Trying to install Claws-mail

Discussion in 'Linux' started by subbass, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. subbass


    Feb 8, 2009
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    As the subject says, I am trying to install claws-mail but I am stuck with a missing dependency (or somehting very similar)

    I have hunted and googled around, most people seem to install claws-mail without issue it seems so I wonder if I have not enabled some repository. I was unable to find a list of "correct" repo's to enable either.

    Can anyone assist me in getting Claws installed, which maybe as simple as letting me know which repo's I should have I guess.

    subbass, Feb 8, 2009
  2. subbass


    Feb 8, 2009
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    Problem solved... In a manner of speaking.

    I removed a libetpan (which also removed ame-xxxxx, One Mail I believe) that was already installed, then retried installing Claws, it installed a different libetpan package,

    Did a couple other tweaks then ended up with the Error Initilizing HAL, a bunch of things wouldn't start including the wireless. Tried a couple different solutions for that, one of which was to remove the ~./config/xfce4 folder if I recall correctly, that didn't resolve the problem. Fought with it for another hour or so googling for a solution and have now installed Ubuntu 8.10. Even with a normal Gnome desktop it is pretty quick, far far faster than Fedora 10 was.

    I am missing the fast boot time from Linpus though, next job will be see how much and how many services I can get rid of to speed boot up.
    subbass, Feb 9, 2009
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