The Scripted Drama of the Jewish-british Monarchy....

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2024.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I looked at the Jewish-british monarchy around the Drag Queens death in 22 of course on 9-9-22 so therefore King Charlene took control on 9-10-22 the eve of 9-11 and exactly 911 days after Crown Virus day on 3-11-20 which started in King County Washington in the USA. I'll grab my notes from back then and some latest news here.
    Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    King charlene announces he has cancer publicly on 2-5-24 so the diagnosis was made on 2-4-24. He'll be off the jewish-british beast empire throne by 26 so the orangeman from overseas can take over and dissolve the monarchy.

    Henry the 9th(after the philandering 8th) the orangeman instead of William (of orange33 is the new black) 1688 who killed the sitting king charles 2 with money from sephardicks in amsterdam, overseas invasion, then setup the bank of england to enslave everyone in the jewish empire based in england from then on.

    Willy and fam will disappear to enjoy anonymity for this little play to happen, likely another missing plane or something fakery.

    All previous king charles left the throne early, little drama play we get in the 21st century. Take a look at this ridiculous old trannyman body in the gallery, small jewish woman w wide hips. Even doing the pointing down baphomet in one pic on the beach there.
    Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The mother of the small jewish man known as Queen Elizabeth 2 was I think the Joe Dimaggio trannyman lookalike King George? Either way this drag queen was named after the bastard queen elizabeth 1 daughter of Henry 8th the philanderer and "pharoah" king-head of a state church which is in shambles as anything near Christian for over 100 years easily. The whole so called british monarchy of the last 70 years bears a resemblence to the bush crime family crypto jews, buchs before that and slave owners. It was revealed when W was running against Kerry, or Cohen a descendent of old rabbis, were cousins meaning these are all crypto jews. The british aristocracy and monarchy has been interbred and bred out with wealthy controller jews for centuries.

    And the androgyne gods kabbalism from egypt and older was likely introduced by William of Orange financed by Amsterdam Sephardicks who were talmudick-kabbalist satanists. That was about the start of the pirate empire of rape, pillage and setting up masonry worldwide which is then just a lite kabbalism for gentile idiots and grasping types. This is in turn controlled by highly organized judaism covertly and crypto-jews are all over the world names, ethnicities, public religions don't matter at all. Marranos are one example of that but there are all types like black falasha jews from ethiopia, chinese cryptos, beni-israel indian cryptos, all the world is covered in this.

    Next we have the Duke of York which is the head of the English Grand Lodge and thus world masonry at least publicly. The real heads are in swizzland and they're talmudick-kabbalists no doubt. The Duke of York has all the markers of a trannyman btw, a walking baphomet-adam kadmon androgyne "god" as they think of themselves.
    Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So the names at this level are not just random, they tell a story and these names were chosen for this reason. You see the british monarchy has been masonic since the empire was born upon the 1694 Bank of England founding after the shttiy "glorious revolution" of 1688 by William of Orange from Amsterdam financed by sephardick jews based there.

    It's been a thieving pirate pillaging thing ever since and once the masonic networks were setup where the jewish empire conquered it then turned to the more financial and industrial cartel monopoly that is largely is now. It doesn't need to have boots on the necks of it's subjects in India, USA, and all the other places for a long time to control them via this typically jewish economic and financial domination.

    The early phase was via ships and sanctioned piracy and such and boots on the ground. Also the jewish networks within linked up with crypto-jewish networks in the subject country. This is seen in India with the LONG centuries old beni-israel public hindu jews who were collaborators in the subjection and pillaging of that country. Africa is no different, falasha are black african crypto-jews. Asia has had chinese, japanese, korean and all over crypto-jewish communities.

    Argentina has had a large crypto-jewish community for centuries. Fidel Castro was a crypto-jew from an old marrano family who had a lot of doctors. Castro was in line with the satanic trannyism and was born female, easy to see with the short wide squat body as she aged, female fat profile of the body. The jUSSR was setup and financed by jews from all over including england, nyc, europe etc All it's leaders have been crypto-jews including Lenin, Stalin from an old persian crypto-jewish heritage, Kruschev's real name was pearlmutter a jewish name, Gorby, and all the rest too many to name. The masonic revolutions in south america were directed by marranos no doubt and the Church was ravished there, especially in Mexico in the early 20th century. All of them are narco states of pillage and decay now.

