The started fires of canada oregon and the rest for cc33 climate change agenda

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Jul 22, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Soo if you know where fires start for at a minimum of 2 years as I've shown here you'd think the ptb and their guard dog class would have some interest in patrolling this, these fires make money for the fire mitigation and control industry esp gov guard dogs so I guess it has no importance to them to pre-emptively try to stop this arson until it's already burning. THEN the mountains of money roll in, after it's already a raging inferno. The we have half a continent on fire with smoke patterns that are massive and do effect health, weather and such. Unless of course they are the ones who start these fires, then it works out wonderfully for their objectives. Really sick stuff by really sick people.

    And at a minimum just simple cloud seeding, which we positively DO know can be done, would certainly quell and limit these massive fires. However that never gets done of course, send in the clowns and spray some probably toxic fire retardants for a good profit likely well above cloud seeding.

    In fact we hear drought this drought that by their mediawhore class well ok, it gets hot and dry in high summer and early fall, it's NOT A DROUGHT it's totally natural. But let's disregard these inconvenient common sense facts and wonder why the KNOWN tech isn't used? Why not? US States have Natl Guard or they can request the Army Corps of Engineers to do this on a regular basis to get rain more but of course this stands in the way of totalitarian goals. If these states wanted they could probably pay for a private company to do this as well, but nope. smh
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
    Hertzian56, Jul 24, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So a new development starting on the 24th 25th of July is a MASSIVE fire near Paradise, CA and Chico, CA. This fire has heat spots on the scale larger then cities do. This was the area where we got the "paradise" burning fire, rife with subliminal messaging ON PURPOSE by the JMT mafia who starts these fires as a sort of ritual burning down man not in their cult to then say this is their totalitarian climate control cc 33 coming to fruition. So it gives them something to point to when they enact the ever more police state level of laws and ordinances.

    Once again the same areas are burned on a scale that no lightning or campers could do in such a short time and concentrated areas. Yakustk Russia region likely the size of the whole PNW which is also a major target, then you have remote canada a HUGE major center of this to then get heat and smoke flows into the farm states in America which DOES effect the farming and also some pop centers to subtley sicken people. It also gives a visual indication of the "truth" of their CC scam to dumbos walking around, the vast majority, probably even those in the jewmasontranny cult at lower levels.

    This also DOES effect weather making it drier in a time of monsoon in many places which has effects on everything under it albeit small. More smoke means less air for the things that need it also.
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    Hertzian56, Jul 25, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Now for the so called "park" fire near Chico, CA they have their presswhore wing come up with some dumbAF story about some man pushing a burning car, yeah you read that right, down into a gully and this somehow means a 45k acre fire goes to 75k acre fire in one night! LOL Ridiculous story there, plausible to dumbos but totally BS to anyone who sees ALL the MASSIVE fires all over the place where I've mentioned.

    Who even could push a burning car anyways? and why would you do that, you're not going to hide a burning anything with smoke by just pushing it into a gully as the presswhores claim as told them to say by the various ptb's organs. R,i, di,cu,lous!!!
    Hertzian56, Jul 25, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Hertzian56, Jul 25, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    See the pic which looks very implausible to be a major start of the expanded already existing 6k acre fire. There's not even any trees close by, nope total fabrication by liars. Note that the persons identity has not been revealed and likely never will be, as per usual. Sounds a lot like the black hole that "natl security" is for pretty much anything the JMT mafioso want to do.
    Hertzian56, Jul 25, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So yeah while people are focused on the pagan trannylimpdicks and politiwhore dramas we have half of canada burning, the whole PNW burning, a region the size of the pnw burning in russia. All this has a huge vortex over the Saskatchawan region of canada. It also has massive red smoke which I can only assume is fire retardant but on that scale it's incredible, how this amount is dumped into the atmosphere is mind boggling. And the red stuff seems to be in the higher alt clouds to the north of any of the fires.

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    Hertzian56, Jul 26, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    My guess what this does is it pulls out moisture due to the drying effect of this smoke and heats up areas that are moderate in temp this time of year. Now they have about til Sept 1 to where the sun has moved too far south and these areas will cool down more and the fires won't spread as much naturally. They can and do use airborne systems to start and maintain these fires though but without the help of the suns heat and the dried out forests it would be too much effort to keep doing this and at some point idiots would get a clue that this isn't normal.

