TV Shows Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Dec 24, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also finished rewatch of True Detective S2 which I was also an extra on, also a stand in for one scene of a supporting cast etc It's definitely better then people give it credit for.

    They needed to cut out at least one character and maybe more. Woodrugh the bike police story needed to be cut out, it's thin overall. The two regular detectives besarides and the colin character should have been the focus on the police side of it. The Vince Vaughn character rounding out the non-pd side of it.

    I did find the colin character and his obsession with the redhead boy to be bizarre tbh. A little too much into the boy who they're not even sure is his son. At the end part it is proved that he is the father. Kinda makes no sense of course, the mother and him are both dark complexioned dark hair, usually redhead children have fair-blonde-redhead parents. I have relatives like this etc

    The talking was always way too hushed and tried to sound "epic" all the time, they needed just regular tone and such to be more authentic. There are also too many characters and plots all over, especially on the "bad" guy side of it. The political people and such. The guy Caspar who we never meet in the show AFAIRemember maybe needed to be in the show as living and then getting taken out so we had something concrete to relate to with the hunt as to who did it and took Vaughns money-land. Got lost until almost half way through the season really.

    Then the ending is kind of ridiculous in how the two main male characters died. Colin just had to see the boy from 50 feet away one.last.time before leaving the country. Then they put a tracking device on his car, and he knows it. WhyTF get in the car and drive all the way out to nowhere, thus making it a lot easier for the pd hit squad to take him out. Go on foot and lose them duh! Drive the car to a public mall where they're not going to be able to just have a shootout, duh. DUMB.

    Then the Vaughn boss guy just killed off all the doublecross guys with tactical weapons and tear gas gets a ton of money, all good just leave the country. Well just driving on the street the mexican gangsters somehow jack him take him to the desert and this is all just for some small deal about dealing drugs in Vaughns club, which burned down anyways beforehand. So for some little nonsense he gets knifed and left for dead in the desert, very stupid really. So Besarides goes to Venezuela with Vaughns SO and they present the story of the corruption and such to some rando reporter there. Eh not the best ending tbh. Although S1's ending isn't really that great either.

    But overall it's a good installment of True Detective.
    Hertzian56, Jan 17, 2025
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've also watched a few episodes of Westworld. Many say the first season is the best one so I only plan on watching S1 and S2 if S1 is really good for me. So far it's ok, it's not breaking bad, the wire or the sopranos good but it has it's moments. The idea of avatars to do whatever you want with-for-to npcs who are robots is fairly demented. I mean video games are kind of like that, say gtaV etc but there's a totally virtual part of that, you're not there in a robot body in the round. Anyone who's played these games has done rampages here and there outside of the required story missions and their crimes etc

    It's very creepy in the way this show has this. You get the whole "hostel" horror show type of vibe there and the false idea of modern social sciences and entertainment that a good life is to INDULGE in all your urges no matter what. The caveat is that you don't hurt another human but it's a grey area here with robots that are indistinguishable as humans. Then the paying guests are unkillable etc These robots are like Mkultra mind control slaves the really, real humans are trained to respond this way in the jewmasontranny cult. It's actually a very dehumanizing thing, the whole concept of the show, and selling it as some sort of vacation etc is even more demented.
    Hertzian56, Jan 17, 2025
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Watching Fargo S2 and it's pretty good, it's actually more interesting then S1 due to the warring families thing and such. I've read that S3 is also pretty good but from imdb looks like S4 is universally hated but I might give it a shot for a couple episodes when I get there anyways.

    One glaring annoyance with Fargo is the insistence that it's all based on true stories, which has never been true which includes the original movie. It's good entertainment but it's insulting that they lied and continue to lie to you years later in the TV show. And note that any sort of entertainment that claims this is grossly lying. Usually they do these types of fake history shows to reinforce the lies which most people believe. Sure there are plenty of half truths in there to deceptively induce trust, so half truths are WORSE then outright lies because there's not the extra layer of deception most aren't even aware of and if you ARE aware of it it's an insult.

