go here, get me that etc which I did a fair bit before but not in every npc case, the game's huge. If someone wanted they could go to every major installation w ambient npcs and do a TON of stuff, it would likely not be too exciting but it's there.

    I just haven't done Revelation the last mission on Masada and I'm assuming it includes the huge Ecliptic base I found on Masada last session which I couldn't enter. At this point don't care too much about spoilers so just lookup what else, one more mission after NG+ afaik.
    Hertzian56, Sep 24, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just wandering the systems came across the Corluss or something, it's a deserted ship that has a killer alien on it, this is an Alien movie reference. Once I killed it thought I could disable low red lights and lockdown but nope. It's just got some hard to find contraband but not interested, too much of a pain. I installed shielded cargo on my duluhan 3 ship and some jammers but they don't work. I did Mr Soods smuggling from Hopetown to akila and the shielding didn't work nor the jammers so failed that quest, not going back to it either. I wish that corulss ship had some small side story to it but nope.

    Another rando thing was a ship that had grav cutting in and out so it was pretty annoying to traverse and I thought there would be a way to fix it but NOPE, all there is is some loot etc and some pirates to battle. Eh just ok, be nice to get something more substantial than loot, even a small side story.

    Uh so ran through Andrejas side story once again since with the mod it keeps saying talk to her, so finished it again. I'm done with all the major companion side stories now except talk to cora about the romance w her dad. Uh did Strouds artifact neon mission. A lot of better side stuff is part of the main quest spinoffs, like the rare collectors ship which I tried to do peacefully and thought I could do treasure hunting for him later but haven't seen that option. How cool would it be to have a galactic indy jones type of major side story? Hell they can put in more occult stuff like pyramids just on other planets, some custom mines with other treasures than artifacts, Vlads House planet is pretty nice could have stuff like that there and the planet where Sarahs escape pod went down and where the crews pod went down with the child living in the treehouse, so more than just one time use of custom areas. Barrets mine, Sam Coes wife area I think Site Victor etc These and more are handcrafted areas on different planets that could be expanded on imo.

    I'm still on 1723 first release, there has been two patches 1729 and 1733 since then but I don't find the need for them. 150+hrs no game breaking things at all, runs fine, mods etc I don't want to bother w checking mods breaking either. Although all my mods are bat console command based, fling trainer and stellar luts. I have not been able to get some clothes replacers to work. Frankly with the third person persp some better clothes would be nice, for me skimpy-er clothes, etc
    Hertzian56, Sep 26, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I can't understand the hate this game is getting all over. I mean I've laid out a lot of problems it does have but it is a fun game to play if you liked FO4 type of game or really if you just like games tbh. The same jewmasontranny cultist stuff that this game gets blasted for Baldurs 3 somehow gets a pass for by these DnD-harry potter type weirdos who love that game so much.

    Wide open, lots of collectibles(looking for snowglobes to get locs on earth lately), lots of gameplay including jump in jump out type of small stuff, has both TPP and FPP, console commands makes almost anything possible, looks great most of the time, LONG if you just do the main mission-companion missions-faction missions you're looking at 50hrs+ and then you have exploration, pretty fun combat, side missions like the Charybdis clones, Paradiso settlers and what have you can't remember,

    settlement building if you're into that, starship building, cool abandoned ships to clear w text and enviro based story, lite spaceship combat, random encounters do happen on procedural planets too like escort missions, I encountered a named npc just walking a huge wolf at an abandoned relay tower and talked to her, ecliptic and pirates battle at an abandoned power station etc LOTS of conversations with characters all over with the convo minigame, make your own character-change them at any time, total weapon customization, tons of weapons, space suits and customization, random spaceship encounters in orbit of all kinds, more that I can't recall at the moment.

