Telenor icon 225 on Ubuntu 8.10 with 2.6.28sickboy-kuki?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Chycky, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. Chycky


    Sep 28, 2008
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    I use sickboy kernel on Ubuntu 8.10. I want to use a icon 225 modem from Telenor. I can't get it working and I have tested HSOconnect, gnome-pp (disabled the PIN code as told) but whithout any luck. I use the swedish ISP Bredbandsbolaget and their service Mobilt Bredband. They actually use Telenor and a icon 225 modem. I can't get it working!
    I managed to connect to Internet by using Ubuntu 8.10 built in driver version 1.2, HSOlink and HSOconnect (and another HSO thing that I can't remember right now), but the connection stops working after a few minutes. Then a sign says that "Problem talking to modem" and it also sometimes complain about traffic limit although I have turned that message off in the settings of HSOconnect.

    Does any know how to get the icon 225 modem to work on Ubuntu 8.10 with the sickboy kernel 2.6.28sickboy-kuki???

    I tried to use this guide in Swedish (and a lot of Google searching) to get it working, but still no luck. I used the part of the guide that is related to Ubuntu 8.10: ... nd/Telenor
    Chycky, Apr 1, 2009
  2. Chycky


    Jul 23, 2008
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    I have ubuntu 8.10 with sickboy kernel and an icon 225 myself running perfectly.

    I installed them using instructions from, check thei icon 225 site at
    You should find installation instructions from the links to hso and ozerocdoff.
    janss, Apr 2, 2009
  3. Chycky


    Sep 28, 2008
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    I think the steps are the same as in my Swedish version of the guide, but have you really got it working with the 2.6.28sickboy-kuki kernel? You said sickboy kernel, but is it the 2.6.28 version?
    Chycky, Apr 2, 2009
  4. Chycky


    Sep 28, 2008
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    When I try to run make from the hso driver directory at /home/username/ then it doesn't work, but I don't understand why?

    mkdir -p /home/username/hso_26-v1.9/tmp/.tmp_versions
    make -C /lib/modules/2.6.28sickboy-kuki/build M=/home/username/hso_26-v1.9 MODVERDIR=/home/username/hso_26-v1.9/tmp/.tmp_versions modules
    make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.28sickboy-kuki/build: Filen eller katalogen finns inte. Stannar.
    make: *** [modules] Fel 2

    The file or directory is missing. Stops. What does this mean? Why isn't it working?
    Chycky, Apr 2, 2009
  5. Chycky


    Jul 23, 2008
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    My kernel version is 2.6.28sickboy-kuki.

    Don't know why your setup won't work, I had no problems with mine...

    Try to check the hso/ubuntu 8.04 how-to from pharscape, maybe that has some steps needed... I used that when I had 8.04..
    janss, Apr 2, 2009
  6. Chycky


    Sep 28, 2008
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    Have you (or someone else) got icon 225 working on the Ubuntu 8.10 edition? Maybe it's something wrong with 8.10 but not 8.04? I'm just guessing, I have not a clue.
    Chycky, Apr 2, 2009
  7. Chycky


    Jul 23, 2008
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    As I said on my first post, I am currently running ubuntu 8.10 and have the icon working just fine.

    Try to install the hso kernel module with instructions found here and the ozerocdoff with instructions from here. You do have the ozerocdoff installed, right?

    Also install hsoconnect with the instructions found from here.

    That did the trick for me, don't know why yours won't work...

    Also, the forum is a great place to search for answers if you're having trouble with hso and stuff related to it.

    Hope you can get it up and running!
    janss, Apr 2, 2009
  8. Chycky


    Sep 28, 2008
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    Thank you for all the links/tips. If I am going through the steps all over again (using your links) should I then first remove the old driver, HSOconnect, HSOLink etc? And if I have to remove them, how do I do that?
    Chycky, Apr 2, 2009
  9. Chycky


    Sep 28, 2008
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    A friendly person on Internet compiled a driver to the same kernel as I use and uploaded it to me. When I installed it the modem works and I can connect to Internet without being disconnected all the time. Why didn't make and sudo make install work on my computer? I got the error messages that I mentioned in a post earlier.
    Chycky, Apr 3, 2009
  10. Chycky


    Jul 23, 2008
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    Good to hear you got it working.

