The STEM education scam

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Jun 27, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And we know that STEM is being pushed as what all the jobs are going to be but this is false. Really servicing the rich and elderly, gov, security, travel/vacation, general hedonism industries, sales etc are much more future oriented than STEM is. Oh of course they can't have robots servicing broken AC and such but that's usually general maintenance work. You're better off getting into something that retirees and others HAVE to pay a premium for like plumbing, HVAC, medical etc And now you notice the trade schools cost very close to colleges and universities at thousands of dollars per year and which you can't work full time due to the classes and other things required by said fancy ribbon seal of approval folks.

    We were all sold that college is the way to good jobs and such for decades but then the market is saturated w college grads so now we get low level jobs that also want/require it for pay this is not really different from 70s pay when college grads were more rare. No college no loans, your pay goes to your needs not interest charges. This is taking into account avg home prices and other things that have gone up aka inflation and other factors. So the gov-education establishment and the bankster loans industry has profited mightily from it, indirectly gets bailout insurance by the gov just like "too big to fail" companies which take that into account when making decisions and like insurance it actually makes them more unstable in decision making.

    The general direction of both gov and industry is towards lowering pay while raising taxes and required things in legalized rackets like health insurance and car insurance with no limits on what can be charged and such. So gov would be rubber stamping immigrants from lower wage countries in STEM fields to lower pay, saturating the market w degreed STEM people who are also heavily in debt for college so have little choice but to accept low pay.

    Once the heavy robot and AI emphasis is done and dusted and fully developed by engineers now all you'll need is a few engineers per thousands to fix really tricky stuff, the rest can be techs at much lower pay.
    Hertzian56, Jun 27, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And notice that all sorts of garbage college degrees and subjects got rolled out for those who likely should not have bothered with college. Communications, art, socialist/marxist topics like sociology/psych/ethnic and gender studies and such and a lot more are not college level things they are specialist things and artificial stuff that does not need formal paid for training OR needs specialist training which dispenses with the myriad of totally unrelated but required things like "gen ed" nonsense. All at inflated costs and sadlling regular people with debt at interest for years and more.
    Hertzian56, Jun 27, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Coming back to this what they do, the megacorps and their bankster owners talmudicks-kabbalist scum, is to break up a profession to then lower the overall service and costs, but then also raise prices w gov shenanigans and legalized crimes.

    So take the Physician for instance. This used to be more of a handcrafted thing with apprentices and such, there was no crippling debt and liability and insurance needed at high cost for this. Well in came the scumbags and over time the License to Practice police came in to enforce a definite line of policies to just be a physician. These licensing boards are ultimately controlled by various huge foundations of the elite criminal class.

    So they pick them apart. High loan cost, years and years of useless high cost "education" not relevant to the profession. Then the debt load adds up to conformist slaves in golden hand cuffs. We also see the huge Dope Inc of just drug dealers by these so called doctors, the huge medical testing and device industry of largely useless utility and you've got a behemoth industry which has nothing to do with genuine human welfare. In fact it's largely a detriment to the health of humanity.

    Marxist socialized medicine is the ultimate meat grinder of misery. Care quality goes down prices skyrocket and it's just another form of central bank scam, just throw all the graft , fraud and inflated costs onto the taxpayer to pay even more taxes at all levels.
    Hertzian56, Jul 7, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So we get "physicians assistant" "nurse physician" or whatever can write meds up which is very important to the scam, get the meds going and then get the testing of all kinds going, profit goes up. The poor traditional physician of a guild nature was turned into a mutt for the benefit of the shysters and their various criminal schemes. More and more specialists that focus on drugs and testing inserted in there so fewer full doctors at high cost are needed.

    One doctor can now just do a limited range of things for a larger population since all the other little things are done by techs and nurses. Med techs of various types within the scammer "licenses" "training" industry. A freaking doctor could draw blood at one time now they have specialists just for that. They have peopel who specialize in heavy drugs like anasthesia which likely is not necessary for 99% of the time, it's just to have a docile lump of flesh called a patient to do things to in peace.

    Drugs and testing are the major drivers of the awful modern medical industry. I would likely add in surgery there.

    Cut, test and drug should be the modern abomination of medicine's motto should be.
    Hertzian56, Jul 7, 2024
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