    THERE ARE ALIENS in this game, just not talking ones like in Mass Effect, only pure instinct animalian ones sheesh do people even think anymore? They DO COUNT as aliens and THEY DO take part in the story. WHO KNOWS what the Starborn are either, aside from your character THEY COULD BE ALIENs. The aliens in Mass Effect are dumbaf, so they're all going to be humanoid anthropomorphic in some way, sure that's realistic smh A walking lizard is just a human in a freaking lizard suit all the same sheesh. Dumb series dumb games of word salad, it's freaking VIDEO, I SEE in latin, GAMES, I don't go there for profoundness nor deep thinking but for fun gaming. I'll go read St Augustine, St Thomas etc if I want profoundness and deep thinking but the monkeys of today are just zombies. That's why I liked Andromeda it actually had gameplay with much less obnoxious diplomacy and such.

    I mean it's not quite as memorable as FO4 because it does feature a lot of procedural planets and installations, loading screens are too much but really space is going to be mostly a loading screen IRL, if they put in you just watching the ship in grav drive or flying it would just be like an elevator loading screen I mean I guess if that's what you want, sounds dreadfully boring. The FO series had A WHOLE tradition of franchise games before going for it, SF is brand new it's not going to have that, DUH. So it's going to be less memorable because of that.

    Yeah they could likely have just combined all the unique handcrafted stuff in 5-10 systems and had much larger maps with FO4 type huge maps and loading screens for buildings/dungeons which FO4/Skyrim/FO3/NV ALL HAD. What we got in this was too many inter-loading screens, ok make a planet to planet take off/landing ONE loading screen, have an optional interspace free spaceship combat sandbox between those systems, same game size of 116gb but much less procedural random stuff. Have procedural for much of the other parts of the planet for settlement building. Ship combat minigame separate to encourage custom starfighters maybe a separate online component just for that idk just ideas.

    Yeah but fake space is going to be mostly empty, you're not going to have the density over the expanses like boston or washington dc or Vegas it's just not going to happen. I think people need to realize that fake space would TOTALLY SUCK if it did exist like the satanists portray in their scientism scam. It's personality and uniqueness that makes for interest and natural differences should be left alone, not labeled as racist or backwards by these satanists in charge of delusional media empire.

    The whole we are one new world order crowd is antihuman and satanic it's death disguised ONCE AGAIN as good, lucifer the disguise of satan to fool us. Technology has good aspects but it's largely bad, oppressive, intrusive, dehumanizing and really just one word: satanic. The height of benefits to mankind of tech was really indoor plumbing, water cleaning-sanitation, hygiene, that was it. The rest is just a delusion inducing drug that has turned the world into a bunch of people fighting over enjoyment of said various forms of drug. The insect man.
    Hertzian56, Sep 26, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And unbelievable people with 50,70 hours of play don't recommend it, the dissonance is palpable there. So you can play this for the equivalent of one full time work week and more and then come out and say it's not good? I dislike a ton about this game, cyberpunk etc but I played for over 100hrs so yeah I liked it and I recommend it. Anything I'll play for more than 10hrs I'll recommend, less than that could be just getting the hang of it and a few hours of playing once I drop it but more than that and it's got enough good to it to recommend to others. I get shorter games this may not apply to but huge games that are full of a lot of content, nah.

    Take Outer Worlds, I played the whole campaign and liked it, I recommend it. But I didn't want more of it so the DLC I wouldn't recommend since I didn't bother with it. Game was also a huge install size for what it was and that's another aspect I didn't like. And after all that I didn't really get the spaceship stuff it was confusing beyond advancing the game to the storys end. It's really all dependent on the games you've played before, especially the major ones you've played, indys are too variable mostly and are one by one. That's why it's easy to just say did you like the fallout series or skyrim? The loading screen stuff was always there just connected to ONE big streamed world so it seemed like less, more time and play in between necessary loading screens. I could just wander the commonwealth as long as I liked but at some point to advance the story I HAD to do a loading screen. This game has similar but the worlds are sparse, like space would be, so to get more handcrafted content beyond Akila etc I HAD to do a few loading screens. And the cities are not that big as far as geometry, no need for maps of them.
    Hertzian56, Sep 26, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I haven't been back to this after 150hrs or so and also cp77 2.0/PL and getting back into modding that game, then alan wake 2 came out and playing most of that until the last sequence I just got fed up, deleted gone, then Robocop RC and I'm now stuck with the game breaking bug there so I was just reading the SF forums on steam. Out of those games, that aren't primarily just a major update and DLC like cp77 is, SF is the best experience I've had.