    As for the make / make installa, do you have all the nesessary compilers and such installed?
    Because ubuntu doesn't have them by default, so you have to install all that stuff yourself.
    janss, Apr 3, 2009
  11. Chycky


    Sep 28, 2008
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    I don't think it works as it should anyway. I get offline too many times in a short time. I don't think the driver (1.6) fixed my problem. Another guy compiled it on the same kernel, but I don't think the driver get the icon 225 work.

    What compilera do I have to use? I must know to check if I got them or not.
    Chycky, Apr 3, 2009
  12. Chycky


    Jul 23, 2008
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    Well, atleast you need 'make' installed on your system.

    Install 'make' and 'gcc' on your computer and try it again... That's the most help I can give you.
    janss, Apr 4, 2009
  13. Chycky


    Sep 28, 2008
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    I think that I have them installed. I haven't got any problems running make or installing other things before. I have build-essemtials and libusb-dev (or what they are called). Well, I can't get the icon 225 work in a stable way on my system. I even think of going back to Linpus if that would make my modem work on my Acer Aspire One. I also have problem getting the modem work on my other (a desktop) computer with Ubuntu 8.10 and an ordinary kernel. When I first wrote sudo make install in Terminal then it seems like Ubuntu still use the old driver when I check dmesg. I have to rename the old driver to something else and move the hso.ko file to the same folder as the old was placed in to get Ubuntu use the new driver. The guide doesn't say anything about this and maybe this is the problem? I don't know.
    Chycky, Apr 4, 2009
  14. Chycky


    Jul 23, 2008
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    Thought I'd come back since I think I solved your problem :D

    Why? Because I encountered the same problem myself recently.
    I think that some update of ubuntu has somehow broken the hso from working, since mine did work for a long time but didn't work the last time I tried to use my modem.

    Ok, background:
    Ubuntu 8.10 comes pre-installed with hso 1.2, the newest version out today is 1.9.
    When you try to install hso 1.9 with the instructions from pharscape forum, everything seems to go smoothly, but actually the hso does not get updated.

    First, check what version of hso loads when you insert the modem.
    Insert your modem, wait for a little while for it to load and then open terminal and type
    "dmesg | grep hso" , this will show all the bits loaded by hso.
    There should be a couple of lines looking like this

    If it reads "hso.c: 1.2-Option..." then your system still uses the old version.

    What you need to do is to rename the existing "hso.ko" files to "hso.ko.old". Find them from terminal with
    "find /lib/modules/`uname -r` -name 'hso.ko'" then rename, do the hso 1.9 install procedure again and presto, everything works as it should (atleast for me ;) )

    Hope this helps with your problem also!
    janss, Apr 19, 2009
  15. Chycky


    Sep 28, 2008
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    Thank you for coming back! I have still got problem getting my icon 225 modem to work with Ubuntu. Your answer is very interesting because when I ran dmesg another time I could only see the hso ver 1.2 among all things dmesg showed. Right now I'm using ChrunchBang Linux on my AA1 and then several setps doesn't seem to work. I got several error messages trying to run make command etc. I don't know what to do, maybe I go back to Ubuntu 8.10 and sickboys kernel or I wait for Ubuntu Netbook Release to get ready. Distro Watch told med that Easy Peasy 1.1 was released too, maybe that will be a better choice. I don't know.