    Eva Peron was a tranny and crypto-jew who did a lot to get the argentina we have today with that mask faced weirdo just elected and did the public abeyance in israel lately. Australia was pure conquest and a penal colony but you'll notice it's called down under and is hot, a sure subliminal for hell. It's a dystopian marxist state in all but name along with New Zealand and it's former prime MANister who arranged a gun event at ChristChurch to then disarm the public.

    The north korean dynastic dictators the Sungs were actually inserted by Moscow so are most certainly crypto-jews, playing the bad guys lately. In Iran that was a jewish biritish empire setup both the shah and the foreign trained Khomeini. The presidents there have given masonic hand signs for decades and it has a central bank, it's also a fake bad guy. The Saudis were setup by the bushes and jewish-british empire and are part of the club. The presidents of Egypt have been crypto-jews for a long long time. Arafat was a crypto-jew playing the other side. The president of Poland "duda" real name Apfelbaum is a crypto. Zelensky in ukraine is another one who is a trannyman, in the club. Putin kgb was all in the soviet-jewish system and still is. I could go on and on. US presidents have been cryptos like EISENhower, woodrow WOLFSOHN, Rosenfelds, Solomon Truman, bush-buchs cryptos, etc
    Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    In the context Cromwell was either a crypto-jew or he was certainly financed by them from amsterdam. He was important to the whole 1600s civil wars to dethrone regents for an easily controlled parliment based on elections and thus money and press. An easy game for Montefiores, Rothschilds/bauers and others for a long long time. Churchill's mother was a jew from america and he popularized the bearded V-enus hand sign which is also an inverted pyramid, divine hand of illumination etc

    I'll get back to the direct subject of the Jewish-british monarchy next.
    Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    People like Lord Reading were jewish, there was another lord who was jewish who had a castle in ireland where he took little boys, can't remember his name atm might be reading but there have been several crypto-jewish lords in the aristocracy. When the monarchs got lusty and desperate they always turned to wealthy jews for loans and help and eventually this turned into intermarrying and so then the sons and daughter half jews married the other half jews of the other aristocrats and then you have totally bred out english stock or they take on the look and habits of the old true english stock but are just jews in reality. I shouldn't need to mention Nathan Rothschild or LORD Rothschild and descendents and the five banks or five sisters of the jewish star pentagram all over the continent. Satanists have ruled europe for a long long time.
    Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I actually think Sadam Hussein was likely a crypto-jew and the real one was never hanged like we were told, similar to the fake bin laden raid. Hussein was a PERSONAL business partner with the crypto-jew bush 41 long before so he was installed like the Sungs were. Likely got some surgery and enjoying billions somewhere nice, job well done. The Bin Ladens of Saudi Arabia own a huge intl construction company and are part of the club, their son likely was just a role playing actor and is likely in S Arabia under another name working in the version of the Firm there.
    Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2024
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Now the three big enemies of Masonry and thus judaism are 1. Catholic Church 2. Monarchy 3. The rabble not in their club, useless eaters, cannon fodder, goyim, etc whatever all the same. The three enemies who killed Hiram Abiff of masonry who seek to rebuild Solomons Temple which was left by God following Solomons fall into satanism as described briefly in the Bible. He loved many women meaning he fell to the charms of paganism and built worship places for it. This was later in life for Solomon.

    The major Grimoire black magick tomes of the middle ages written by kabbalistic jews in spain and etc were attributed to Solomon and solomon has always been a major figure in black magic and occultism in the traditions. Hermeticism is an older version of kabbalism going back to india where ham was banished and cain was banished east of eden, which was somewhere in modern iraq between the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers.

    The egyptian ankh is a symbol of the union of the sexes, in one person. They practiced transgenderism themselves at the hierarchy level. Their rituals and imagery is all over masonry and kabbalism in general.

    So therefore the jewish inhabited nominally british monarchy since at least the 1700s has been playing a role from the inside to subvert the institution even more until it's finally dissolved before 2033 for good by Henry 9th the Orangeman from overseas. We already got a lite version of this by the drama of "quitting" a few years ago. So Henry is the perfect termite to finally break the camels back once king charlene and willy are swept away. This is in line with their plans for 2033 of some kind. The 33 refers at bottom to the 33% of angels that followed Lucifer down, mentioned in the Bible btw as 1/3 stars. Falling stars refer to them, a star is born is an initiate into the cult on a public level in trannyhookerwood.

