Steps to a happy XP experience

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by ansonics, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. ansonics


    Dec 18, 2008
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    I was stunned to discover that the old posts had been taken down sometime in the past ten days!!!

    If that was deemed necessary, and I can see the need to reduce volume, could you not put up an "archive" so the information would remain available?

    Having just put XP on the SSD version, I was planning to milk the past posts for guidance on the tweaks to be applied.

    I was not totally shot down, however, as I had had the foresight to copy some of the key posts into a word document as I encountered them. I never finished that task, however, and would really like to do so!
    ansonics, Dec 18, 2008
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