I was trying to clean some of the keys on my keyboard yesterday and accidentally bumped some sequence of keys and now have this stupid language icon stuck in the upper left corner of my login screen. For some reason it keeps giving me the option to choose between English and Greek. Does anyone know how to remove this? [URL=http://www.picamatic.com/view/10232210_IMG_20140316_101853_292/][IMG]http://www.picamatic.com/show/2010/04/26/03/44/10232210_bigthumb.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I tried the following instructions, but this doesn't seem to work: [URL]http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/3662b01b-e4e7-4e8d-964a-5f95d7a512ed/cannot-remove-the-language-icon-on-windows-7-startup-screen?forum=w7itprogeneral[/URL]