The Big Connection Problem..

Discussion in 'Linux' started by wildthink, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. wildthink


    Aug 9, 2008
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    I've installed Ubuntu on my AAO following this tutorial:

    After that (the wired connection works, the wireless connection doesn't, but this is normal), I've installed ath5k (follow the "ath5k Method" on the same tutorial).

    After the reboot, my wireless connection doesn't work (It founds wireless networks but it can't connect to them) but, what is worse is that also the wired connection doesn't work!!! The AAO seems to connect but in the end it can't retrive an address from DHCP.

    now, I don't know what to do, I have no more connection left on my notebook :)

    How can I re-enable the wired connection?
    Have I to re-install all the os?

    thank you in advance!
    wildthink, Feb 27, 2009
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