    We have an Orange One here in the USA, another jewish trannyman developer from JYC who sadly has fooled conservatives into thinking she's some hero. Possibly the orange one from here will help this little dissolving the monarchy in some way. Orange is 33 in gematria which then reduces to 6, the sixth day man was created.
    Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2024
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Throughout jewish "british" culture you have the shysterism focus since shakespeare. Dickens novels are usually about either a masonic story about coming from dirt to lift youself up with no reference to the Lord whatsoever OR mainly all about the seeking of a fortune through the legalistic marriage contract which is a jewish thing through and through. How many times has Dickens told the same basic story of who is going to marry who to secure this fortune or marrying off daughters to wealthy beneficiaries of the rapacious raping empires world schemes?

    I would argue the last noble English monarch you ever had was going back to the Lionheart of the later Crusades who was obedient to the Pope and Universal(that is the meaning of Catholic btw) Christianity. It's been a down spiral to the sewer level today. In 1290 the jews were expelled was likely the last truly good thing to come out of the whole dam island. Although this just furthers the tribes exodus fantasy and expansion as did the Sephardicks being expelled from Spain in 1492, you don't spread a disease to get rid of it you contain it, defang it and disenfranchise it within your borders. Disenfranchisemnet of both jews and masons and those of the same spirit is really the only solution and today it's impossible with how brainwashed and conditioned and frankly corrupted most people are to a jewmasonic controlled culture and world. So the Lord must step in and send them to hlle.

    2033 or a few years before like 29 is when the world mafia will try to have some major disaster like wwjew was and ww1 before that, for then a fake savior, the antichrist in the flesh, to come along and be world leader and worshiped and such. Think an obama type with a british accent of authority, a klinefelters freak like Washington was, or a.nother trannyman from the cult. Something on the level of an inverse Stalin. A sort of Pharoah god-trannyman or similar to the later Roman Emperors who were also worshiped, king, prophet and priest the triple crown of Hermes. They'll use occult technology to have weather disaster, quakes, induce volcanic activity, not to mention advanced warfare tech and of course the marxist state-god will be ON BOARD 110%. And the lying images industry will be full scale there too.
    Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2024
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Then you have the James Bond nonsense of Ian Fleming, IF, 96 as above so below. JB 102. Most of the movies are about protecting monopolies this beast empire setup.

    Diamonds are forever is about protecting the Debeers diamond slave mines in S Africa the jewish british empire love so much. Concentration camps were setup in the boer war by the jewish british first of modern times btw. Most diamonds today are FAKE cubic zirconia knockoffs but the jewish control of what's "authentic" means it's marked as real by the combine to then defraud the public, typical shysterism. The beast empire is going to send in the troops and bond type scum to secure the real loot for storage in it's pits underground. Wildcatters will be hunted and dispatched.

    Goldfinger is about protecting the jewish-brit, jewbrit, gold combine from wildcatters. The price of gold was set in London by the jewbrits, likely still is. Most gold sold to the public is just a note saying you own some gold somewhere, and any gold you can get your hands on is likely some form of fakery using sophisticated chemical processes. You think the hobbits are going to part with their "precious"? That all in underground vaults in russia or switzerland etc

    This is just like the Rockenfelder, field of rocks,bones, oil, oil monopolists in america used gangster tactics vs wildcatters to grab a monopoly in petro for the beast empire, the "royal" dutch shell and British Petroleum are just the euro wing of that little scam. Fossil Fuels, FF, 66, are a scam no such thing. Petro is just a chemical process nothing to do with magical lizard bodies from 65 mil years ago, 1 before 66 btw SMH This is similar to the cubic zirconium scam in the fake diamonds industry.

    The fake petro monopoly is likely just a transhipment mechanism for Dope Inc which is another major jewbrit masonic empire main pillar. Petro is MADE, likely in the huge empty place of the jewish-Saudis Arabia big bulk refineries. They are free to cause disasters as they please like in the 1970s fake shortage which was featured several times in the Bond movies like Man w Golden Gun and the so called "solar plexis" magical sun energy aka Solar energy tech being stolen.

    We got the Fake space Opera of satan in Moonraker and the Eugenics which was a jewbrit empire concept and tranny cult and ectogenesis it uses IS eugenics btw Designer babies are just eugenics under other names. The jewmasontranny empire god-state want's to control and manage human kind in total for it's master Satan. Controlled breeding in ectogenic factories is desired, since this cult does that itself for likely decades now. And according to jewbrit author Huxelys Brave New World you'll get engineering of intelligence, aptitudes, body size, and more for the needs of the satanic empire. Total control and filth.

