Touchpad button failure

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by illingd, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. illingd


    Apr 22, 2009
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    I'm having trouble with the click buttons of my AAO touchpad. The left button seems to have stopped working and a tap on the pad also does not work as a click; the right button is OK at the moment, though I have had problems with that sometimes. Some of the time everything is fine. Is this a hardware problem? or could it be software -- is there any way to give the mouse functions a kick or to do a diagnostic check? An external usb mouse works fine. (This is a 110Ab running Linpus)
    illingd, Jun 8, 2009
  2. illingd


    Jan 17, 2009
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    Atlanta, GA
    This started happening to me last week. I believe it's caused by an incompletely seated connector for the touchpad (mine travels a lot on a motorcycle, so it gets jostled a bit). It's not hard to pry the keyboard loose and reset the connector. BUT... beware: this will void your warranty. I tried doing this, and tried to remove the keyboard ribbon cable (unnecessary), and broke the ribbon connector. Acer tech support responded that repair would be $449 + parts and shipping. If you don't muck with it, you should be able to send it in under a warranty claim; expect it to be gone for about 10 days.
    libssd, Jun 9, 2009
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