Troubling Advanced Tech Thread FSR3 FG under screen cameras etc

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Dec 17, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just to have some real info out there on the consequences of some new tech that doesn't get any or little coverage I thought I'd mention 2 new troubling things going on with new tech.
    Hertzian56, Dec 17, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The first one is what would effect the most people. That would be underscreen cameras on phones and likely at some point on screens of any kind. This is similar to what the dystopian book 1984 had for surveillance and social control. Notebookcheck had an article about this back in 2020 where Xiaomi had a THIRD GEN underscreen camera on one of it's new phones.
    and a search of that site with those search terms;

    Now this gives the network a way to grab info on you and where you are at any time. Don't believe that they don't track you at all times with a cell phone, the towers triangulate your position within feet with any little bit of signal. That gets preference to anything else. All it is is one giant radio network using towers and they can power your phone remotely with it as well as your 911 call works anywhere they just boost the power/signal. The GPS is nothing but higher power mode from your phone to the nearest tower, they may have high alt repeaters you can't see but your phone isn't communicating with some junk floating thousands of miles up, there isn't the power for that, it's fantasy stuff calling it gps with satellites.

    Now underscreen cameras also give them your biometrics over time and with the iphone they will use unlocking the phone to your biometrics giving an undoubtedly jewmasontranny megacorp your details and don't think you using the phone with your fingers doesn't take fingerprints without you knowing it either. There are many idiots who do this knowingly and voluntarily too for a long time.

    You can't put tape over your phone screen for obvious reasons. I put black electrical tape over any camera I know of that I don't use or want used such as the selfie cam on phones and the webcam on laptops. That's not to say you're always on camera in stores and all over now so it's kind of moot but still why make it any easier for this mafia?

    Now let's take an example of how this could be used for their benefit. If the cam picks you up smoking or sick or something then your insurance company could be relayed this info, for a price, unknown to you to adjust your rates higher. They wouldn't tell you why of course the rate quote is it. AI and automation would do most of the work for random quotes but also they could tie your rates in to observed behavior via your screens and hike rates. Even laws could be passed by these mischpucka mafioso to make this open and legal, a sort of screen prison you'd live in. You'll notice that police stress the mind control and legalistic term "law enforcement" which means they just do what the mafia says is ok, they cannot be sued over it and depersonalize their actions. It's a mafia technique using language as the weapon.

    Also the subliminal of images being always 100% the truth is dangerous. There are tools that can be used to edit and even make up real looking low res imagery and you can bet police cams do that. It's only presented as real by the unimpeachable gov agencies, the marxist state god. No real person eye witnesses needed just the images. Scary.
    Hertzian56, Dec 17, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The second one is in the niche but huge video gaming world. Frame generation or DLSS3, FSR3 etc. This increases framerates by AI guessing the next frame and creating it then inserting it at very high speeds so people won't notice.

    Let's look at some potential uses for this other than someone going from 75fps to 120fps for smoother gaming.

    So these fps are so high you would not notice subliminals put in there for various reasons. One is advertising subliminals, once they get the fps so high they can do this and you wouldn't notice it, wouldn't perceive it. Thus you would be influenced to buy things without your knowing it. This is something the devs could charge for. So there's plenty of motive there.

    Another one is general mood control using researched imagery to produce effects within the target and the huge base of gamers means this would reach a huge number of people, group mind control. So if you have an online game that uses high fps frames they could even do this on the fly and insert new things in there. If you want gamers to feel depressed this could be used, if you want them glued to the game, if you want to induce a riot or increased crime in a given area you could do this real time. Just when new big games are released would be prime time for this, as most gamers do this evening time and you'd have a big install base which you'd know how many were actively logged in and playing.

    Let's remember that AI management and algos could be used to largely automate this process. And over time the ads and mood control could have real world consequences. The reason why we get the millionth ad by coca cola is that they know that if they didn't sales would drop and the competitors that use ads will get those sales. But on a larger scale they're all shysters on the same team so increased sales only really matters for individuals who would become more wealthy via stocks and bonuses on quarterly earnings, forecasts and other stock market scammery. It woud look very odd for coke to stop doing advertising as well.

