TV Shows Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Dec 24, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Hell on Wheels gets good ratings but is harder to find direct dl. I can't use normal methods of getting stuff as I don't have the data available on my phone and have no private internet other then that at the moment so it has to be direct download only. Anyways I'm good for shows no doubt.
    Hertzian56, Dec 30, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Oz is an ok show, it is entertaining but it's very soap opera-ey. I also find the monologues at the start of and during the show to be absolute TRIPE garbage. It's also pretty anti-Christian show, no surprises with anything HBO etc HBO started out with low rent soft pron type garbage and it's def just more jewmasontranny garbage but like fast food is satisfying and addicting.

    The show gets a more and more ridiculous as it goes on but there are a few good threads through the whole show like ryan o reilly, beecher, sayeed, augustus hill and a few more. However it does get way too outlandish and desperate for drama as seasons go by as to wear out it's welcome over about the last 2-3 seasons.

    It's not a recommend at all really if you didn't fall into it and get hooked on the melodrama. I'd stick with better shows.
    Hertzian56, Jan 6, 2025
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Breaking Bad is a great show overall but can drag at times. It's also a bit irritating the fake dramas they use to setup big reveals and plays but I guess it's what these shows are for, entertainment and of course the subliminal programming and such. I find the stupid things that both Walt and Jesse do are not really believable. You'll also notice that most of the main male characters are bald as a tidbit.

    I've watched til the end of S4 like I did years ago when it was still a fresh show. I thought it was obnoxious they didn't just end it w gus' death and maybe an episode or two of some aftermath and such. I'm guessing S5 is what that is so I'm looking forward to it.

    I also will likely watch the el camino post movie about jesse and his end in the saga. I also will start better call saul after this to get a bit more background. I do like the NM setting much better then some inner city etc I do think they needed to have some native american characters as they are a sizable population on that side of NM since the Navajo Res is almost as big as a small state and takes up huge parts of arizona, nm, co and utah.
    Hertzian56, Jan 6, 2025
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I watched the first episode of Mad Men and have to say it's pretty underwhelming. Some office drama in some fantasty 60s written and produced by a jew. As I've said modern shows for decades are just jewish projection, there's no reality to it, it's not accurate. No ones going to not know that madison ave advertising is satanic, it's goal is to sell and get people addicted to this or that or "loyal" to some jizzbag megacorps offerings. The subliminals, hypnosis via repetition and other tricks they use are no different then big lies and stalinist "new history" type of stuff.

    I wasn't too impressed. It's just your banal sex and scams with some fancy wrapping paper to it. I can't see it becoming any more interesting but I figure I'll give it a few more episodes to make a decision.
    Hertzian56, Jan 8, 2025
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also started watching the Breaking Bad spinoff Better Call Saul. Saul was a funny character in BB so I thought I'd give it a try. So we'll see there, it does seem to be more interesting a show in principle so we'll see. I still have Hell on Wheels to try out, Deadwood rewatch along with the later movie. Justified a bit too.

    I finished Oz and the ending was kind of a let down, as usual a few big characters killed off and the ending is definitely open ended. Most of the best characters had been killed off by the end of the series. And it did get a little too desperate in the last few seasons outside of the main characters. The first 3-4 seasons are the best of the show.

    I'm going to give True Detective S2 another shot. I was actually in that show as a featured extra and a stand in for one of the supporting cast in one scene. TD1 is great, TD2 seems to have a too fantasy based story which makes it hard to invest in and has too many characters too much going on from what I remember. No one cares about some big land scam dream stuff set in the modern times. That's better off in a 50s-60s cali setting imo think China Town. TD1's best part and strength was a buddy thing and the case interplay there, more of a heart of darkness aspect to it in the mysterious bayou type of thing.
    Hertzian56, Jan 8, 2025
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The thing about breaking Bad is that it really is such a thing where WW does break when he gets lung cancer so it changes him and not for the better. He turns into a monster. I mean you want to like walt and root for him but it's pretty impossible after watching for a season or so. The thing you like is the bugs bunny sort of clever ways of getting out of insurmountable jams all the time. It becomes too outlandish and crazy as the series goes on though.

    Then you consider how does going from the idea you want to provide for your family beyond the grave and he tallys it up to less than a million bucks which he achieves when he and jesse sell their whole stock to gus, well that should have been the end of it, in and out done. But WW won't stop there and later goes on about an empire. Empire! of drugs? Makes no sense as some normal person in the USA. Not to mention it's destroying lives by the thousands and affecting millions, it increases crime and decay. This is what you're going to do to provide for your family?