    But, your information is very interesting and I will try it out in some way or another. Thank you for providing the info. I hope it will let me get the icon 225 modem to work on my AA1! I'll be back.
    Chycky, Apr 21, 2009
  16. Chycky


    Sep 28, 2008
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    I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 (not UNR 9.04) from scratch and then tries to get the modem working. I use this guide:

    Everything seem to go well, but when I come to the part: grep dialout /etc/group dialout:x:20:username then the Terminal says no such file or directory. I try to run the next command usermod -a -G dialout username (maybe I had to use sudo, I don't remember) and I get a new promt and no message. The first command doesn't seem to work, but I'm not sure that I have to use on Ubuntu 9.04.

    When I run grep | dmesg hso I see the lines you provided before so the new driver seem to work as it should.

    Next step is to connect to Internet using the icon 225 modem and now the problem begins. First of all the HSOconnect complains about python 2.5. I go to the Synaptic and installed python 2.5, then HSOconnect starts. I try to connect to Internet but HSOconnect is REALLY slow and sometimes not responding. One time I got connected but soon the connection disappears. HSOconnects often scanns (scanning) for networks and it doesn't matter if I try to connect via 3G only or both, manual or automatically. Nothing helps.

    I use an earliy BIOS version, like 3109 or something like that. Would that affect the way icon 225 works on the computer?
    I also use a Swedish ISP called Telenor and I have to write the words as APN. At first the line was internet, but it doesn't seem to do any good at all.

    And what do they mean by "Don't forget to set the sticky bit" at this page:

    Why can't I get the icon 225 modem working on my AA1 110? Please help!
    Chycky, Apr 21, 2009
  17. Chycky


    Jul 23, 2008
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    Hey again.

    Your problems seem very weird to me. A Linux box that has all the programming tools installed should not have any problems making the installation of the driver and other software.

    Did you have any problems installing ozerocdoff or did everything go well with it? the modem won't work if it's not installed too.

    Have you tried installing hso with these instructions: ?
    They worked fine for me.

    You also need Ozerocdoff to get the stick working, instructions here:

    And last but not least, hsoconnect:
    janss, Apr 22, 2009
  18. Chycky


    Sep 28, 2008
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    I have tried to compile the as they do in the link above, but it doesn't help. I can see the driver running the dmesg command sp I think it is in use.

    I also tried a installation script found at the pharscape forum but it didn't seem do any good.

    I don't think that the Ozerodoff is the problem because the installation of it goes well and there is /dev/ttyHS* entries if I run ls -al /dev/ttyHS*

    One thing I have noticed is that when I try to connect using HSOconnect then the program freeze for 10-30 sek and then restarts the program and starts scanning for networks once again. This happends almost everytime. Why is it doing like this?

    I also tested a software called umtsmon or something similar and when I start the program I got an error message saying that "The modem is roaming for something I don't know" and then two quotes (""). Is this something that gives us a clue why HSOconnect fails to connect also?
    Chycky, Apr 22, 2009
  19. Chycky


    Sep 28, 2008
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    I got a new tip on another forum that I should disable "selective suspend" in the udev settings. I have done this now and it seems that I can connect to Internet using HSOconnect now. The problem is that Firefox is extremely slow. It takes an eternity to load a page. I have set Firefox to be online and not offline mode but the browser is very slow loading pages. Why is Firefox so slow? When I use my mobile phone as a modem Firefox runs as expected using a phone as modem, but with icon 225 it is awfully slow, why?
    Chycky, Apr 22, 2009
  20. Chycky


    Jul 23, 2008
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    Ok, so the driver should be working (you get version 1.9, right?) and ozerocdoff should turn the stick to modem-state instead of usb-storage.

    Let's see what your hsoconnect can tell us about what's going on with your modem.

    Firstly, change the APN on the settings to correspond Telenor's guides.
    Then, go to hsoconnect's preferences (Configure -> Preferences) and check "Display debug window", save, close hsoconnect and start it again.

    Then do the normal connecting procedure, and copy-paste the output from the debug window here so I can see if there's something wrong there that might give us a clue what's up with your icon.

    By the way, have you been able to check the stick on another (preferrably windows) computer that it works ok?

    We'll keep debugging :)
    janss, Apr 22, 2009
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