    So they're actually insulting the average viewer who has no idea and insulting those who are aware of these lies.
    Hertzian56, Jan 18, 2025
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I do plan on watching Gomorrah and Squid Game but those shows are harder to watch due to them not being in English so you've got to watch the subs while watching the show. This isn't easy on a smaller phone screen I'm watching all this on at the moment as I'm mobile.

    One thing that annoyed me about both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul is the sections that were only spanish. I didn't reencode with subtitles since the shows were almost completely english so had to go find those episodes and make sure they had english subs.

    I get that the cartel and some characters are native spanish speakers so it makes sense but the show itself could have hard coded english subs in those sections instead of relying on CC subs that you had to specifically turn on during those scenes. Otherwise you're stuck having CC on the whole show which isn't needed.
    Hertzian56, Jan 18, 2025
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I watched an episode of Mindhunter and wasn't too impressed, it's wordy and of course it's another one of these cover shows about fake history the ptb want to reinforce. In this instance it's the "serial killer" nonsense that the FBI etc made up as a cover for jewmasontranny cult killings. The first one of these sensational "serial killers" was Jack the Ripper in 1888, the date is for a purpose. 8 being infinite, the year adding up gematria to 7. The cult means this in terms of the 7 deadly sins. The multiple 8s likely just mean more infinite etc The actual day and month is likely something like a 13, 11, 6, 9, 3 etc

    If you were to do research on serial killer myth you'd know that the stories and dates of this or that make no sense, you'd also find a lot of redactions and holes all over, usually the one who's the public lightning rod is a patsy who is in the cult but programmed to be the patsy. Likely does take part but only in a smaller way. It's cult stuff that requires many people, coverups, police involvement, press involvement, judiciary involvement and more. David Mcgowans book "programmed to kill" is a good one that pokes holes in these fake "lone gunman" stories we've been sold over and over again.

    However Mcgowan was a narrative control agent no doubt, having a past in the socialist-communist movement which he never mentions in his books. In one of his articles as an "out" socialist he praises Stalin! He also has a bs backstory of just being some rando carpenter in Noho who happens to write these highly researched books etc He also officially died on 11-22-xx which happens to be JFK watermelon theater day in 1963. Not anything but a narrative control agent so be careful.
    Hertzian56, Jan 18, 2025
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    For the public audience the serial killer myth is one of stress and tension control, inducing hysteria and panic in places where these happened and dependence on "TV" media etc for comfort and authority is so deep in much of the public that this effects even those not in the geographical area negatively mental health wise. It's like the macabre theater we're trapped in to eat, have shelter, things and more in these jewmasontranny cult dominated days. The Pentapolis which included Sodom and Gomorrah but over the whole world now since the takeover over hundreds of years by these devils. One of the major drivers was is the Jewish-'british' Empire in the last almost 500 years. Guns, drugs, finance, scientism and more garbage has created nothing more then a dung pile of a civilization.
    Hertzian56, Jan 18, 2025
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Getting back to Better Call Saul I feel that it's just too full of filler stuff in early seasons. I get that they were really cashing in on the success of Breaking Bad and they got away with the lawyer drama early on because there was still interest in Saul as a character, the afterglow of BB there. I mean we got more excruciating detail about Saul then we ever did about Walter White and Jesse. Even more about Gus, Mike and the Salamancas then WW and Jesse. WW, 2323, 2233, bbcc, Vcc, etc

    The early seasons of BCS were just not that interesting, I didn't care about the family drama between two brothers mostly and it was too much filler. There was a lot of nonsensical stuff too like the elaborate character assassination of Howard and Kims involvement means she's a total fraud. Kims nonsensical stuff like quitting a very lucrative firm and case like Mesa Verde in order to do pro bono work full time?

    Jimmys total mea culpa at the end was crazy, so instead of 7 years guaranteed and learning the lesson of being a criminal and also making inexplicably dumb decisions while in Saul-Fugitive-mode, he cares about some ex-wife he's not seen for 6 years and who doesn't care much about him, he then proceeds to get 86 years essentially a life sentence to die in prison. Prison for money laundering and never actually pulling the trigger on anyone? makes little sense, the 86 is just code for being "86"-ed 8-infinite 6-from below, consigned to oblivion, "danmed" is what 86 means. Another gematria number in their media.

