The started fires of canada oregon and the rest for cc33 climate change agenda

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Jul 22, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Thought I'd just put some thoughts here on these dozens of fires out of nowhere, which are not normal from a statistical pov which they love to lie with and throw in our faces but it can cut both ways. This is similar to the theater gun events worldwide which suddenly ramped up once it became a political goal of the jewmasontranny cultist devils hidden all over but coming out more and more in these later times.

    Now with the last few years there always seems to be very intensive and widespread fire seasons, not normal at all which indicates arson in various forms. Normal non manmade fires are largely lighting strikes or volcanic associated activity, completely natural and actually serve a good purpose of clearing out brush so new plant life can ramp up. If it involves forest the surviving trees and plants get a huge shot of growth due to the huge sunlight difference. So responsible logging can be a good thing if they replant, it takes about 20 years to get mid sized trees from saplings, saw this example off an oregon hwy near pacific city, all marked out by someone. The timelines scientism priests give us are all fake and serve an agenda, the cults agenda.

    These are started fires and likely kept going using airborne lasor/energy systems nothing more. The canada ones happened to be in just the right time and place to catch the jetstream to flood the US midwest with smoke, nah that's planned for their climate change, cc, 33, agenda. It was Oregon east of i5 last couple years to flood the west with smoke, it COULD be NFS cadres setting them or hired thugs or unknown masonic teams of experts but from a convenience POV an airborne platform is ideal, no trace, the firefighters won't report anything, and they can start new ones nearby in remote areas while the current ones are being fought. WAY too many fires all over if you look at the radar, satellite shots etc They also likely intensify the existing fires somehow either w the airborne stuff or maybe the red retardant is no such thing but when activated intensifies them.

    Also the fires near the Rogue River are along NFS 33, near Agnes or Lamb(of God) these satanists are sickos obviously just see their movie, tv, news, etc garbage. In the previous months the NFS happened to be doing various activities in that area, no real reason for it but likely higher level jewmasontranny cultists in this federal agency knew what was coming and were preparing it for said fires. I've been along the Rogue and to Agnes, OR NFS 33 is paved all the way with turnoffs that are not paved, even camped off there a couple times, I saw no reason for the NFS to have major things to do their in roughly March/April of 2023 about 3 months before these massive fires. It also rains a lot along the coast there, like all over western Oregon, VERY unlikely dozens of fires and fires that keep burning so intensely. Other than an agenda by these devil cultists.
    Hertzian56, Jul 22, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And just the well known weather control of cloud seeding could be used to help put these fires out but are never used. You could have massive rain and snow in those areas with basic cloud seeding, the Chinese are known to do that in the case of hiding air pollution during olympic games and similar and don't think the tech the chinese have is anywhere near what western countries and russia have access to.

    From the satellite on Zoom Earth website we see the canada fires were near Ft Smith and also later started ones are well north of that, so the whole of north canada is one huge smoke covered area that is jetstreamed even over to other continents. Then starting a week or so later suddenly there are 5-6+ fires all over the rainy state Oregon north and south which then flooded the central CA valley breadbasket with smoke. In fact the smoke is nearly all over the western us now, at least at higher altitudes. I implore everyone to go to NWS and Zoom Earth and take screenshots of this stuff for independent records. Did we ever get any real info on how previous conflagrations started from those who enforce their authority by force? We never get any honest crime scene investigation because these are not normal fires as I've stated and so are started, and like I've said started by those who send in the firefighters for no real reason other than credibility, fake at that. Never use their weather manipulation for good either, not enough lard in it for these gangsters.
    Hertzian56, Jul 22, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've also seen the shenanigans by these NFS/NPS cadres in the case of lake powell levels and colorado river levels in general. ANY dam system in the USA water levels are GOV controlled, nothing to do with whether it snowed less or more, it's managed levels and likely they let water through on the sly out of season so no one notices. Thus they can claim it's a drought and other fakery for their political goals. The pension whore NFS govster employees do what they're told and the higher up you get the more corrupt and in the cult you get, shit is uphill in this case.