    As if this is normal in the first place how anyone thinks this is is just due to programming by the cults presswhore wing and it's "officials" class, pensionwhores and such. And the Russian Yakustk region of fires likely also will have this effect of making it more dry in a dry season of late summer early fall. It also heats up the areas of fire and surrounding so you get an elevation of temps where it should be more moist humid and gradually falling off w the sun going south for their summer there.

    The earth is a closed system so there will be some compensation elsewhere and they know this. I'm no expert on weather but I'd say higher temps are the goal and therefore less rain fall in a monsoon season so even more dry so then we'll get a created drought they can point to for their various criminal schemes and plans. Less rain fall and in other places flash flooding levels of rain fall to then amp up the disasters which will be attributed to climate change so then laws and ordinances of an even more totalitarian nature will be enacted and people will go along with it because they only think w their bellies, what's in front of them when framed by the ptb is the "truth".

    Never knowing that criminal behavior on not just a human world scale but a natural world scale is going on to deliberately create these disasters and such. If you need climate change that's disaster level you then use your tools to create it as much as possible in the real world THEN you have your politiwhores and presswhores program that into dumbos, happened many many times the last 200 years or so. But the tech and the growth of this satanic jewmasontranny cult makes it even more virulent and evil. Snowball effect.
    Hertzian56, Jul 26, 2024
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    From the vortex motion it looks to be drawing high alt clouds from the Colorado Rockies north, so they will get less snow or moisture then usual probably in a delayed effect manner. This means less snow and thus a more intense drought is being created this way. I don't actually think there is a drought it's completely normal for it to be hot and dry in the summer and even hotter late summer, the delayed effect of this dryness means moisture then comes into the area which is the monsoon season, this is natural compensation. Remember the earth is a closed system and like any heat pump type of thing heat and cold flow to where they're not and it's a constant adjustment. The driver here is the position of the sun and its EM heat keeping things in motion.

    The seasons change gradually with the position of the sun and there is a delayed effect. For instance the sun is closest to the earth on june 21 or so the Summer Solstice but it's not hottest until the following july and august kinda like 12pm sun is at full power overhead but it's not hottest until about 4pm, this is barring any other weather etc.

    So the effect here is delayed, probably no changes will be detected and it will be just a less snow due to less moisture being there which is pulled out of the rockies. I would also bet this means more extreme weather in other places like rainfall and such. The earth adjusts to these changes and sometimes it means intense fast adjustment to get back to it's normal weather processes. This is kinda like the extreme cauterizing of a wound to get everything going again clean out the abnormality.
    Hertzian56, Jul 26, 2024
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So you have a huge vortex up north that's pulling high alt clouds up there drying out the places behind it. You've also got it pulling smoke from I guess cal or smoke that's come down or from somewhere in TX etc making a huge high alt smoke web in the central US. The PNW looks like a warzone it's so bad and the chico fire is huge.

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    Hertzian56, Jul 27, 2024
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I now can see fires in socal around bakersfield, not to mention the chico paradise massive fire and the PNW looks once again like a warzone. The epicenter of all this is remote NW canada though, they are burning a whole region and not to mention the region of Yakutsk, Russia likely the size of the whole PNW states down to SF.

    So yeah we're going to get extreme reaction from the natural weather processes to adjust back to normal and this means disaster level weather events likely helped with the use of HAARP and other unknown tech. The next step is more authoritarian laws and ordinances by the very cult that is doing this. Create "chaos" to then impose your order, simple as that. Even though it's nonsensical. If you create chaos or disorder it's not chaos or disorder it's a plan. This is the kabbalistic dialectic at work, endlessly.