    So advertising is largely a hypnosis game, like a drug to keep you paying and hooked. And there are uses there too, degraded mental and physical health means more bloated and dubious medical care. Medical care is expensive and also required in many countries so it's a loop of control. You're a farmed goy animal to the jewmasontranny state god. When it's time to have a big satanic ritual slaughter of the animals a war is arranged when it's not the farming in peace is done. I could go on but there's an idea.

    I recommend Wilson Bryan Keys books on this subliminals in ads as well, mostly 70s books hard to find but you can find collections on archive.
    Hertzian56, Dec 17, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And coming back to #1 I think we've all got those blackmail emails about what you did on some site somewhere where they'll show what's on screen and your face etc on your webcam and then send that to family and friends. BUT if you pay them 3k you're all good. With an underscreen camera there is no way to put tape or some mechanical block on that. Imagine your tv or tablet having that. Many people openly put cams around their house that are online, this is rife with privacy problems but if you do it yourself all bets are off. Some people put cams IN their houses that are online, very dangerous. BUT if the cams are in normal things inside that can be accessed via remotely or internet there's no stopping it. You want to watch tv? camera. You use your phone, camera. You read on your tablet, camera. Your shiny new auto has those in the console for the car ins companies benefit too.

    Heck they could just fabricate what was on screen to some pron site or worse which you never went to and then take their pick of 100hrs of webcam footage to get the desired footage of you using your computer. So you look at some site shopping and make faces or whatever or you are interfacing with a potential employer via webcam and look uncomfortable or such or anything that fits their narrative and bam you're stuck. It's a huge potential blackmailing thing.

    And they can choose the site to say you're visiting so could even use illegal sites like child pron and such and threaten sending it to police, even though you never were there the threat would be pretty real if cameras were under you screen and all the other tricks these types could use with your ip and mac and such. Just think of having the police go through your ip and the hassle there even if you are innocent. There are a lot of sick people in this world and they'd even pay up just to not have the police go through their ip browsing and such info and don't think they don't have advanced tools which the networks give them for all that, just deleting browsing data isn't going to cut it.
    Hertzian56, Dec 18, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Another aspect is totally cgi created content that is presented as real and the jewmasontranny satanic cult has plenty of members that will vouch for the fakery. Just the 911 interviews in NYC were producers wives, cult members and even AI cgi was used to generate "people" in the back ground. I recommend September Clues video which goes through the CGI fakery most people think is real.
    Hertzian56, Jan 14, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So from the above links you can even see that speeches, interviews and such can just be faked with some stock footage then using chroma key and other layering tech to then create a whole cloth forgery. You think someone like a trannyman intelligence officer Assange is going to say anything or care? The whole wikileaks thing was deliberate by the ptb for various reasons but in their cult it's the oroboros snake biting it's own tail, light and dark checkerboard, create chaos to then impose their order thing.

    A macro version of the micro total mind control they use on themselves to keep the cult in tight formation. They do this from birth to their members. The other aspect is the androgyne gods who defy God in changing their own bodies as God intended them. They are confirmed satanists at that point. And they are part of the heritage of Cain, Ham, and other satanists. So even if they have no choice as children they perpetuate it with raising their own children as trannys and monarch mind control technques. Once they help the cult or take advantage of the perks of membership they are responsible for it and confirmed members. I think the ones that just go along but also don't raise children and keep a low profile working regular jobs and such AND don't gangster in their own members to the power structure have less responsibility for it but those are RARE.

    Watch a bunch of MrE videos, early 2016 and before jeranism vids, and such to start to see the satanic cult that runs the world and controls the things that regular people need to live, food, housing, even water in the case of tap water are all controlled by this mafia.
    Hertzian56, Jan 14, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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