    What they'll do is in the winter they'll let through a lot more when no one is around dump it downstream who then dump it somewhere or allow higher levels during winter when it should be lower so when it's hotter they can claim the same drought garbage. And their reservoirs are huge evap pools, they result in less water really, a moving river has a lot less evap than a captured pool. The level reporting is also gamed and they change the parameters as to where they measure and what the arbitrary "safe" levels are all the time, similar to stat lying and such. The games by this satanic cult in charge are endless, whole debt based slavery system is built on this criminal mind set.
    Hertzian56, Jul 22, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also imagine that they have unknown dumps for dam system water tied into underground aquifers and such, maybe even an underground tank system to store water for underground bases and similar. It's pretty easy to waste water if you need to and these JWO gangsters are good at waste, comes natural to devils.
    Hertzian56, Jul 22, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Also those in the know are starting businesses to cash in on this criminal activity. So it's another form of marxist jobs programs like nasa is, total fantasy unreality stuff to just give people jobs. At least something like having millions of people digging down mountains and turning them into valleys and vice versa you get something reality based done. But Nasa and the satellite/space fantasy stuff is just for deception purposes and the created stuff is useless, likely just scrapped or recycled, probably have those businesses to scrap and recycle it. As per things like the Report from Iron Mountain etc deliberate waste of men, materials and such is planned to keep their criminal empire safe. These deliberate disasters just part of the plan.

    Back to these fires, there are several companies based around the assumption and desire for massive fires all over. I have seen drone companies that focus on assisting fire fighters by selling data gathered from their drones to the authorities. This seems like something the authorities do themselves so this is likely some vulture capitalist scheme for private profit using public money. This drone makes no sense either it's VTOL but the blades would need to be like a small military drone helicopter to get into the air, THEN it wants to transition to a traditional wing lift type plane-glider which would involve overly complicated systems for the transition. Why not just a small drone helicopter which the military already has. Or a traditional wing lift drone that uses a runway. This company brags about having people who worked on the falcon 9 side thrust re-landing fakery, congrats. There is no reality to that at all other than CGI/video layering fakery presented as real by the liars at Space-sex and their liar tranny frontman Elona Musk-steinberg. You'll notice that the heathen state-god of the jewmasontrannys also goes along with this fakery, criminal mafia all of them. baxter aerospace

    A french-canadian company does the most overpriced wasteful composite utility poles where just large wood and steel poles and such have been used for decades and have the infrastructure in place. These composite poles cost at least 3x more and their only benefit is to be fire resistant. But if you plan on huge massive fires you could get the scam going to where these cities could at least try to justify this which likely involves all sorts of kickbacks and lard for the local authorities and their families and such. Really disgraceful and much more environmentally wasteful than just large wood poles or steel structures.

    There are whole companies that do nothing but fire mitigation in general ways and usually do business mostly with the gov, especially in CA so just more public money for private profit. Let the public money take all the risk and the mafioso get all the profit. And a lot of them are the direct result of legislation so are connected somehow to the gov to cash in on the law mandated bonanza.

    So a lot of these companies WANT fires, good for business just like wars are for profiteers, boom/bust are for banksters etc and such. There is even the motive to start fires by these companies although as I've said it's likely a larger reason these fires are started deliberately and stoked and such. If these were not connected and started fires they would mostly be found out and prosecuted, small mafia usually gets swallowed up by the worldwide jewmasontranny mafia or absorbed.
    Hertzian56, Jul 23, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Here's a couple screen shots of the remote fires in the arctic regions. Mostly around the Great SLAVE lake near Yellowknife, Canada but appear to go up into Alaska in some shots. Note that remote Russia has some odd fires which make no sense unless you want to CAUSE climate change by mixing all that heat and smoke into the high altitude worldwide jetstreams. These are started by airborn platforms, likely DEW-Laser systems, no ground traces left behind and if it needs to be intensified or kept going they can do that, jewmasontranny satanic cult. We get no mention of this in the jewnews either, at least not this remote stuff. Satanists do everything they can to bring hell to earth, as below so above satanic hermeticism. Note the Kybalion has a whole chapter on gender and androgyny. Arctic Smoke Vortex 81323.jpg russia fires 81323.jpg
    Hertzian56, Aug 13, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Here's an outbreak of around 10 fires centered near Seattle today and the oregon fires look atrocious, note though that the smoke is going UP so the areas underneath probably are not smoke infested. And remember the northern canada and remote russia fires are still going on, have been for weeks now. But that many fires suddenly out of nowhere centered near Seattle? Nah those are not just lightning strike fires, those are started artificially by man. And not even arsonists on the ground could do that, this HAS to be airborn systems. I'd say space but they really can't go up more than like 250 miles, not possible. So these systems are likely well below that, laser systems would need more energy to be as effective farther away so likely just so far as to be safely too far for human eyes and average binocs to see these systems. Depends on the size of the craft, obviously the average airliner can be seen at a few thousand feet but they're huge, likely can't see them at cruising alt of 30k feet or six miles up so likely these drone remote platforms are above that so airliners and other planes don't see them or get in the way by chance. Remember the ptb jewmasontranny cultists doing this also control the air traffic system so they make sure no normal planes nearby and such. Maybe some other systems used other than laser based that we are not aware of though but these are started remotely by them for CC etc One image from NWS and one from