    Create dialectics to get the desired synthesis and work the same thing until you get another one and another one. End goal, totally subverted humanity in a cage. Hel on earth, as below so above etc The kabbalistic hexagram two triangles opposing, baphomets coagula and dissolve and it's body pose we see all over. The inverted triangle of the "V" jewmasontranny cult handsign, the hand of illumination which casts a devils shadow. The light and dark of satan disquised as lucifer. Lucifer is being unveiled even more explicitly as we go forward they are so confident and full of pride. The dumbo crowd calls for crucifixion once again, easily led by the nose by the masters of deception and subterfuge. However that pride is blinding and dulling, like a hotrod cruising along not seeing the cliff it's rapidly approaching, too late to stop. And the End.
    Hertzian56, Jul 28, 2024
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    You will notice this isn't happening in dense areas like europe nor in unimportant areas like africa or S America. These places are either too dense and too wet or are simply just follower under control places that no one cares too much about the population they're all under various forms of control.

    If this was natural and really induced major climate change there WOULD.BE.NO.SAFE.PLACES.... real natural processes don't play favorites based on where and what. But we don't get that do we. We get targeted areas consistently for broadcasting of this to certain populations that it's "real" disaster CC. We get repeated areas and regions of this world crime for a minimum of the 2 years I've tracked this in this thread with pics.
    Hertzian56, Jul 28, 2024
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I would just check the it's the same war zone looking stuff in the major hot spots I've mentioned hasn't changed. So we'll get a reaction by nature from this unnatural criminal activity on a world scale by the same scum jewmasontranny cult that's having it's trannylimpdicks rn. Total freak fest, grossaf indecent weirdos.

    Anyways so yeah if you drastically change both the land or the atmosphere you're going to get a reaction. The dust bowl stuff comes to mind, a previously mixed area of trees, natural water, grasses and such was all of a sudden cleared for miles to grow cash crops. This destroyed the things that kept the soil together and the weather temperate but then the soil was dried up and the water was channeled to storage and you got dust and the wind was not absorbed by the natural trees and shrubs as they were mowed down and removed so you got the dust bowl.

    The large forests in europe were cultivated and cut down just like in england and this produced hotter and dryer weather and floods etc then what was there before. So yes of course man has an effect on the weather and such and this is no different but done for nefarious purposes not useful in any good way but political totalitarianism.

    We will get more and more extreme weather in reaction to this, and it's not likely to be just following or during this massive arson either. It will have a delayed effect even building up over time, the satanists know this and more.
    Hertzian56, Aug 10, 2024
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    FYI here's an article in a warplanes mag I was browsing and it describes lasers that can be fired from various airborne platforms from almost 10 miles away, can't be seen by human eye, and can burn through metal at that range. They were talking about adapting this for helos and ospreys also, more likely this is a drone mounted laser or DEW system they use to start these fires in remote canada, pnw, russia and cali for their "climate change" agenda. Both to have a visual for dumbos to frame it for them as CC, degrade health, get a "grass roots" demand for action on CC by said dumbos once the media programs this into them and of course their government meat does that as well then the stormtroopers to enforce it.

    The article is very coy about this was all just dropped over 10 years ago, sure right I've also got a bridge in brooklyn to sell you for a few millions if you believe that lie.

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    Hertzian56, Aug 21, 2024
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    In todays zoom earth we see the hotspots all over remote canada and remote russia, the good old 299 area around eureka, cali usually gets some fires as well, it's also remote high country with lots of dry trees and such this time of year, natural selection for these criminals. Ritual Burning season is close to being over though but we may see more ritual burning by this jewmasontranny cult into september until temps drop down to where it wouldn't be worth the work to send in more platforms to keep the ritual going. The "paradise" fire near chico is a massive scar of burnt scorched earth that the cult has targeted for obvious reasons seems to have been finally put to bed this year, OR maybe we'll get another "man pushes burning car into ditch, fire triples in size in a few hours" hilarious nonsense lying of lawyer enforcement and it's fellow cultists in the mediawhore wing.

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    Hertzian56, Aug 21, 2024
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So now we're seeing a vortex over roughly northern montana idaho area from PNW ritual burning and also the tropical storm aftermath is pushing the smoke up while it's coming down from the pnw. I also put some filters on there for active fires and hotspots. One of them is hundreds of thousands of acres fire that is described as "out of control" in the remote western canada. OF COURSE THIS IS ALL DONE ON PURPOSE by the same jewmasontranny satanic cult that owns DOPE INC, PETRO INC and all the other big nefarious criminal things in this shyster run world we're trapped in.

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    Hertzian56, Sep 10, 2024
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