    Thunderball pushed the fake nukes nonsense for the fake cold war scare control mechanism. All they did was do film tricks, firebombing and calling it nukes, and stacking thousands of pounds of dynamite and blowing it up calling it a nuke. On your majestys SS we got the drug slave girls and the cartoon savalas jew bad guy planning biological warfare so the "good" guys wing of the beast empire can come in and save the day. Bond also married the ladyboy "dame" there too who was killed off. You can't have a bond swinger married w children. I don't remember Dr No much it's the corniest of the connery ones besides You only Live Twice where JB "becomes" japanese for some reason lol

    In YOL twice it's about a rogue space faring org that stokes the cold war fakery fear mongering control mechanism a whole 2 generations got. All that hysteria was likely used to tax and rob the public so the empire could build underground cities and haarp and other black tech to be used for even more nefarious schemes. So the fake space opera of satan there, the cartoon bad guy who somehow wildcats enough to afford to hollow out a freaking volcano and then do space stuff unnoticed lol The japanese bad guys there like the chinese ones in gold finger.

    Russia w love is about some decoding machine which is pure nonsense. Maybe as a tactical theater drama to convince others it's real but if all sides are jewasontranny cultists there's no need for any sort of cypher other than yiddish-hebrew and the other black magick pseudo languages or better yet just mind controlled hypnocouriers. We got that w the hookerwood celebs going to all these nasty places to visit scum like castro, the sungs, zelensky, putin and many more that are not famous who do hypnocourier work. Hlle just pick up phone. Sheesh.

    Many of the bond movies overall were about protecting jewbrit masonic beast empire monopolies-cartels and also the fake cold war pushing, that's it. We got the superman 1 version with View to a Kill complete w soviet-nazi engineered bad guys in zorin who want to stoke the San Andreas Fault to catastrophically break coastal california to fall into the ocean. The land shysters dream is to buy an empty desert for nothing and then bring the ocean front there later on. In VTAK it was destroying Silicon Valley and then having the means to offer what it did waiting to make a killing in syndicate-monopoly manner, sound familiar?
    Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2024
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The Drag Queen Vic had his death ritual right on the button in 1900. Poor alberta had to give birth to at least a few of those brood and likely died early due to that, that lil bull terrier vic was a lusty fellow. Lots of breeder surrogates for the rest of the brood. QE2 was 96, as above so below, when he had his death ritual for the public dumbos, likely disposed of in a cell somewhere in the back of a sinofgog in the countryside somewhere. Some private version of the very sick lenin, mao corpse spectacles. They had a stalin one for a while too.

    Later on we got the ladyboy from the privately crown owned Isle of Jersey famous for the cow breed and trannyfest Jewsy tv show lol That ladyboy was LL, 1212, Lily Langtry the "first" "woman" millynare who effed one of the trannyman princes then spun that into a salesman fortune for various companies. The Isle of Jersey is also featured nicely in a wild documentary called Sun, Sea and Satan lol Old Niggles Mansell is approved to live there which you must be since it's a jewish Crown asset. A sort of satanists paradise.

    Now Crown Vic was monarch during the Opium Wars where the chinese didn't want the empires indian grown opium mass imported to their country thus creating a whole dope inc empire for the jewbrit beast and making millions of junkie chinamen. So the beast sent it's ships in to enforce their importation of Opium and likely other drugs into China, with the guns they won the day! Hooray!!

    Then they had the HSBC Hong Kong outpost to handle the laundering and other things, still really do since the marxist china leadership was inserted by the soviets, the british which withheld aid to the mason chiang kaishek to get the trannyman Mao likely a crypto-jew into power. Her corpse is worshiped today still and the 100million deaths from 1949 to 1980 due to the policies are all forgotten, they were goyim anyways. The likely non-crypto- jewish Chinese monarchy had to go and that was what was done by the beast jewmasontranny empire over a few decades. The trannyhookerwood wing even came out with a fake history movie about it like they do with all stalinist "new" history form it's beginnings.