    For that you'd have to live in south or central america or other overseas place AND have some pretty good connections, to do that here you'd need to have very high level connections and a lot of cash already on hand. You'd need to have a JMT cult heritage and have proven your allegiance and criminality for decades and more. Kind of like the Bronfmans in Canada and many other of these mid level mafia families. WW doesnt fit that profile. See Gus and his cartel backing and origins outside of the USA where he made those connections.

    The worldwide Dope Inc took hundreds of years by the elite jewish-british dynasties and a period of massive military conquest of more then just what's called the "commonwealth" today. Those families today are on the boards of thousands of megacorps they started and run. They sit on boards of the big laundering banks like HSBC and the rest of them. It's a Flood of filth. They've outsourced the tactical on the ground aspect to it to narco states like Mexico and everything down to the tip of S America, China, Golden Triangle, Africa and more. The cartel is run by those in these governments in and out of them and the commandos are military trained operatives. Like the jewmasontranny cult elite they are hardcore satanists, one eyed jacks.

    Walt then decides he's out due to the laundering problem, so much for the empire rhetoric. At this point some MORE sloppy work gets him finally found out by barney fife aka Hank. And I'm just at that point about mid way in the final season. It's really a sad show and frustrating to see how greedy people can get. I mean most of us would be totally fine with getting in and out fast, make 1-2 million and we'd be good. With that kind of money clean and laundered buy houses rent them out live off that, buy an apartment complex, start a business which Walt could do with his advanced chemistry knowledge. So it's sad and frustrating to watch. But the jams they get out of are intersting to watch no doubt. I think it's one of the only shows where the lead is unlikable and truly a villain.
    Hertzian56, Jan 9, 2025
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've been watching Big Little Lies, mostly due to the fact I was in it as an extra. Day shots at the school which is in a ritzy area off sunset. And the Audrey and Elvis night shots which were up hollywood blvd a ways near the hollywood masonic hall. In fact we had dinners at the hollywood masonic hall, creepyAF place. That was 2 weeks of 5pm to 5am work. It was also filmed in Monterrey.

    It's not the best show, very slow and not that interesting, it's kind of like Six Feet Under type of genre just around some family dramas. Wealthy douchebag families no doubt. Very pretentious. Californication decadence du jour. It's a show that I wouldn't bother with but for the above personal connection reasons. And it's thankfully only 2 seasons in total. I do fast forward a lot as well.
    Hertzian56, Jan 9, 2025
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    BLLs is also a good illustration of the one eyed jacks nature of the jewmasontranny cult. The kids are very creepy and creepy looking. They're all inverts. Those presented as boys are in fact biological females and vice versa. This is also true for the "parents" these are all JMT cult members and this is true for all people in TV-film and other high profile industries like politics and such. They raise their children as inverts from the get go and this includes hormones and likely some implants and surgeries. Voice modulation training and true to the JMT "monarch" training they believe you pass some traits of inversion to the children. I also believe this. So therefore they do not need as much of the "work" to disguise themselves as the opposite of their natural sex for the goy non cult members. So they take this in stride as they were raised this way, it's "normal" to them.

    As I've said at least two pillars of this cult are trannyism and mkultra monarch mind control which would include pagan satanic rituals. They also teach in some way that they are "gods", the union of the sexes in one person, the true meaning of the Ankh. A sexually activated being always in kundalini force mode. Masters of deception, crime and such. A cartoon fake version of normal people blasted though the screen to make a world of pagans. The goal of satan and his cadres is to subvert and degrade humanity.

    An example is "having a baby". I've had personal connection with a ladyboy, one of those drag queens that have huge feet and no hips. At the time I had no idea about this cult but I was working in an industry which is all cult, entertainment. Well 10 years later this ladyboy who "married" a big nosed trannyman hispanic crypto jew, had a baby. Now think about this, pictures of him wearing a moon bump. A fake baby bump worn in public for effect. And I do not believe the trannyman partners actually carry the baby either.

