Thoughts on Pico Projector Mod?

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by AOD150BLACK, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. AOD150BLACK


    Mar 30, 2009
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    I have been following the development of pico projectors for about a year now, and am excited about the new laser kit Microvision is offering to industry developers. There will be products using it on the market by the holiday season.

    This tiny projector is about 10mm X 60mm X 68MM, which opens up the possibility of adding one to full size laptops easily, and perhaps even netbooks with a bit of modification. I've got two ideas for modding an Acer Aspire One:

    1- Remove the lcd and lid completely, replacing with a snap over cover that is removed and stood on it's side to act as a close up screen. The projector module would have to be mounted on top of the battery compartment, allowing it to shine on either the snap-cover-screen or another surface such as a wall for big screen display.

    2- Remove the external display connector and the ethernet port, and modify the bottom case cover to fit the projector module sideways. This could be a better mod for presentations, allowing the user to be sideways when needing to use the keyboard as opposed to turning their backs on the audience (a big no no). It retains the LCD as well.

    The first idea isn't my favorite, since the laptop would be difficult to use in your lap without the LCD screen.

    The second idea I like, but I'm concerned with heat dissipation from the projector unit.

    Both ideas pretty much would require a 9 cell battery modified to power the projector unit.

    Any thoughts on the feasibility of such a mod?
    AOD150BLACK, Jul 26, 2009
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