
Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Mental, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. Mental


    Jan 10, 2009
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    I'm going to buy one of these very soon, and I was going to get the HDD version (the big space is handy for me). However, I'm concerned about how easily they could be damaged from knocking it about as I carry it around with me. Are they plasticy flimsy things or will they withstand being thrown about a bit in a backpack or handbag? Is it worth getting the SSD version, just to be on the safe side?

    (Also, how much heavier would the HDD version be compared to the SSD one?)
    Mental, Jan 10, 2009
  2. Mental


    Oct 6, 2008
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    I believe the weight difference is a few hundred grams - exact specs are available if you search.
    Are you concerned about the HDD, or the whole computer? I've got the SSD myself, which you can happily swing around while access is going on. I don't believe there are any greater issues with the HDD than any other - i.e. if you make some violent move while using it, it's liable to skip or something. Perhaps someone with the HDD will comment?
    The computer itself is a decent build quality, but obviously made of plastic and therefore scratchable. I've knocked it onto the floor a few times already with no problems. I'd recommend a cheap neoprene slipcase if you intend to drop it in to a larger bag - it's what I do, and I've had no issues yet. The only breakages I've seen reported are from serious drops or children jumping on them or equally odd events.

    For the SSD, you can also get a SD card for the semi-permanent expansion slot on the left hand side - there's also a card reader on the right - which might help if you want drive space.
    markh, Jan 10, 2009
  3. Mental


    Jan 10, 2009
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    That's not too bad then, I don't think that'll be noticeable.

    I was concerned about breaking the HDD, and losing data, although I suppose if you've done enough damage to break that, you'd have to do a lot of damage to the other bits as well.
    Ah, good. I ask this as my current laptop has withstood a fair few quite nasty accidents, but only because it's a sturdy monster that weighs a ton. It looks well built on the pictures, but I was a bit worried about it being like one of the Eee's that I've had a go on - very flimsy and plasticy, and felt very fragile. A case is a good idea, keep the plastic nice and scratch free. Thanks for the help.
    Mental, Jan 11, 2009
  4. Mental


    Jan 3, 2009
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    New York
    The SSD version runs XP a lot slower than the HDD does. The weight difference isn't much, but there is a noticeble one between the 3 cell and 6 cell versions. I highly recommend the 6 cell version anyway. 5.5hrs battery life vs 2.5 is a no brainer. As long as you have a padded sleeve you should be fine. I got this one:


    You'll love the Aspire One!
    SueWNY, Jan 11, 2009
  5. Mental


    Aug 26, 2008
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    If you know how to save battery, you can squeeze 7-7.5 hours out of the 6 cell battery easily.
    The 6 cell battery is as heavy as the whole laptop in case you wanted to know how heavy it is.
    jackluo923, Jan 13, 2009
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