    It would be unhealthy for a hgh, testosteroned up trannyman to carry a baby. Nor would it make sense. Both "partners" having baby bumps, one real one fake wouldn't make sense. So therefore these children of the jewmasontranny satanic cult are bred in labs. Ectogenesis they've been talking about since the 1932 book "a brave new world". These children grow up in artificial wombs in batches. Most of them have twins and likely more. This denotes there is eugenics and dna manipulation going on. There is also the occult ritualistic aspect to this. If you look at ecolifes video these breeding banks are in a stadium like configuration. Meaning there is a central area in the middle that could have a satanic altar for various rituals and such. I also think there is color programming with lights, similar to rock concerts. Sound, Lights and likely forms of physical torture to the growing fetus. Anchors for abreacting memories of abuse. "Follow the yellow brick road" OR ELSE. Later on there is likely a sexual incest aspect to this as well. Kabbalistic sex rituals and such. Snuff etc

    Take a look at the children in BLLs and you'll see examples. Weird cartoon looking children. Totally haunted possessed looking children. The weirdest are the two TWIN "boys" which IRL are the supposed children of Nicole Kidman and the trannyman keith urban. Obvious fem-man there. And KidMan is over 6' in height, a huge ladyboy man. KidMans two "husbands" are shorter then average men but are in fact biological women. It's like all of them. But the "boys" look like they've also had implants and more, very creepy on another level.
    Hertzian56, Jan 9, 2025
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finished Breaking Bad, wow amazing show I have to admit. Even with all the improbable escapes and the really illogical ways they get into them it's amazing to see how this all comes to an end. Truly Walt did break with the cancer and into a villain. More of the maddening part is that Walt had a few chances to get out of the drug business free and clear.

    Just selling that 38lbs to Gus and thus getting his 700k plus or minus he could have got out clean and this was s2. He could have called the disappearing vacuum man and left his family out of it, come back years later or from afar, as once they had the car wash that was it, all they needed to get out and be clean. He could have trained gale or jesse and got out, all Gus wanted was 3 months. Although it's likely Gus would have whacked him so he would have had to call the disappearing man. Idk with Walts iq he could have figured a way out.

    Then right at the end when he does call the disappearing guy he gets setup, all he has to do is stay put and lay low. He already knows his family hates him at that point so there is no reason to go back, that barrel of money he has he could slowly build up the resources to re establish himself under his new identity. At some point even heading to canada as he's not that far from it anyways in NH. But he's in full psycho mode at that point and he just can't help himself, it's a compulsion and he likes living that way, on the edge.

    Still amazing show one of the greatest of all time easily up there w the wire and the sopranos etc And if you saw Cranstons previous major show Malcolm in the Middle you saw the amazing go for it range that Cranston has, I thought that was the greatest acting I'd seen on tv up to that point.
    Hertzian56, Jan 11, 2025
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also finished Big Little Lies S1 and it was ok, nothing too great imo. The two major plot drivers, the abuse that happens with the children and the abuse that happens with the adults belies the name, Big peoples lies and little peoples lies intersect and mirror each other. Another one is the adultery, then the ave q censorship issue. I found the cuts to various supporting cast as a sort of narration to be fairly annoying. These are teachers and others at the school. Eh like I said I wouldn't have bothered but with the personal involvement I had with this show, s1 only of course. I doubt I'd watch this ever again. I plan on watching and episode or two of S2 but I doubt I'll finish it.
    Hertzian56, Jan 11, 2025
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Also watching Better Call Saul and I have to say it's a snoozefest compared to Breaking Bad so far. It does have it's moments but the whole of S1 is pretty boring stuff. The lawyers office parts just drag and drag, jimmy just needed to take the payoff for the big case he brought in and start his own independent practice, avoid all the hassle with hostile and malicious family. They are obviously sabotage minded and are a closed door metaphorically. I guess they needed a lot of filler for this BB franchise mode stuff. It does have sequences that are like BB usually with Mike and the cartel people. I think they should have done a season or two more of Breaking Bad instead of 6 seasons of BCS. BCS should have had a brief half season of this family-lawyer stuff then the transformation into Saul should have been most of the show with all the more interesting cartel stuff, more mike, more gus and the rest.

    It does pickup and become more interesting in S2 with more Mike and Tuco so I'll probably watch that then from what I read online S4-S6 is really what I'm wanting, more similar to BB type of stuff. I don't think I could sit through more of this slow burn lawyer stuff, it's TOO much background on Sauls path to being a sleazy criminal lawyer, which is hilarious the way he does it and more entertaining tbh.
    Hertzian56, Jan 11, 2025
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm also into Fargo a bit and it's pretty good, totally recommended. Not quite as good bb etc but is definitely entertaining. I've heard that past s2 is a little repetitive and not as good so I'll likely watch 1-2 and a bit of 3.

    Also a rewatch of True Detective S2 which I was also in a few scenes. I have to say after a couple of rewatches over the years it's not as bad as people say. It does entertain, although Vince Vaughn isn't too convincing most of the time as a crime lord idk why maybe the too calm introspective nature, too much of a menacing businessman version of a gangster which doesn't work. The central focus of land speculation for a future major train route, the mythical one linking LA and SF and the other version of LA-LV, is not terribly interesting.