    Another fact is that in 1888 the Yeke the Ripper was the first stage play called Serial Killers psyop was done. All under the Queen Vics reign. This is likely a public ritual by the cult to instill fear into the public so then they can become ever more martial law authoritarian. Old game. The serial killer myth persists today with the FBI being the controllers of this bit of nonsense for the last few decades. Another form of lone gunman fakery theater. Patsys in the cult to be sacrificed publicly for the cults doings. Societal stress and tension control. A yeke is a jewish of eastern origin btw yankees are another name, jack is another name there, son of jack, son of david, son of solomon etc the next generation. The royals of that time were implicated and connected to this because they were a part of this cult doings being high up in the cult, jewmasontranny cult.

    And there's a reason Afghanistan has been important to this empire which has sent in various regional forms of itself there, england, russia, usa etc for centuries. Opium-Heroine fields flourish there, petro pipelines through there, a crossroads and strategic point for the cartel. It's currently under the US wing of the empire as is iraq.
    Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2024
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And now we have the Karl middleton KM 1113 nonsense about disappearing and such. This feminized man is just an actor who cares little for anything but drugs, bdsm and likely worse. Most trannyhookerwood celebs have twins, meaning this is a huge indicator of a non natural hormoned up birth, aka engineering during gestation. Now ectogenesis is real for a long time. Ectogenesis is non-carrying mother-womb birth AKA artificial womb grown children who likely get color programming WHILE in this clear sack womb a la the ectolife sales video, one big stadium of a bank of children around a central console and likely satanic altar. Injections for pain training and such will cause the child to abreact later on with triggers and relive the extreme pain caused to then follow the orders given by the slave handler.

    The essence of jewish-british sourced racial and other things focused breeding, eugenics, is in the dna and other engineering of children before birth. Eugenics to it's full conclusion. The higher hierarchy of this jewmasontranny satanic cult regards non members lower down and members too as lower then their race horses which are highly selectively bred.

    The common twins are also an indication of a doubles or clones type of thing for the highly public figures of this cult. Karl certainly has doubles and likely unknown twins kept out of public in the very dystopian JUK with it's d-notices and very easy to win lawsuits over libel and such. Shyster kingdom.
    Hertzian56, Mar 13, 2024
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Those who likely didn't even have to donate dna since they themselves were sourced from the same labs, who are assigned as parents to play to these parentless beings grown in the labs, likely care little for them other than the public play aspect. Vacant stares, fake pictures w cgi smiles and such. Can you imagine the level of coldness of these jewmasontranny cultists? These are families in name only and really just micro centers of the cult. It's a big satanic cartel worldwide.

    And the setup needs some back story to be plausible so we get stuff like karl middleton "disappearing" from the lying media that is just a wing of the same cult. As I said the overall plan is for Henry 9th of Orange33 to dissolve the monarchy in 2026 or so on the way to 2033. A universal dystopian world with a front trannyman crypto jewish brit accent mixed race antichrist with black technology super powers to be worshiped or else. Similar to the later roman emperors or pharaohs. The marxist state-god to manage those not in the cult, many to disappear or suddenly die of heart attacks via cell tower EM weapons etc

    Karl is just a replaceable actor with others who pass as him, clones, trained and dna engineered and grown doubles, heck the cult has men who can be feminized to look like this ladyboy pretty easily. Same goes for the trannymen playing hubby. One big trait of satanism is to devalue uniqueness with numbers-quantity-statistics and this is used a lot in practice too. The jewish ladyboy QE2 probably either died long ago or simply decided to retire from public so did and doubles and clones were inserted because the show was fully planned for a death a 96 as above so below and the 911 days after Crown Virus Day on 3-11-2020 so Charlene could take the throne on the eve of 9-11 or thereabouts.

    The play in all that was to subvert from within. The Church vatican 2 65 on the eve of 66, the monarchy finally dissolves 2026 which likely has some correspondence in history maybe 1626 or something you can bet they've planned it to have numerological correspondences of some sort, The Rabble non member regular people 2033 finally totally under the thumb. The three murderers of Hiram Abiff, this has some kabbalistic deeper meaning only the talmudick-kabbalist scum know I'm sure.

    69 as below so above moon space opera fakery to control the rabble like the faf nukes 44, dd, kill code, one more 45, 9. 96, 67, 76 etc hieroglyphs.