    CP77 v2/pl is JUST MORE of the same of that game, for 30$ you get about 20hrs or so of gameplay, so it's actually a better dollars/hr value than any of them EXCEPT SF. v2/pl is not a step up from what was there in cp77 after years of updates. I first ended at v1.06, came back 1.5 yrs or so later for 1.60 and that was Edgerunners major update to 1.63 or so. Then a few months after that they did a whole new perks and other systems for V2.0 and later added DLC PL in there. BUT IT's JUST MORE, it's not better systems.

    PL you got 10 gigs from hands, and some AI carjacking GTA gigs from Maumar which I think go on forever, a few side missions like 3 or so from hands and others and I think the main dlc missions are like 5-7 in number not much tbh Nothing new in the rest of the game, I was looking towards Brenden and other stuff.

    So SF ranks up there. I refuse to jump on the very weird SF Hate Train that I think is largely AI bots as "real" people. I contrast that with the huge AI Bots that think Robocop RC and AW2 are "amazing" out of this world games, neither is very good at all. I've been shocked at how bad AA/AAA games are nowadays. At least the Holiday quarter releases that I've played.

    Yeah SF is overpriced, it should be 49$ and it would still be profitable and good will due to the lower price, maybe 55$ as a compromise but 70$ really? And that's not even including the DLC, the DLC is likely to be 30$ so for 100$ you will get at least 70hrs of play if not 200hrs BUT you have to like FO style games!!!

    And if you like modding FO games you'll get even more free bonus out of it. Alan Wake 2 I got 20hrs out of and I deleted in the ending sequence so lets say 5 more hours of torture there, 25hrs of torture then. They want 60$ for that.

    Robocop RC I am stuck at the game breaking bug so I'll guess 10hrs in and I've read that's half way so 20hrs game. I STOPPED with the really stupid "side missions" there, getting cards signed, printing photos, giving parking tickets is just inane filler. They want 50$ for that, thanks for the discount Nacunts!!

    CP77 v2/pl is a different beast I like so much about that game and REALLY got into modding it that it's by far the best game I've played since it dropped late Sept. But the version I have is 90$ On a time played FOR ME it's well worth the price at least 5x over if you stick to 1$/hr of entertainment.

    You HAVE to take into account that FREE mods have added at least 200hrs to that though, nothing to do with CPDR paid for content. I did one multiple endings playthrough late 2020 to early 2021 probably 60hrs, then when 1.60 released in late 2022 I then got into modding it pretty big and that's when I really played more than just the one playthrough, few hundred hours with 1.60 to april 2023. Then back again in Oct 2023 to now but using my old saves about half way through main missions base game through to that hanako embers then also to the final couple of mission where you choose who to side with in PL. So yeah free mods added a TON of interest and play for me. Base game and DLC are likely 90hrs of play though.

    Starfield 150hrs with only like 5 mods is still worth 70$ easily w the $1/hr metric. And like I've said as is it's a 7-8 game for me. So let's say 7.5. The weird hate out there is just either interested parties, shills, AI bots paid for by others, and some real people no doubt but likely MUCH smaller than online would suggest.

    AW2 is a 5-6 game to me, short, bloated, cringe, junk. Huge dissapointment for me since I played AW1/AN so much, great Twilight Zone vibe with some real hands on play with some funny moments and decent action. 2 is just an interactive movie game.

    Robocop RC so far is a 2, game progress breaking bug is pretty major problem. Inane missions, sometimes amazing graphics sometimes 2012 level graphics. It's a one and done game if I ever get to finish it, uninstall gone. I liked Nacons Terminator game but it wasn't amazing and I've not picked it back up again.

    I'd guess if I can finish the main story RRC is probably a 6 or so nothing special other than the license. What they needed to do was combine RobRC and AW2 so more action but better writing and a more interesting setting, send robos axx to rural michigan and have a mystery there or something lol
    Hertzian56, Nov 10, 2023
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