System doesn't show Storage Expansion data...

Discussion in 'Linux' started by ernestoo, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. ernestoo


    Nov 11, 2008
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    All of a sudden my system refuses to show the data that's stored on my 16GB Trekstor SD-Card. I checked the card, it's working fine. Under /media/disk-1 it shows all the data on the card. But when i open the (i don't know how this is called in english...) "Datamanager" it doesn't. The card is being added to the internal SSD. The manager shows that... What's wrong? :?:

    Thanks for helping!

    ernestoo, Feb 18, 2009
  2. ernestoo


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Hi ernestoo

    When you have File (Data) Manager open select View, then Side Pane and tick Tree. You should then see the SD/MMC Drive in the left hand pane and if you select it, the data folders on the card in the right hand pane.

    For an explanation of what is going on look at the following link and other links from it.


    Best wishes.
    solpuerto, Feb 18, 2009
  3. ernestoo


    Nov 11, 2008
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    All right.

    Thanks for the answer!

    Cheers. :D
    ernestoo, Feb 19, 2009
  4. ernestoo


    Nov 11, 2008
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    Ok. I don't know if this is the problem but......

    .....when the SD-Card is put in the Expansion Storage slot Linpus creates a directory called disk right? And then it merges the SSD and the SD. And the FileManager shows the complete disk space (In this case 21.4 GB) and the data on both disks.

    But my little system shows a folder called disk (in /media) and when i put in the SD it creates a new one called disk-1....... But it still adds the disk space in the FileManager.

    So the problem still is that the FileManager shows the whole space (21.4GB) but not the data on the card. And i can't write one the card. Just read..... :(

    What's the problem?
    ernestoo, Mar 2, 2009
  5. ernestoo


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Hi ernesto

    Contrary to popular belief the left hand slot does not "merge the SSD and the SD", it merges the /media/disk (SD) directory with the /home/user directory (on the SSD) to create the /mnt/home directory. Yes it appears to merge the SSD and SD because it shows the 21.4GB you mention. All it is actually saying is you have 21.4GB of storage.
    If you look under /media/disk you will see various folders that the system creates and you can copy files to the /media/disk folders (the SD card)
    For example if you use the word processor you can select to save files to /media/disk/documents.
    I have a 16Gb card in the right hand slot and I can read and write to it.

    But my little system shows a folder called disk (in /media) and when i put in the SD it creates a new one called disk-1....... But it still adds the disk space in the FileManager.

    Not quite sure what you mean by the above, are you refering to mounting a card in the right hand slot? If so the size of the SD card is shown seperatly from that of the SSD.

    Did you try what I said previously
    When you have File (Data) Manager open select View, then Side Pane and tick Tree. You will no longer see your 21.4GB in the left hand pane but you will see SD/MMC Drive and if you select it you will see the folders contained on it.
    solpuerto, Mar 2, 2009
  6. ernestoo


    Nov 11, 2008
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    For example if you use the word processor you can select to save files to /media/disk/documents.

    Well i just tried that and it says something like "Error. Could not write to /media/disk/test.odt". And then "Common error. Common Input- OutputError". (Sorry, but i'm trying to translate from german as good as possible!!!).

    But my little system shows a folder called disk (in /media) and when i put in the SD it creates a new one called disk-1....... But it still adds the disk space in the FileManager.

    Not quite sure what you mean by the above, are you refering to mounting a card in the right hand slot? If so the size of the SD card is shown seperatly from that of the SSD.

    I know. But i'm talking about the left hand (StorageExpansion) slot. And when i put it in the right hand slot can't write to it also.

    Did you try what I said previously
    When you have File (Data) Manager open select View, then Side Pane and tick Tree. You will no longer see your 21.4GB in the left hand pane but you will see SD/MMC Drive and if you select it you will see the folders contained on it.[/quote]

    Yes i did. And i can see the SD sperated from the SSD. But i still can't write to it and the data stored on the SD still doesn't show up when i switch back to the other SidePanel option...
    ernestoo, Mar 3, 2009
  7. ernestoo


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Hi ernesto

    Sorry for any misunderstanding about interpretation, you are 100% better than I would be going from English to German. Also sorry you are still having a problem.

    May be silly question but do you have card on LOCK? I tried with my card on LOCK and got a similar message to you (may be interpretation)

    Next, I notice when you say "Error. Could not write to /media/disk/test.odt" there is no mention of Documents folder. Can you confirm that with the SD mounted in the left hand slot and Tree view selected your File Manager looks like this when the SD/MMC is highlighted: (I have some extra folders and files to standard)
    One other thing, can you check the Permissions of the Folders on the card just ensure they are set to read and write for User.