    The actors playing the monarchy don't give two ships about it, they're elite in the cult and their dynasties will live on, they themselves can enjoy the luxuries for thier lifetimes either way and they mostly in no way love the cameras and their whole lives being a play. Drug and sex orgies and such are their thing and it's hard to do as it is. The jewish british empire beast is worldwide matters little this or that individual. The sane thing is to be wealthy but not a public figure and you can bet they would on the whole want that so they're just playing the role. The cults media machine does the rest.
    Hertzian56, Mar 13, 2024
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So this is just more setup background to the climax of the play. We got the jewish bloke named after Elizabeth 1 the bastard daughter? of Henry VIIIth who left the real Church to found his own over the right to officially philander, very noble indeed. And the setup in the 1500s for the whole century of the 1600s project by the jews and mason thralls to effectively destroy the monarchy. 1450-1550 was the start of this rise of satan to then final end. 1465 or so Constantinople is given to the jew proxy muslims by treachery coordinated by crypto jews on both sides. 1492 the PUBLIC discovery of land west of europe, PUBLIC only thing. The Atlantis story, atlanta georgia etc

    Also the exile of all publicly known jews from Spain who then took up residence in the Low Countries to then setup stock markets and finance the takeover of England with William of Orange 1688. That jew or jew thrall Cromwell had setup the masonic parliment easily controlled by money and broken the power of the monarch earlier in the century. 1517 Luthifer makes his play, demon soul drunken lecherer with fallen Nuns and the greedy sold out to satan princes used this as a watershed to steal publicly used Church property to help fill their vaults. Then Henry VIIIth saw the opportunity to strike here and came up with the marriage thing, likely just a front story, who ever could stop a monarch from philandering in his own country? Just a false premise here to do the same thing the german, swiss and other devils did 20 years earlier. 1537-38. That scum even sets up a State-Church which he is the head of, the head of the COE-episcopalians is a philanderer and all around scumbag, similar to the protestant originator luthifer. Wonderful.

    The kabbalistic "renaissance" lie of this occultism, the art and greco-roman architecture financed by jews medici who even get antipopes inserted into office. The sick globe programming theater with tranny actors and the spear shaker comes along. Trash scum. Then the whole final takeover and regicide before the founding of the slavery bank of england to pay back the sephardicks who financed him in 1694. Begin jewish-british raping of as much of the world as possible for 250 years with boots and swords and guns, now it's all cartels, monopolies, syndicates, megacorps and on the other side the jewish marxism in various forms. The satanic scum masons publicly come out 1717, another instance of lucifer unveiled of which we have many now. The setup of the 1789 and nappy destruction of the Old World wars to then be remade more and more into the satanic jEUK of today and worse going forward. Hitler did their bidding in the cult, did the last major destruction chaos so their jnew order could be even more setup.
    Hertzian56, Mar 13, 2024
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    In the modern sense the cancer of Charlene and eventual fake death, maybe a brief stay on the throne by Williamina who then w the whole family disappears in a fake plane crash maybe this whole missing kate story is a little twist and some drama but the end result is that the throne will fall to the one who theatrically "quit" the "firm" as she called it once. The orange33 one Henry 9th next in line. He briefly orders the dissolution of the monarchy in britain with the support of the jewmasontranny media and press and such as an unnecessary anarchism.

    There is some trannyman mixed race brit who wins election out of nowhere obama like who is PM at the time of some major conflict planned with RU-CH and this trannyman is a churchill like hero somehow, maybe using some holographic tech and black tech to do amazing things for the cameras of course. A dystopian world of "safety" is established with strict reproductive rights only to a lab grown child, 100 vaxxx for everyone with a publicly acknowledged tracking chip in it, the clown fake internal opposition who will be painted as treacherous will be taken away to underground facilities out of view for whatever the rulers want to do with them etc
    Hertzian56, Mar 13, 2024
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Then we get the macron ladyboy wifey story that the cult puts out there to normalize it little by little, that's obvioulsy born male ladyboy there like the italian first "wife" a few years ago. They are all inverts it's a cult and there are a lot more of them all over in this jewmasontranny tradition. I saw plenty at the airport, the stewardesses were trannys, worked with them for them, seen them all over. The coasts are full of them, europe is infested with jewmasontranny cult families. All that they do is theater for the cameras, they're very arrogant and feeling very secure.
    Hertzian56, Mar 14, 2024
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    We know they feel secure due to the things that they do. The self reveal and the tranny issue out of nowhere, teaching non tranny children about it, enforcing laws that promote it with force the pagan whore state. They felt secure in the power of their hypnosis press and medical whores to perpetrate Covid in 2020, 22. On 3-11-2020 the world was locked up by these satanists and many believed their lies and still do.

