This is where I have got to. Need more advice pls.

Discussion in 'Linux' started by milkboy, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. milkboy


    Mar 18, 2009
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    Hey Group
    I have an Acer Aspire One Linux 8GB

    I have got so far on my own with my limited Linux knowledge and what
    I have done is use the GUI to make changes rather than Terminal.

    I use Terminal when I can copy the command stright from websites like Macles

    So here I am. This is my screenshot.

    So what next for me?
    The questions I have are these.

    I have noticed that my SSD cards, normal and expansion only show when I open Thunar with sudo.
    I have a shortcut for 'Thunar' and one set for 'SUDO Thunar' depending on if I need the SSD.
    I did read a guy who suggested running 'daemon --Thunar' at start up but I have had no sucess.

    How can I make my SSD cards auto accessible like with the Acer Desktop 'overlay' ??


    Firefox 3. Can I go to Add/Remove Programs and simply remove Firefox 2.x.x and
    then download and install a Firefox 3 RPM or similar?

    I added Thunderbird in Add/Remove and the removed it succesfully in this manner
    using Add/Remove programs.

    I understand that Firefox was 'buit in' to the Acer Desktop but was this just refering
    to the shortcuts like 'Web Browser' just pointing to Firefox??


    Is it possible to modify the pop up menu bar? (Start button. The X button with the XFCE logo)

    I would like to delete/modify/reorganise some of the categories etc?


    I have totally given up trying to install VLC. I am baffled by Livna (?)
    Surely there is an RPM that works....somewhere (hopes)

    Any advice regarding VLC would be excellent


    Thanks in advance

    milkboy, Mar 18, 2009
  2. milkboy


    Oct 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Hi milkboy

    You said,

    I have noticed that my SSD cards, normal and expansion only show when I open Thunar with sudo.
    I have a shortcut for 'Thunar' and one set for 'SUDO Thunar' depending on if I need the SSD.
    I did read a guy who suggested running 'daemon --Thunar' at start up but I have had no sucess.

    SSD is the solid state disk in the Aspire but I assume you mean SD cards. If you select the "Home" icon you have on your desktop you open "File Manager". Select "View" then "Side Pane" then tick "Tree" that will change the LH pane to show your SD cards and for that matter any USB pen you have connected. Selecting them will then show what files they contain.

    With regards Firefox3 and VLC, you mention Macles blog and he describes routines to install both. I have not tried the Firefox install but I have used the VLC install. I eventually got it to work, the main problem was the time to download some of the files required. They kept crashing but keep trying. He also has a section about "Auf's", the LH SD expansion slot. It is a bit technical for me but it may help explain what goes on between the SSD and the LH SD card slot.

    I do not think you can alter the XFCE menu (other than making additions to the categories by adding software) but for more detail on XFCE, google it and you will find a web site with a forum.

    Welcome to the forum and best wishes.
    solpuerto, Mar 18, 2009
  3. milkboy


    Mar 18, 2009
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    Hey there

    Thanks for taking the time to reply

    Yes, I did mean my SD cards and not SSD.

    Alt+F2 > Thunar > does not show my expanded storage size with a 4GB SD card in the expansion slot

    Alt+F2 > sudo Thunar > does show my expanded storage size

    Now, using Side Pane Tree view, I can always access the SD cards by going to /media
    but only 'sudo Thunar' shows the SD card in the Side Pane Tree View.
    Thunar does not show the SD card even in Side Pane Tree View.

    I am thinking maybe the Acerdesktop overlay had a 'command' to always show the SD cards, built in, and I have
    removed it maybe, by using the default xfce desktop?

    I am also wondering if it worth having the 4GB expansion SD card in the pc as it may actually be unavailble in normal use ?

    Re : Firefox 3 - I used the Acer update. Not 100% ideal as it still does not have auto update from mozilla, but at least I am on v3.x.x

    Ill keep on trying with VLC

    Thanks M
    milkboy, Mar 19, 2009
  4. milkboy


    Oct 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Hi again

    I run the standard Xfce desktop and not the Acer one and can still see the SD/MMC card in the left pane with Tree view.


    This screenshot shows how it looks with SD card in LH and RH slot and also a USB pen.
    I can access and save data to either SD card, so I am not sure what is causing your problem.

    I will do some exploring later but one question are the Documents etc folders shown in /media/disk?
    solpuerto, Mar 19, 2009
  5. milkboy


    Mar 18, 2009
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    milkboy, Mar 24, 2009
  6. milkboy


    Oct 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Hi milkboy

    You have not answered the question in my last post,

    one question are the Documents etc folders shown in /media/disk?

    When you can see the SD card in the LH Pane (sudo thunar) can you check what the Permissions are for the card? (left click then Properties)

    Also have a look at this link

    solpuerto, Mar 24, 2009
  7. milkboy


    Mar 18, 2009
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    Yes I can always access my SD card via /media when using 'Thunar' or 'sudo Thunar'

    I have now noticed that when using 'normal' Thunar in Tree View mode I DO NOT see my SD
    However, if I goto View>Advanced Mode I see my SD card like in your screenshot
    Unfortunatley, after a reboot, normal Thunar goes back to Standard Mode.

    Sudo Thunar is in Standard Mode but I see SD at all time.

    If normal Thunar stayed in Advanced Mode permantly I think that would be the answer (?)

    Thanks for your time again, man

    milkboy, Mar 25, 2009
  8. milkboy


    Mar 18, 2009
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    Hey Solpuerto

    Im all fixed now. your link to the Kill Thunar command has go me going

    Thanks for your help again

    milkboy, Mar 25, 2009
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