    Best wishes
    solpuerto, Mar 3, 2009
  8. ernestoo


    Nov 11, 2008
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    hey solpuerto!

    thanks for your help. i really appreciate it.

    i know some problems are strange and the solution is easy but i don't have the SD set on LOCK. :D

    the system shows the SD when i switch to the tree-side-panel-view (wow). and it also shows all the data on it including the folders like documents and videos and so on. all the folders are decorated with a yellow head which is showing me his hand like he wants to say "don't come in here! this is private property!!!" :shock: i was just trying to find out about the permissions and everything. and when i do a right click on the SD card (stuffed into the left-hand slot) and choose the permission tab it says owner:user access:read&write group:root access:eek:nlyread others:eek:nlyread...

    when i put the card in the card reader slot on the right-hand side it works fine. i can read and write... :!: :?:

    maybe i can solve the problem with chmod but i don't know how. and i still think that something is wrong with the system recognizing the SD as disk-1 and not as disk in /media..

    what do you think ???

    thanks very much!
    ernestoo, Mar 3, 2009
  9. ernestoo


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Hi ernestoo

    You are having problems :roll:

    I do not understand the /media/disk-1 directory, on mine it is just /media/disk.
    Also I do not have any heads/hands against my folders and when I look at the folder permissions they are the same as yours (left hand slot). Check to see if they match when installed in RH slot.

    I am therefore not sure that changing permission will do anything.

    You say you can access the data with card in right hand slot, why not copy/paste it into /home/user/documents (or any of the other folders under /user). Then re format the card, I use my windows PC, and insert it back into LH slot after checking that /disk is not found under /media.

    This should then establish the normal folder structure and hopefully return everything to normal. :?:

    Best wishes.

    EDIT added Hi ernestoo. We have done nothing but talk about SD card but as before the data on this is merged onto the HOME directory at the top of the left hand pane and should appear in the various folders there. Can you access them there? Also check /mnt/home directory.
    solpuerto, Mar 3, 2009
  10. ernestoo


    Oct 27, 2008
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    hi ernestoo

    Me again, been thinking about your problem. If I mount a second SD card in the RH slot it shows as /media/disk-1 (with card in LH slot at same time). This made me think about 2 partitions on your card.
    I remember some months a go I tried to install Ubuntu in place of Linpus. I had the card in LH slot at time and I had to do some partitioning which I rather messed up. When I restored Linpus the card did not work as it had been re-partitioned and I even had problems trying to format it. I seem to recall seeing /disk-1.
    I now wonder if something similar has happened with you.
    I know virtually nothing about Linux and Partitioning drives but I "googled" /media/disk-1 and there are many references to partition problems.

    Clearly this is not a solution but rather thinking about how your problem may have occured. I still think you may have to do what I said in my last post.

    Best wishes
    solpuerto, Mar 4, 2009
  11. ernestoo


    Nov 11, 2008
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    i don't know what to do.... i think i will have to copy all the data on the SD to another drive as you have suggested and reformat it... :cry:
    that seems to be the only possibility. i'll let you know if that works.

    but thank you very very much for your help!!! :D

    have a good time

    ernestoo, Mar 7, 2009
  12. ernestoo


    Nov 11, 2008
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    This is weird. I'm getting the feeling that something is wrong with my card. I copied everything important to another drive and tried fdisk on the SD. It didn't work... It says the card is a "read only file system"...
    And everytime i put the card in the right slot it seems fine but after a bit of browsing through the folders it shows that yellow head again. I figured out, using a different card, that the system only shows this head when the card is set on LOCK. So maybe my card is messed up...

    Do you know a different way to erase all data on the SD other than fdisk? Or do i have to buy a new card?


    ernestoo, Mar 7, 2009
  13. ernestoo


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Hi ernestoo

    Try this SDHC card formatting software from Panasonic. It worked on my card when I could not get any Windows tool to work.
    The link is as follows, and the download is at the very bottom of the page. ... atter.html

    Best wishes
    solpuerto, Mar 7, 2009
  14. ernestoo


    Nov 11, 2008
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    I'll give it a try.

    Thanks! :D
    ernestoo, Mar 9, 2009
  15. ernestoo


    Nov 11, 2008
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    i wanted to give a final report. the program you suggested didn't work on my system (tried it with wine). so i finally put the card in the sd-slot of a little machine called zoom h-2. it's a handy-recorder that works with sd-cards.
    it formatted my card without any problems. so now it's working again. anyway thanks a lot!!!

    cheers! :D
    ernestoo, Apr 4, 2009
  16. ernestoo


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Hi ernestoo

    Long time no see, but glad you got your problem resolved. That little m/c is a rather expensive formatting tool, but hey if it works!
    solpuerto, Apr 4, 2009
  17. ernestoo


    Feb 1, 2009
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    ok Now i am writing this here because it's a problem with my storage expansion card but not the same described above.
    After a recovery of my system with the Aspire cd (just did it because i wanted a clean bakup of my system with my personal configuration, anyway) I made some tweaks (used macles and AAO forum as well) I realized that although i had my sd exp card on the expansion slot the hdd was just my ssd without the add of the sd card. I can see my card only with thunar in advanced mode and seems to work just like a simple sdhc in a reader... I don't know what went wrong either when the problem started... I formated the card on my Xp computer the problem is still the same. Any ideas??? I couldn't find any topic describing my problem so I am sorry if i 'd missed something.
    Thanks for your time!!
    p_sapelas, Jun 19, 2009
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