    Then many were forced to get a vaxx that was never tested with who knows what in it directly into their blood streams, which the gov bought for 2billion+ with no approval and the incentives for diagnosing covid were in the thousands per patient so this was bribery to hospitals. The social pressure of masks was then enforced by the megacorps who own the govs worldwide and then in turn are owned by banksters. Thankfully I was independent wealthy at the time and opted out of work for a while. Many gov workers, corpo workers and such had to either get the vax or lose the job or get nose vaxxed aka tested every day so they were over vaxxed with whatever was on that thing. They likely put a version in our food as well like soups or call one vaxx something else but it's really just covid vax.

    In fact BEFORE the covid scam the CDC whores lumped covid in with pneumonia and influenza it was called PIC so that year instead of millions of cases of flu like normal there were millions of PIC aka covid cases it was such a scam. This was nothing but that, the flu was subbed for the flu and the brainwashing did the rest of it along with appeal to authority and strong arm tactics.
    Hertzian56, Mar 14, 2024
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    You see the idea here is when the jewmasontrannys want to destroy a system they infiltrate it and subvert it from within and the outside enemies start to look like friends. When they are both on the same team working to destroy the institution. It's just that in the next few years the cult needs the british monarchy to be just a memory as all monarchies are for the most part, or to change the meaning of it to a bunch of dynastic wealthy people with titles that are meaningless.

    They did this with the oldest surviving institution, the Papacy. It was turned into a sort of parlimentarian system where the Cardinals are easy prey to control through various means and thus the game is fixed by the enemies of Christ. They elect the antipopes as per you only get to choose from jewmasontranny members anyways, like the false parlimentarian 2-3 candidate system. You can choose whichever choice THEY give you, nothing more.

    This is what happened with Cromwell and the masons and thier jew backers in the 1600s. They, and the greedy aristocracy, largely negated the power and prestige of the monarchy in reality. In prep for the jew bank of england to be the real power in 1694 but even before that the money that cromwell got and later William of Orange got from the same people was able to destroy the real monarchy.

    Today and for at least since 1700 or so the british stock was polluted with jew stock in interbreeding, affairs and the like, bastards and such. The Jewish british empire disaster for the world.

    So all these scandals and such are drama to subvert the image of the monarchy by those who hold positions in it because they are really cult members for a long long time who actually hate the monarchy. They are jewmasontrannys themselves and the cult is far more powerful than any title like king or queen. It's the Beast. And the rabble has always been mostly easy to lead by the nose along with the press and such. You'd get many figthing for their own subjection and slavery if you just reframed it as luxury and opulence for all. Promising much before you close and lock the cage but once they're in they're trapped.

    How could a jewish man feminized care much for anything but luxury and power in general and believe me they kept these people at that level very subdued and controlled. Likely doubles, clones, etc going on as we saw the last few years of the drag queens life, a different person well under control. Likely lots of programming going on and cult reminders and such. Actors to a script or they are out. Satans cog wheel devaluation of humans as persons.
    Hertzian56, Mar 17, 2024
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Yeah so now getting back to this farce of jewmasontranny satanic cult nonsense we have now good old Karl Middleton the man from middle town now getting cancer just like old Drag King Charlene, lol Cancer for everyone! These sick cultists from a long line of sick cultists going back to at least the thieving scum Henry, Harry, the 8th who really just wanted to loot monasteries, churches and such and wanted to institute the age old Pharaohnic system in the cursed jewish british empire. Modified of course where he was just the "head" of the state church on down to today. His bastard daughter was just another sicko in the line.

    I guess I missed this installment of satanist theater for the dumbo goy. So now we have two faf cancerites satanists of the cult who need to disappear or bow out so Harry, or Henry the 9th the orangemen can then dissolve the hollow as a seashell monarchy so their JWO of technodystopian soviets or councils can come in and rule even more then they already do. The nameless beast controlled by jewmasontranny wirepullers. I estimate the "savior" from their own devilry they have in mind is a trannyman mixed ethnic with british accent for the authority angle. The fatso trannyman Churchill wouldn't do in todays age but did in a past one, like so many other scum from jewmasontranny cult history.
    Hertzian56, May 28, 2024
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