    As I said this fits a 50s-60s time period better imo Most people are aware that by this time CA is mostly privately owned and so the nightmare of getting the land, right of ways, building stops along the way and such is nearly impossible. So it's not nearly as good an overall story arch as S1 with the occult heart of darkness aspect to it with the compelling buddy cops drama there.

    I once tried S3 and it was a snoozefest, we also got the annoying DEI racial stuff there too as a major plot device. It also had too much low speaking like whispering to try to convey gravity, not too successful never made it through more than one or two episodes there. I've read reviews of S4 that are not good mostly, a disaster and I'm not even going to bother with it. S1 and S2 only, with s1 being tops and s2 being a definite steps down.
    Hertzian56, Jan 11, 2025
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Better Call Saul really gets going more in S5 and S6, unless you like dry boring lawyer stuff and a weird family drama. I don't know how anyone can think this is as good as breaking bad which does pickup fairly quickly after later in the first season or so. I mean I like Saul as a character but I'm not really interested in the excruciating details as to how he became a major criminal lawyer. I guess if you're into getting more background on Saul, a supporting cast in BB only, than on Walt then it could be a comparable series for you, but I wasn't interested in that. It's overdone and too convoluted and drawn out.

    Odenkirk doesn't really have close to the range as Cranston does either and it shows. I think this show is just too much focused on drawing out a franchise while it was hot, because all that was really needed was maybe one season of the family drama and lawyerly struggles to find himself, then maybe one more of a mixed storyline with Mikes story of how he came to work for Fringe and their struggles with the underground lab construction. Without the cartel-mike stuff there isn't really that much that's too interesting to me. Some of Sauls early stuff is entertaining but it's flashes here and there only. Most of the rest of it is just boring.

    I did actually watch S1 and S2, but skipped S3 and most of S4 because it just drags. I watched the last 3 episodes of S4 and all of S5 and of course S6. I think you could mostly skip everything up to S4 and not miss that much. You could infer a few things as this is really about Saul's journey to the beginning of Breaking Bad and how he has those connections that Walt and others take advantage of in BB. It also covers post ending of BB for Saul as well. Too much dragging boring stuff without the magic of BB's ways of getting out of terrible jams through tech and tricks, there isn't that payoff in this series mostly.
    Hertzian56, Jan 13, 2025
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    True Detective S2 gets going a lot more about mid way through, early on it's a little too "cool, bad" introspective stuff. I also don't like the obvious music video type of scenes, this is just filler that seems necessary to pad a weak thin story. Vaughn isn't too convincing either, some of the dialogue is very cringey for modern times, fits in better in 40s-50s gangster stuff but not here. But about midway through it gets good with action and such.
    Hertzian56, Jan 13, 2025
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Final season of BCS and it will be interesting to see what happens and how it relates into breaking bad. As I've said BCS is a much slower more drawn out series that is much less entertaining imo then BB. I skipped S3 and most of S4 since the first 2 seasons are just so slow and uninteresting. I'd actually only recommend the final two seasons to anyone who liked BB and just wanted more similar to that.

    Finally started into Mad Men again after being fairly underwhelmed by the first 2 episodes. It seems very fantasty contrived stuff likely whole cloth story not related to real people back then. That's par for the course for these shows, totally jewish projection of how they imagine their sick freudian kabbalistic talmudick ethos would go in this loose fantasy version of 50s 60s madison avenue marketing firms.

    I just don't like the snappy cool but brutal portrayal of this whole stealth feminazi show. It's not that interesting to watch a fantasy version of both the assault and break down of decent Christian society by the termite jew and his masonic and other toadies post WWjew. The idea of bed hopping and such just isn't realistic at all, sure affairs have happened but this show is just blatant about portraying some womanizing male that is actually very rare but this show gives us the clown version that is all or most of the men in the show.

