Thunar USB Automount problems

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Kabo, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. Kabo


    Apr 30, 2009
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    Hi all,

    Sorry if this has been asked before, I've tried to search for info but no results.

    I've recently bought an AAO, with Linpus installed. My intention was to plug a USB hard disk with NTFS to have additional space and share files in a network.

    After some research (my Linux knowledge is very low) I've managed to have Samba working and sharing the HD, and I can write / read from it. May seem very easy for a lot of people but when you don't know anything this is huge :p.

    The problem is, my mother language is not English, and some of the files contained in the hard drive have letters or symbols strange to English (I'm Spanish). When I plug the HD, Thunar succesfully recognizes it, mounts it and I can use it with no problem, the HD is shared and everything, but any directory or file with Ñ or something like that is not shown. If I umount the HD from Thunar, and then I mount the drive from a terminal manually, then the files are shown. I've read a lot of places suggesting mounting the drive with my locale string, but I want Thunar to do it, since it is easier for me and I would like to avoid editing fstab. In fact, I have like 3 HD drives shared, and Thunar mounts them with a nice specific name under "/media/MUSIC", "/media/DOCS" and "/media/PHOTOS", no matter what sb* it is.

    I would like to know how to tell Thunar to mount the HD with my specific local. I've searched for hours and nothing :(.

    Thank you in advance.
    Kabo, Apr 30, 2009
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