Tried to install Keepassx - and now no Power Center

Discussion in 'Linux' started by GighaTec, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. GighaTec


    Jul 26, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Was trying to install KeepassX but it seemed to hit a glitch at the end of the install process and hung the machine. On reboot I now have no Power Center tray icon and I cannt enter the Power Center. I have tried to uninstall KeepassX by unticking in Add/Remove and it said it uninstalled, but still no power center.

    Anyone got any ideas where I can start looking to fix this.

    Many thanks in advance

    Linpus 16G, advanced mode with a few tweaks and very little Linpus knowledge
    GighaTec, Feb 6, 2010
  2. GighaTec


    Jul 26, 2009
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    OK - have removed Kpowersave, which I had already installed, and am prepared just to restore the OS when I get home. But this is a bit poor, thats 2 restores in 4 months - thats worse than Windows! I have enjoyed customising the system but have been really suprised how fragile the thing is, given its lightweight footprint and the general good things I have been hearing about Linux. I realise that my tinkering may have aided the destablisation, but I just expected better. I am very PC literate, using PCs for 20 years and earning my corn through them, just not with a a Linux base

    Will use this Acer in its Linpus Lite form, but its a poor example of the OS I think and will unfortunately keep me on Windows on the other PCs.

    Shame really.

    And I am answering my own posts!

    *Sound of tumbleweed drifting across the forum*
    GighaTec, Feb 27, 2010
  3. GighaTec


    Aug 21, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Minnesota, USA
    Unfortunately, Acer chose to go with Linpus. Linpus is not a representative, mainstream Linux distribution by any stretch of any sane person's imagination. If you're truly very PC-literate, you should probably try a recent version of Fedora or Ubuntu on your Aspire One. Just download the live CD image, grab a copy of unetbootin, and use unetbootin to place the image on a 1GB (or larger) USB flash drive. Boot from the flash drive, and explore. It won't look like WIndows, it won't look like Linpus, but it'll be a much more representative (albeit slower because you're running of the USB drive) modern Linux experience .
    RockDoctor, Mar 17, 2010
  4. GighaTec


    Jul 26, 2009
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    Thanks for the reply Rockman - I am restoring Linpus one last time, so I can use the netbook for its purpose - ie browsing, email and basic document handling when I am away. I will take your advice and have a go at Ubuntu on the Aspire - I have 9.04 running on a PC in the office and find it OK. To be honest I find that I dont have a real use for it. I am PC literate (don't get the questioning of it but hey ho!) and earn my coin on Access databases and web design/hosting. The former is definitely PC based, but the later I could migrate over to Linux - I am just surprised I am not. On the PC I use dreamweaver, photoshop and an ftp client and that's about it.

    I have dabbled in Gimp and failed to immerse myself in it and I have not really looked for a Linux Dreamweaver replacement.

    I was hoping that the Netbook would give me the impetus to dump Microsoft and it hasn't. I believe that, as you said, this is due to Linpus being a bizarre halfway house, but I have also read horror stories on here about getting wireless to work with Ubuntu on the Aspire so ...

    I'm rambling now.

    Restoring as I type
    GighaTec, Mar 22, 2010
  5. GighaTec


    Aug 21, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Minnesota, USA
    Didn't mean to appear rude with the question, but I've met many who claim to be PC-literate whose literacy is quite limited (as is my own). On my early-model AA1, wireless just works, I just need the tweak to make the card reader visible if no card is present on boot. Fedora, on the other hand, doesn't even need that. I spent the waning years of the last century working with Access. Definitely PC-based, but we didn't have a decent LAN, so the databases had to be distributed to individual facilities via sneakernet.
    RockDoctor, Mar 22, 2010
  6. GighaTec


    Jul 26, 2009
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    Well, that's me re-installed, went through the fabulous

    "Get the Linpus desktop you always wanted" thread, ( viewtopic.php?f=39&t=4310&start=0&hilit=wanted+desktop)

    and I am ready for action. To be fair, only took an hour start to finish and back in its re-installed state I do really like the AA1. Will have a look at Fedora next time any work is needed.

    Could you recommend any dreamweaver type app that would help me migrate away from windoze?


    GighaTec, Mar 22, 2010
  7. GighaTec


    Aug 21, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Minnesota, USA
    Glad you've got the desktop you've always wanted (or something close enough).

    You might want to look at Bluefish. I haven't used Dreamweaver, so I don't know how Bluefish will compare.
    RockDoctor, Mar 22, 2010
  8. GighaTec


    Jul 26, 2009
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    Cheers again RockDoc - Bluefish looks OK(ish) - cant get it at the minute to preview an html page as the browser button doesn't seem to want to work and the forums on Bluefish are sparse, but I'll definitely give it a go.

    GighaTec, Mar 25, 2010
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