Thunar do not see other partitions

Discussion in 'Linux' started by slashgti, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. slashgti


    Jan 5, 2009
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    I have an Acer A105L and I made it dual boot. I have made 4 Partitions.
    1. Ext2fs for Linux (13GB)
    2. Swap 2GB
    3. NTFS 20GB for windows XP
    4. FAT32 for my data.

    In the beginning everything worked fine and I could see the fourth partition under Thunar. I don't know what went wrong but now I can't see the third and fourth partition in Thunar. I can see only the linux partition. In other programs though like firefox and openoffice I can normally see all partitions. I haven't installed any programs in limpus besides the updates. If someone can help me I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
    slashgti, Jan 5, 2009
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