Thought: possible cause of dead AA1's

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by jair2k4, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. jair2k4


    Oct 10, 2008
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    Hey guys!

    First post here, and I thought I'd start it off with a theory.

    My AA1 is coming in three days, so i thought i better be prepared for anything, so researching has consumed me for the last couple days. I have a theory as to why all these aspire ones become bricked. I am an early adopter of the Eee Pc 701, so this is where my experience comes from.

    Ok, so here we go. On the Eee, you can upgrade the ram to 1 or 2 gig. The 701 is capable of being clocked up to 900+ mhz using a program called eeectl (for those of you who already know this, skip forward, this is a crash course in Eee's for those who do not know them.)

    If you use inferior ram (IE: Kensington, PNY, etc.... pretty much anything you can buy at bestbuy) and you try to change the clock speed too fast, the Eee bricks. This is due to the fact that the ram cannot keep up with the processor's clock changes. If you edit the settings in eeectl to make the changes in speed slower, and more gradual, the ram can deal with it.

    Here's the theory: Atom processors have speedstep integrated into them. I believe (and I may be wrong, hence the term 'theory') that this is a two-fold issue. some of you are bricking because of your ram upgrades, and the speedstepping at boot is too much for your ram. For those of you with the newer bios, perhaps the bios is telling the clock to step much quicker, and even the stock ram cant keep up with it.

    As I said, this is a theory..... But the issue seems very closely related to the problem that I had with my Eee. Anyone want to help make sense of this?

    Thanks for your time guys!

    jair2k4, Oct 10, 2008
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