    20232270111_GOES18-ABI-pnw-GEOCOLOR-1200x1200.jpg Untitled4.jpg
    Hertzian56, Aug 15, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just briefly pointing out the algo based nature of these so called "live" satellite shots by the pagan cult, if it was truly live there would be roads shown, hwy, fwy, interstates and all sorts of other stuff but we don't see that so it does not reflect all of what's there.

    It's been superimposed with a "standard" geology and base picture then what the satanists want to show us is added in. You'd also see ships on the ocean big enough and a lot more, planes not shown etc So even claiming it's live is nonsense, it's not live and includes edited imagery.
    Hertzian56, Aug 15, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    New fires BC and looks like either smoke formation over montana or a new fire there. We've heard about the Hawaii fires and the Oregon ones as well partially shown. Don't forget far eastern and REMOTE Russia has had fires out of nowhere as well. Lightning would not account for all this, new fires every day and these areas are mostly remote making it unlikely that people on the ground start them, thus pointing to airborne systems used. This is on a continental scale and none of our mischpucka mafia criminal overlords in various offices are describing this as criminal activity, they frame it as CC, 33, Climate Change their pet authoritarian control mechanism. Sure if you CREATE it through various means it is but that's jewmasontranny level continental and through time arch-criminality.
    Hertzian56, Aug 17, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I am also convinced they use haarp em weapons to stoke lightning strikes after having been in a similar situation of a flash storm that had several of them all over in a very short time. Lightning is something that is electrical in nature and depends on the built up charge or lack of it between ground and sky. Now haarp is shooting em waves into the atmosphere at high concentrations and a large difference means lightning arcs. The ground is a ground naturally and if you add a bunch of opposite charge to the surrounding atmosphere mostly clouds you will get the arc. Now cloud seeding is using chemicals dumped into the clouds and even blue sky to get precip or to inhibit it and is old tech, haarp would be just an electrical version of this, more sophisticated.

    These versions of haarp may be airborne mounted systems as well, totally possible with huge sized jumbo jets specially modified for that purpose. They also may be remotely flown, which has been a real thing since the 70s or before or the pilots may be in a faraday cage cockpit if there is the possibility of effects from that amount of emf. Don't forget the black sites all over the world which could be installations of haarp capable of this type of thing as well. There is likely at least one installation near where the fires are, likely remote idaho or montana for these pnw/bc ones lately. And don't forget the effects of magnifying normal weather like hurricanes and such. This was likely done for katrina and other unusually intense storms.

    Here's a shot from last night, several fires in northern idaho stick out to me.
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    Hertzian56, Aug 18, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Noticed a new batch of fires in BC and around Ft Smith in Canada. ONCE AGAIN there's no way this is natural fires, HAS to be sophisticated arson and you all know the climate change agenda the megalomaniacs have been pushing for a long time. And when you have things like HAARP and other tools it's not beneath satanists to use them for their goals. This is terrorism plain and simple and if the ptb really were not behind this then you'd think there would be army out there doing freaking patrols rather than little mention of it and from what I can find online from the region, all marxist state-god official stuff btw, they are just rounding up people and evac them martial law. So Yellowknife is or was almost totally evac out to who knows where.

