Stuck Pixels

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Fastskis, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Fastskis


    Apr 12, 2009
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    After really enjoying such a great little machine which has exceeded my expectations, I am bothered by not one but two white stuck pixels which appear on a blank black screen! After setting everything up and loading over 50 gigs of photography, I am tempted to return it and try again.

    I have tried various methods to cure this with no luck. Anyone else have this problem or should I bite the bullet and switch brands.

    Fastskis, Apr 15, 2009
  2. Fastskis


    Mar 13, 2009
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    There is a program out there called that some people have reported to fix stuck pixels. If you run this program I would do it with the battery removed and leave the AA1 in a cooler place. Let it run for like 24 hours or what ever it tells you. Try that first and then if still stuck try a return as below.

    If your AA1 is rather new I would try an exchange. You can back everything up to SD card or spare hard drive with a USB to IDE adapter (see pic below ;)). However, there is a certain amount of bad pixels allowable by manufacturer. Being as this screen is so small, 2 might just be the number which you are at and means they will not replace until it is 3 :(. But I would try. One would be fine but annoying, 2 bad pixels I would try an exchange.

    garrettp, Apr 15, 2009
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