The EASIEST Way to Dual-Boot Ubuntu 8.04.1

Discussion in 'Linux' started by nubious, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. nubious


    Sep 9, 2008
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    After fighting with the various instructions on how to setup a usb memory key to boot and what needed be done to get Ubuntu working on my AspireOne non-SSD Model, I Googled Wubi which I had learned about from sometime in the past years... Sure enough, there's an up to date version for Ubuntu 8.04.1 which I've run via following" and can now say I have a working copy of Ubuntu (Complete with Compiz) dual-booting with absolutely zero configuration problems when following the steps....

    Get your copy of Wubi here: and enjoying easy-install Ubuntu - No memory key / External CD-Rom required!

    More details as issues arise... I'm still configuring, but at present both sound and wifi are working with no problems.
    nubious, Sep 19, 2008
  2. nubious


    Sep 19, 2008
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    When reading the WUBI FAQ's, I noticed that they state this will work with older versions on Ubuntu as long as the ISO file is in the same directory as WUBI. I wonder if this would work with another distribution such as OpenSuse or something else as long as the ISO is in the WUBI folder with the exe.

    Do you think you could tripple boot XP, Ubuntu, and OpenSuse?

    I just installed Ubuntu through the Live CD process last night on my Thinkpad for a test and it worked great when it was integrated into the Ubuntu 8.04.1 Live CD (I didn't know I was actually using WUBI), but with the WUBI exe as a stand alone, I wonder if my idea would work with another OS.

    wildebeest, Sep 23, 2008
  3. nubious


    Sep 2, 2008
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    Wubi works, but there's one big thing you can't do with wubi - you can't hibernate either OS. Wubi relies on the XP/Vista bootloader, so you can't hibernate Vista or XP and go into your Linux Distro. With a proper dual-boot, you can use the GRUB loader and switch between the two much more easily. That said, you can't access the Windows drives when you've hibernated your OS on them, but then again ideally your files will be on a third or other partition.

    Might be wrong on the entire matter, but I never got Wubi to work with GRUB.
    woofer00, Sep 23, 2008
  4. nubious


    Sep 19, 2008
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    I installed Ubuntu with Wubi last night and my wifi doesn't seem to work or find any networks and I can't seem to configure it like I did on my Thinkpad. Any suggestions?
    wildebeest, Sep 26, 2008
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