    Then notice Oregon and general PNW fires just coming and going constantly and no wonder LE ever thinks to question the cause of this. Of course when you go through mind control at military "police" academy for months you're not really trained in thinking outside of the ptb system. No you just enforce their laws no matter how nonsensical and frankly criminal they are, hey you just enforce it, and get well paid for it too. Whores. It looks like around the 299/199 a remote area which connects i5 to the remote northern CA and southern OR coasts is a hotbed. Drove through both roads, very dangerous sweeping up and down and twisting and turning roads. Even camped up there off the 299 one time. It is remote and just like the Canada they're burning for CC no one around mostly to see any of it.

    This could be HAARP juicing of the existing weather to get a hail of lightning which will start fires or it could also be directed energy for a more immediate short term starter in a precise location. I'd believe either or both is being done. If this was really some CC nonsense it would be all over forested areas not remote areas alone. Plenty of dry forest matter all over the east and west US and it would not be limited to one area and region. And no the remote Russian fires around Yakustk or whatever don't count. Same very remote area. We don't see this in other hot dry places like Spain, Italy, Turkey etc The PNW is notorious for rain and wet more so than places like Germany etc That smoke goes up and moves even intercontinentally and DOES heat up the atmosphere unnaturally. The satanists could probably instigate volcanic activity too but there's just not as much of that to make a difference and isn't as believable a lie as almost a whole half a continent burning, strange world.
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    Hertzian56, Aug 28, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Coming back to this a year later I already see the same fires in Lensk and Mirny Russia as last year. I see the Slave Lake area fires once again. I would wager we get fires along the I5 north of SF also this year and all over remote BC like shown here above.
    Hertzian56, Jul 7, 2024
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Looking at some of those pics from last year that's warfare level of fires and smoke only possible by deliberate action, this is not possible by just lightning strikes or "climate change" nonsense. These are started fires and this is warfare against humanity and against nature. But of course no one questions anything about these fires in the Lawyer Enforcement industry nor higher level, now why is that? Collaboration.

    Its criminal conspiracy that involves the authorities whether they're idiot pension whore dupes or not they are responsible to investigate things that could be or are criminal in nature but they don't in this case. The police and higher authorities have stoked and created crimes many times to advance agendas and "good for business" reasons. Many are jewmasontranny cult members themselves, especially the leadership.
    Hertzian56, Jul 7, 2024
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Soo right on que yeah fire near medford oregon off i5. Fire off the 299 remote road connecting the I5 to the CA-Oregon Coast, been down that way and camped off there very remote area easily can have ground units start fires or much more likely targeted by drone or other airborne system with lasers-masers-DEW weapons.

    Fire in central Washington State.

    One fire that was STARTED as a controlled burn in southern utah which was then Reclassified into a "wildfire" for the fed and state money that would pour into coffers and OT and such, IT'S AN INDUSTRY to make MONEY along with climate nonsense and to even modify the climate to be hotter and dryer, sicken people with smoke and ash and all the business that brings and the politiwhores with their totalitarian "solutions" and such.
    Hertzian56, Jul 8, 2024
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Fort Nelson area British Columbia the same remote places fires can be started to modify weather, dozens of "hotspots" on Zoom.Earth 7/7/24 at 7pm. All around remote north western Canada.

    Huge hotspots in central Russia above China in between Aldan, Lensk and Chita Russia. These are MASSIVE fires I mean like if a huge meteor landed and the fires that would create.

    Do we see this in the news? if any of it is is the at the least possibility of arson and a directed effort to starting these fires ever get any real mention or serious investigation by anyone?
    Hertzian56, Jul 8, 2024
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Cold Lake Canada looks to be a center of smoke dispersal so they can once again get the midwestern USA covered in smoke, hammer home the climate change political agenda, sicken people, and actually change the weather patterns. Source is likely around Slave Lake and the Great Slave Lake area Lake athabasca. But the major fires cluster is NE of Fort Nelson BC or possibly Yukon territory.
    Hertzian56, Jul 8, 2024
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I would also note that looking at the satellite of a supposed warzone, ukraine, there isn't really any smoke, and this is a warzone according to the mafias MSM anyways. Look at russia almost directly above beijing, you have almost a whole region the size of several US states FULL of smoke. This is yet a.nother massive crime by the jewmasontranny cult mafia.

