Successful install of Windows FLP on AA1 110

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Telepath, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. Telepath


    Jan 29, 2009
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    Hello all, this is my first post on this forum.

    I would like to report that I have made a successful install of Win FLP on my AA1 110 netbook. I installed from a bootable USB stick that was made by PE2USB. Since Win FLP is a XP embedded derivative, you can simply point PE2USB to the Win FLP CD - it will do the rest and you're left with a fully functional bootable stick. As a matter of fact I'm writing from my AA1 running this system right now.

    I am very happy with the speed of this configuration. I did include both IE and Windows Media Player in the install, and proceeded to install all the drivers from the Acer FTP. Everything worked flawlessly out of the box, and the system was even installed by default with reasonable paging file settings - 192/192. The boot is fast and the system is responsive, and I only have 512MB RAM and the default 8GB SDD.

    I know this isn't exactly news since it's been reported on eee fora, but I haven't seen anyone give any report of a working FLP install on this forum - correct me if I'm wrong. I'd wholeheartedly recommend this operating system to anyone.
    Telepath, Feb 1, 2009
  2. Telepath


    Aug 26, 2008
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    There are many reason why windows FLP isn't popular.

    1) It's not well known
    2) It has many limitations
    3) It's slower than optimized windows xp professional
    4) It's not customizable compared to windows xp professional
    5) It has some compatibility issues

    For an average joe who only uses basic programs and don't know how to customize windows to suit his/her needs, windows xp FLP is a pretty good choice (if they can actually get a hold of windows xp FLP license legally).

    But for people like me who knows his/her way around windows, FLP will pose many limitations to the customizability, speed, and functionaility.
    jackluo923, Feb 2, 2009
  3. Telepath


    Jan 29, 2009
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    Could you define the limitations that using FLP entails? So far I've had no problem getting anything except old DOS applications to work.

    As for the speed, ... #msg719561 would indicate that it is not an issue. I certainly don't feel it's any slower than TinyXP on my desktop. Have you tried installing/using the operating system on your own?
    Telepath, Feb 2, 2009
  4. Telepath


    Aug 26, 2008
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    I've tried windows FLP before. It's really slow compared to my heavily modded windows xp. TinyXP is slow compared to my modded version.

    For a very optimized version of XP, AAO can boot up and ready for use under 12 seconds. Windows FLP takes like 25-30 seconds. Unmodded regular windowxs XP takes 35 seconds to boot up. There's not a lot of difference between regular XP and windows FLP. Also, unmodded windows FLP is about 200% slower (boot up time) than what optimized XP is capable of.

    Since i'm lazy, i'll just copy the limitations and what Win XP FLP can do and cannot do:

    Can do:
    It includes only certain functionality for local workloads such as security, management, document viewing related tasks and the .NET Framework.

    Cannot do:
    I'll tell you through my own experience.

    Adobe CS4 master collection pack, Adobe CS3 master collection pack, CorelDraw 12, 13, 14, 1/5 of microsoft office powerpoint's feature doesn't work, 1/5 of micorosoft office access's features doesn't work, remote desktop doesn't work, remote assistant doesn't work, remote anything doesn't work, a host of other professional software development tools, a host of digital media development tools, some system tools are missing....etc.. There are countless of limitations I've not said but experienced.

    Normal user who browse internet and e-mail doesn't use more specialized programs thus I recommend it for newb users in my first post. I've also noted in myu previous post that it's impossible for Newb users to get a hold of FLP license (unless they have tech friends).

    For more advanced windows users like me, Windows FLP was a horrible experience. Almost everything i use on a daily bases doesn't work.
    jackluo923, Feb 2, 2009
  5. Telepath


    Jan 29, 2009
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    Would you care to offer me advice on how to make an XP86 or XP64 installation perform faster than a TinyXP?
    Telepath, Feb 2, 2009
  6. Telepath


    Aug 26, 2008
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    Get nlite and learn nlite (quite steep learning curve if you're newb, but simple to learn if you know what you're doing)

    Here's some very basic tips:

    1) Remove all non-essential drivers from the XP driver pack
    2) Embed your own driver for AAO
    3) Turn off all services, features, hardware that's not going to be used
    4) Slipstream, latest applicable hotfixes, updates, etc.
    5) Optimize the installation for SSD (optimize NTFS journaling if your'e using NTFS..etc)
    jackluo923, Feb 2, 2009
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