Troubles Installing HD 1.8" ZIF MK3008GAH

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by mikenight, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. mikenight


    Nov 12, 2008
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    I just bought this brand new (I suppose) HD on ebay last week. I found it on ebay, on a shop from UK. ... 0297197210

    I tried to install it yesterday and firstable I must say that this model has some problems to fit into the place where all you guys have installed yours. Anyway I put it on this place and then I mounted everything (with some presure because le motherboard goes up a little bit acording to the new HD is under it).

    Ok everything right, and when I switched on the Asus it goes right, so in the first log in after the HD installation I entered in F2 mode to see the model:

    I can´t remember what did it say exactly but it was something like:

    HD none
    Model none

    So ok, I undertood that something went wrong. So I decided to open it again and I saw that the zif connector had a the las pin broken(in the part connected to the motherboard). Well, maybe not broken but "bent" it. I tried to put it right with a very tinny screwdriver and I mounted everything again.

    And then, I started again and now I don´t have anything on the screen. It is always black, but the leds of the CPU and power On are brightin´...

    Any suggestions?

    Thank u so much and excuse my poor English...
    mikenight, Nov 12, 2008
  2. mikenight


    Nov 12, 2008
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    Ok, Fixed it.

    I connected the zif cable with the wrong way. I changed it and everything is working now.

    So just confirm that MK3008GAH (toshiba´s 60G HD) is working fine :D

    mikenight, Nov 12, 2008
  3. mikenight


    Sep 11, 2008
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    What cable did you use? The one that came with the AAO or did you get another.
    donec, Nov 13, 2008
  4. mikenight


    Nov 12, 2008
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    I used the one that came with the acer aspire one.

    Everything working fine right now. But I´m going to open again the AAA to make more free space for the HD, This MKGAH is a little bit bigger than the others, and you must file (or try to cut) the tubes (holes)that attacht the motherboard with screws, if you want to leave the HD well isolated.

    mikenight, Nov 13, 2008
  5. mikenight

    Guest Guest

    I think I might be missing something here....i was gonna buy an AAO this weekend with the 120gb HDD...and you just downgraded it to a 60gb...I read the post about the SSD mods... and even that seemed like it didnt have an HDD at all! Don't get me wrong, im assuming SSD AAOs dont come with one but instead use memory...that can only reach 16gb? I'm buying one with hopes that I can play Anarchy Online on it. The sites stated system reqs are outdated by about 10-15 years (claiming it only needing a pentium 2 450). I played the game a lot on my desktop and i know graphics cards dont really make a big bang on this game, but HDD and CPU speeds do. The 1.6ghz should be enough, but the write speeds will be the bottleneck.
    Guest, Nov 14, 2008
  6. mikenight


    Nov 12, 2008
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    Don´t mess around.

    The SSD memory that comes with the AAO is a kind of a sheet with 3 memory chips that provides you 16G. This sheet is connected to the motherboard with a ZIF cable that YOU ARE ABLE to use with your brand new 1.8" HD. I have done it, and I´m not joking. Why I bought one with 60G? ´Cause I think is the right quantity to pay for. I f you want more, the prices raise up a lot, and pay 30 bucks less for a 30G i think has no sense, so 60 G (in my opinion) is the right choice.

    I made a 20NTFS partition for Windows XP sp3, and the rest is for data, music...

    But be careful, there´s not enough space in our AAO to install this HD, so you must file some parts of the chasis to place the HD with no problems.

    mikenight, Nov 14, 2008
  7. mikenight


    Nov 12, 2008
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