    The smoke looks to be going either over vladivostock out to ocean into the jet streams or it goes up into the arctic and down back into northern canada where massive airborne drones with likely invisible to the human eye laser-masers-DEWs start and maintain these fires there then you get the combined might of these started fires to go down into central USA almost to Chicago. The only thing that's kept that this year is the effects of the storm over texas pushing it further north.

    Of course in socialist canada the gov media always just a press release for the authorities says it's "human caused" which they likely laugh about in private. Good Lord you have a hexstorm of fires and you can't even instruct rangers to keep a close eye out during these months? No investigation is ever done or it's nebulous "someones" did this etc If this is ground based arson it's done very professionally and with a lot of knowledge about the weather patterns, this isn't something campers know about. So you either have an organized effort by a group or you have remote platforms starting these fires. But no one says or does anything. That's criminal behavior by Lawyer Enforcement right there, big surprise.
    Hertzian56, Jul 10, 2024
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So today 7-17-24 I'm seeing fires along the 299 in northern CA which I have driven on and camped along, and perfect for starting fires via airborne platforms. I also see fires along i5 in Oregon once again that seems to be a place where fires have been started for probably a long time now. We'll always see started fires in California likely near the "bowl" middle section likely to sicken people and also likely to have smaller food harvests, change the weather like what a huge money crop area did. The so called dust bowl was the result of money crop farming on a vast scale which does change weather, where there was mixed foliage and lakes, streams was all done away with for crops and this changed the weather and such.

    So starting fires does change weather and this fits in with the totalitarian agenda, subtly sickens millions with less oxygen more smoke and of course is itself a huge money industry, the fire industry. The jewmasontranny cult is clever and multiplexes.

    The Fort Nelson area in BC is also still a major locus as is the Slave Lakes area, predictably the smoke goes down into the mid west, this needed a lot of info and data on the air flow patterns that some rando arsonists would not know. Also directly north of Beijing in eastern Russia is a major major locus of this fire strategy by the cult. Arch criminals do big things. Screenshot (969).png Screenshot (970).png Screenshot (971).png
    Hertzian56, Jul 18, 2024
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Soo while idiots and cadres are talking about some fake politiwhore dramas and fake events this is happening, the annual ritual of burning which the jewmasontranny cult is doing deliberately no doubt. Their guard dog class does nothing about it, their lawyer jewdge class does nothing about it, their scum presswhores report only generally about it, big dramatic pics sell of course.You need isolated remote dry timber for good fires, desert scrub usually burns out fast unless you continually restart nearby fires, semi-desert is better of course very dry with mixed junipers and scrub. But huge forests like canada and the PNW areas are ideal this time of year. This is a group effort with tech involved and coordination. Screenshot (978).png Screenshot (979).png Screenshot (980).png Screenshot (981).png
    Hertzian56, Jul 19, 2024
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Screenshot (984).png Screenshot (988).png Screenshot (989).png Screenshot (990).png Screenshot (991).png Once again the same places are consistently burned by the ptb. Remote Canada in the dryest part of the year, the PNW cascades and east of that, Idaho Montana and of course California. We also see huge fires around Yakusk Russia directly north of beijing and mongolia. Their are no major cities or heat centers here that are natural, this is siberia in the summer when you have vast forests of dry trees. None of this is possible on this scale from a simple sats POV. Lightning and campers etc couldn't do this much period.

    I also notice the huge red streaks along northern canada, I strongly doubt normal red fire retardant could show up on this scale but also that this is artificially added to this via airborne platforms. These chems are likely for nefarious effects unknown.

    The red spots are zoom earths heat spots, areas of high surface heat. You'll see rainforests having this because they hold a lot of heat, major cities do too. Anything else is not natural.
    Hertzian56, Jul 23, 2024
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