The degeneracy of AI Artificial Intelligence

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Jul 26, 2024.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    AI is a degenerate thing whose real purpose it to get near human performance but without paying or gainfully employing humans so the illuminati kingpins and the cult in general can have more and more while pushing people into a state of mindless pleasures in a marxist megacorporate-communist hel.

    Why would we need a faux version of what most humans have or could develop and genuinely intelligently implement? It's similar to the idea of bio-mimicry. The point of that is to have a tech version of what is freely there and doesn't require all the extra resources that a fake fish for example would need. It's a degenerate form of tech, and believe me normal human error is a lot more moderate then a number crunching algo is going to be.

    I do think in some ways it can be good in applications that are inherently inhuman and unnatural but we don't really need those applications in the first place. Let's take a flying drone which would use AI to make decisions, now we've all seen the horror movies where this turns into a total disaster because it applies solely the concept of pragmatism. You want to get an area cleared of threats you clear the WHOLE area, there will be nothing left to be a threat, even if what was there was of a mixed nature. Clear out of theater, well nuke it, no more threats but was everything wiped out a threat? babies, neutral, indifferent or friendlys? AI would clear the whole area out, no uncertainty nor understanding of the nuances.

    This is similar to black magic or the fake "good" magic they call "white" magic. So yeah I want you to be free from cancer, well cancer would die with you, so you'd be free from cancer if I kill you. If the cancer was definitely isolated to your head, well cut your head off no more cancer, problem solved. I want a million bucks, ok your uncle is a millionaire who you know has left you the whole thing upon his death, well then a solution is to have him killed or die from some effect, goal reached. This is why there is no good or white magic, just like the old deception of english masonry vs continental, this is a subterfuge by them. A deflection, sand in your eyes to confuse the issue, they all devils who work together for their masters the tribesters.

    Soo AI is degenerate overall. In say a 24hr 365 factory which only a handful of humans attend to I could see AI doing the decision making overall in very specific things. There getting data and info flow the whole 247365 to adjust real time with multiple inputs would be impossible for a human that needs rest, relaxation and such. But this factory would be really not needed cranking out stuff that would likely harm humans more then help them. It's a marxist mindset where tech and human ingenuity can do anything and do it better then God. This is typical of satanists and others.
    Hertzian56, Jul 26, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The larger goal is to put a lot of people out of work pushing them into the arms of their marxist state god who will provide everything at a moderate level providing you obey. If the unknown goal of this marxist god state is to have 5% less humans every year over the natural morbidity rate then they would identify roughly the percent population that could possibly die of say some allergic reaction or is vulnerable to this or that based on their age and condition they'd add that to the soylent green "food" they make in those factories mentioned above. It'd look like a natural accident but it wouldn't be. But you obeyed and ate the food provided only. It's a control mechanism by totalitarians who want to maintain their faux heaven on earth for them. The pleasures and pretty surface level stuff they revel in.

    The point of a business is not huge money from those who started it, they no doubt deserve more since they took the risk but the goal is to gainfully employ humans in various forms of work appropriate for humans. So they can raise families and live decently without undue worry, it's a community building thing not a atm for the owners and investors so they can go get 2-3 houses newest car every year and such. Age should not be a factor, appropriate work is there for all ages and talents-interests. Of course children should just be children learning and being trained by their parents in decent moral living, a childhood shielded from the hard realities until they have the mental and physical capacity to meet them.

    If you just have people existing without employment then they fall into lethargy and seek to fill the void with distractions largely useless and many harmful. Drugs, tv, games and more. We have a huge industry of all that and more which is largely nefarious and harmful, spreads lies and deceptions to direct people to their way of seeing and doing things. And the ptb would seek to kill off these people as needed to manage production and consumption, similar to the IRS does just not kill but create stress and such for those who run afoul of this private org that is adjunct to the private ptb fed. Criminal empire.
    Hertzian56, Jul 26, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    This was naturally taken care of in barter society, agrarian based mostly. Then later in the Middle Ages it was a guild system to allow a stable price structure and not harmful competition of undercutting and tricks which is what this jewmasontranny cult faux society is partially based on. It was more of a cooperative thing for the benefit of the community not to have millionbillionaires and such. Yeah you won't get the booms but you won't get the busts either, more steady and human stable society. This broke apart with the driving force of the Tribesters no doubt, cryptos and open ones. We don't have a stable society and the faster and faster transfer of money is desired so every stop gets its cut, every stop is the middleman typical tribester but others as well. A scammers paradise. The "deal" is protected rather then fair inherent value set by standards. The "deal" is enforced by their laws.
    Hertzian56, Jul 26, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    AI cannot be anything but a product of those who control it. And the mindset of AI is inhuman by those who have made themselves infrahuman, sacrificed their humanity for the benefits it gives them and those like them. It's a classic Cain motif. You will notice largely tribesters, the most inhuman of humans, are at the forefront of this AI machine Ahriman society. Kabbalist-Talmudick garbage. I think the ptb would know the story of frannystein but their pride would likely blind them to it. They rely on their cult and their tech to make themselves invulnerable to the effects. This never works. Becoming inhuman in a cult like that results in making inhuman decisions for themselves, personally and communally. I won't mention examples here but they are grim and disgusting, demonic. So even if they are above the AI and such they still have the ill effects of their inhumanity to deal with. It's a satanic society heading rapidly for a cliff. I will forego mentioning the afterlife and the consequences but ultimate consequences are there and they are terrifying. It's like a speeding car that is free and clear cruising along content in it's course but doesn't notice the huge truck coming at it at high speed in the cross direction. Tunnel vision, the good times got in the way of reality, blinded them to it.
    Hertzian56, Jul 26, 2024
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