The Best

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by charlesterror, Dec 5, 2008.

  1. charlesterror


    Oct 6, 2008
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    When did you last visit a Linux forum? And when did you last get a meaningful response from an email to Microsoft support about (say) a registry key which didn't refer you to a knowledge base article - the Microsoft equivalent of 'RTFM'?

    You're not quite up to date on Windows. With Win98, you had to reboot constantly. This stopped being an issue with Win2000 in 1999. [/quote:fe6n4wzg]

    Funny - I was using a Windows XP Pro SP3 laptop at work last week and the Adobe Acrobat update said it required a reboot. Why do they do that if they don't need to? - it just annoys people. You'd better get on to them - they need your up to date knowledge.

    Oh, and the IT helpdesk said a reboot was the right way to reset all the network connections when we were trying to troubleshoot that issue I mentioned; what's the quick way, if reboots aren't necessary? It could have saved me a lot of time to have something like a 'service networking restart' command available.

    You assume that Windows users are ignorant? [/quote:fe6n4wzg]

    I just assume, on the basis of observation, that they have a tendency to settle for inadequacies rather than spend time trying to find out how to solve them: to say they haven't the time to understand the system so they spend loads more time doing things inefficiently. That's a choice not to know.

    As I said, I spent a good deal of time lately trying to sort out just such an inadequacy and eventually succeeding - and this is in a 600-staff part of a 6000+-staff institution, not some little home business. Of the two of us who got to the bottom of the issue, one prefers Macs (though the massively multi-processor unit on which he does his main research work runs some flavour of *nix), and I prefer Linux. I do think there is something about Windows which encourages a 'don't bother to understand' mentality, and something about some other systems which encourages understanding, exploration and as a result eventual higher productivity and enjoyment.[/quote:fe6n4wzg]

    get real man. I have troubleshooted systems starting 20 years ago. I am past that stage. Now i want to use a PC, of course i will fix it if it doesnt work properly but i dont want to spend days and weekends troubleshooting a pc. thanks no.
    nmesisca, Dec 8, 2008
  2. charlesterror


    Sep 11, 2008
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    For SSD Drive I would recommend Windows XP - Stable and runs pretty quick. About 4 GB from the SSD still could be used for storage.
    For HDD Drive I would recommend Windows XP and Windows Vista - They both run pretty quick although XP might be a little bit faster, but you will have a lot of space for storage left over.
    GvidoR, Dec 8, 2008
  3. charlesterror


    Sep 7, 2008
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    Ok, linpus is gone... It was great, but perhaps not for me. Haven't found the best os for the one, still hope i will, eventually...
    charlesterror, Dec 8, 2008
  4. charlesterror


    Nov 29, 2008
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    Where ever I'm sent....
    [Funny - I was using a Windows XP Pro SP3 laptop at work last week and the Adobe Acrobat update said it required a reboot. Why do they do that if they don't need to? - it just annoys people. You'd better get on to them - they need your up to date knowledge.

    Oh, and the IT helpdesk said a reboot was the right way to reset all the network connections when we were trying to troubleshoot that issue I mentioned; what's the quick way, if reboots aren't necessary? It could have saved me a lot of time to have something like a 'service networking restart' command available.

    You assume that Windows users are ignorant? [/quote:q63mxsxc]

    I just assume, on the basis of observation, that they have a tendency to settle for inadequacies rather than spend time trying to find out how to solve them: to say they haven't the time to understand the system so they spend loads more time doing things inefficiently. That's a choice not to know.

    As I said, I spent a good deal of time lately trying to sort out just such an inadequacy and eventually succeeding - and this is in a 600-staff part of a 6000+-staff institution, not some little home business. Of the two of us who got to the bottom of the issue, one prefers Macs (though the massively multi-processor unit on which he does his main research work runs some flavour of *nix), and I prefer Linux. I do think there is something about Windows which encourages a 'don't bother to understand' mentality, and something about some other systems which encourages understanding, exploration and as a result eventual higher productivity and enjoyment.[/quote]

    get real man. I have troubleshooted systems starting 20 years ago. I am past that stage. Now i want to use a PC, of course i will fix it if it doesnt work properly but i dont want to spend days and weekends troubleshooting a pc. thanks no.[/quote]

    LOL Girls please stop the cat fight.Put the claws away :D :D :D

    We all have are preferances some are linux others windows and some even MAC it's all about being comfortable with what you know.... I have used Linux, Savaje,EPOC(PSION) and several other OS's . EPOC was always more rock solid and user friendly just ashame we can't use it on the new generation of netbooks(I have a psion netbook I still use).

    Anyway due to my work I need a system I can use a with the huge amount of mapping datawe use and unfortunately linux is some what lacking in this area so I have to muddle on with windows. Yes linux is better, faster and a whole host more that windows but if you want to do certain tasks you will have to search else where and that's where windows wins. It's a bummer but trhats the choice we have to make.....

    As to the original question whats best who the heck really knows??? Simple answer is know one as we all have different needs and opinions.. And that my friends is what make life and this forum important, interesting and fun. :D :D :D

    lohtse, Dec 10, 2008
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