    And advertising and it's grasping nature is very jewish, this is not normal and it's programming people for profit and stoking all sorts of vices for profit, it's preying on and irritating mankinds fallen nature for profit. A grasping greedy lustful type of nature. A love of drama for dramas sake, a form of drugs for a people who is the bottom of the barrel for millenia just waiting for the flames.
    Hertzian56, Jan 14, 2025
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I have watched a few more Mad Men and will likely finish S1 at this point. But it's not terribly interesting, more of a fancy soap opera and not even as much entertainment as a typical soap. This show was mostly just something that was pushed in the media and had lots of fake reviews like on IMDB(which is a mostly fake reviews site btw). The focus on very cliched stuff gets old, if you like that with a focus on "bagging" ladies as entertainment I guess it could work but my hel how anyone could watch this stuff for 7 seasons is beyond me. I may watch a few more of early S2 as well just to have something in the background to watch but there are even better shows just for background watching like BB etc
    Hertzian56, Jan 15, 2025
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also finished Fargo S1 and it was a good show. The quirkiness of the typical minnesota oddness is right in line with the movie and similar shows. I've read that the shows S1 is the best one and it goes downhill from there so I'll def watch S2. I do kind of wish there was some effort to give us some idea as to what happened after the ending for S1. From what I understand each season is a new story with new cast which is too bad because I'm thinking the supporting cast would be a good base to have other stories built onto. Maybe it does keep some of the base characters idk
    Hertzian56, Jan 15, 2025
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    One thing that's annoying about both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul is the fact that the writing has the main characters and many others doing things that make no sense. This creates an internal conflict that leaves a sour taste to the show for me. The blatant reason for this is that they HAD to make those dumb decisions that are to the characters own detriment in order to be more entertaining and get you hooked to see "what's next" what will come of this nonsense what complicated situations will come of this one. It's like an endless loop to keep you watching but also to annoy you, which in some ways is the same as keep you watching.

    I'm to the last episode of BCS next. In the previous horribly overdone episodes we got Saul after he gets a new identity, going back to becoming a scammer criminal. Why he didn't just pay the 250k since he had it, to get a new alias somewhere else who knows. So he proceeds to do criminal things he really doesn't need to do and also to take risks. This is nonsensical if you want to do what you paid to do: disappear and get a new life with some of your money from the previous life. So Saul does all sorts of dumb stuff like call former associates including Kim and such. This likely got Kim to do one of the stupidest things I've seen a character do in a show. After 6 years she types out a full afidavit of the equally nonsensical torment they did to Howard, and then after 6 years of it all being done decides to turn herself in and also give this all to Howards wife. Makes no sense. Only thing it does is bring up the whole tragedy which would have been moved on from after 6 years.

    I never really liked Kim, seemed annoying and definitely not the type that would have liked or loved Jimmy. The whole sidekicks in crime thing never really felt too authentic to either character.

    Another thing is that Jimmy in his new life does some things that make no sense either, like little things that were not necessary but ended up getting him in trouble. Exactly when he is supposed to lay low and live a new life he is doing this nonsensical criminal stuff? Makes no sense. So now we get the obvious setup of the only way Kim can satisfy her ego and get "busted" and prosecuted is if Jimmy turns up and confirms what her afidavit says since there's no physical evidence of any of the story about Lalo killing howard and how Kim and Jimmy had this nonsensical pranking and sabotaging of Howard because he was "bad" to them years ago. Makes no sense.

    BCS if you liked Breaking Bad and want similar to that should be watched from like S4 on, skip the first snoozefest seasons and come back later if you really want to get all the excruciating details about the origins of Jimmy and such.
    Hertzian56, Jan 17, 2025
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Powering through Mad Men S2 it does really get mired a bit, hard to follow all the things going on and the office drama isn't that interesting. One thing I do like about the show in general is everyone is well dressed and made up. Outside of white collar places now this isn't the norm at all anymore and especially for women it's a shame. To me it's amazing how much better women look in dresses and such. In season 2 it doesn't seem as focused on constant affairs.

    I find the fake stuff about marketing firms they imagine not too interesting and I'm not too sure about finishing S2. Too many other better shows I can watch. I do like some of the ending credit songs also. But I can't imagine sitting through 5 more seasons of this. I do know that it gets a lot more outlandish later on with the hippy stuff and that seems very cringe. I might just watch the series finale at some point.
    Hertzian56, Jan 17, 2025
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've powered through and watched S2 of Big Little Lies, mostly due to the fact I worked as an extra a lot in S1. S2 was a while later and I wasn't doing that at that time. S2 is just the aftermath of S1 really with new dramas for the main characters related to S1 or not. Mostly the cover up of how the Zoe Kravitz character pushed the abusive husband down the steps resulting in his death. Of course that's nonsense for someone in that health and age to die falling down a half flight of concrete stairs but it's drama soo.

    It's entertaining in a soap opera way of course with better actors and production values, at only 7 episodes I just binged it so far on ep6 of 7 rn.
    Hertzian56, Jan 17, 2025
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