    I doubt IRL he'd get more then 20 years for white collar crime, and white collar crime usually also has parole after less then half that so some "deal" wasn't necessary. It's also never mentioned that SaulJimmy likely gets parole possibility even w that bs prison sentence.

    TV is supposed to be entertaining and tell a story, but it's limited it's not a book type of thing and just having filler like the first few seasons isn't entertaining to me it's a slog for a story of antagonistic brothers I didn't want to hear. I mean why not go into Hanks back story more, Marie, etc etc Ok a shorter summary of Jimmys past in one season is fine, instead we get almost 2.5 to 3 full seasons of filler laden monotony. It's not all bad but it's overdone. The series is a step down from Breaking Bad.

    The illogical fantasy stuff definitely ramps up in S4-5-6 which is similar to a lot of Breaking Bads stuff as it goes by. But BB was entertaining and must see for almost the whole 5 seasons, very little filler there. BCS needed a good editor to cut down on the filler. Even the so called "poignant" aspects of Jimmys fall is corny and illogical so there's nothing redeeming about it in the end. I did like the show but only after I skipped a lot of the brother drama, but I did watch the first 2 seasons so I do know what I'm talking about.

    So if you want excruciating detail about Jimmy and like that lawfare type of stuff in early seasons it could be good. If you want more of BB style show and to see what happens to Jimmy ultimately I'd skip the first 3 seasons.
    Hertzian56, Jan 18, 2025
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've powered through a few episodes of Mindhunter and it's very dull, it's not a surprise that it didn't get renewed. It's just a thing for David Fincher acolytes, it doesn't stand on it's own merits and netflix canceled it for good cause after 2 seasons of dreary dullness.

    I've also read that Fincher is very expensive to work with meaning he is not afraid to go all out for a production but that means outsized costs, this likely was a big reason this series was cancelled too. But I just find it boring. Not to mention the mythology making out of thin air of the serial killer "lone gunman" fake psyop invented by the FBI and other alphabet stormtroopers. These are CULT group killings and likely since the jewmasontranny cult owns the press there might not even have been some killings just REPORTED as such by their press and the collaboration of cult members in uniform and medical fields.

    Good riddance. I watch this in the background doing something else as I do with shows that seem to be marginal or don't interest me much. I doubt I'll bother with S2 of Mindhunter.
    Hertzian56, Jan 22, 2025
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've also started True Detective S3 which I did try to watch years ago and was bored to death, ended up not finishing it. I have to say it's no different now. Very boring. Too much talk not enough police work, action etc Hushed voices, this and that it's definitely nowhere near as good as S1 or S2. I think this series goes in order of best to worst from what I've read about S4. 1,2,3,4.

    TD just loses focus on a good structure and mystery that S1 and mostly S2 had. S2 had too many characters and subplots no one could follow on a single watch. S1 was perfect, action, mystery, great principal characters, tight story on both sides of the case and personal lives etc etc Buddy-enemy partners, police tropes tweaked a bit, dangerous situations and mystery etc

    S3 after 3 episodes it's just a snoozefest and the story is all over the place, flashbacks, flashforward etc that don't add much, they would have been better with no flashforwards or flashbacks, just have it in the time of the case, then later, like S1, maybe if there was something wrong w what happened they could flash forward but not so far that we're seeing elderly principals out of the game.

    TD should have been like Fargo, they have a standard structure for the most part and tweak it for each season. Fargo is a better overall series then TD is. TD really only had S1 as top shelf and S2 as a downgrade. S3/4 are not worth investing the time into if you liked s1 or s2.
    Hertzian56, Jan 22, 2025
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I have watched first 3 seasons of Fargo and it's a great series. I think the most sober and standard Fargo experience you'll get is S1. S2,S3 have more supernatural stuff here and there in a more overt way then the very subtle stuff in S1 like the wolf, disappearing out of the basement etc. Just the old indian movies reference of S2 is fascinating, with the ronald reagan stuff, the native indian as the occult villain and more. S3 was pretty fascinating with the twin brothers both played by the same actor, the diabolical villain with the english accent etc, the hard to understand veering into some sci-fi animation stuff and more. S3 overall is more entertaining then S2 imo.

    I decided to skip S4 since it gets panned a lot in reviews and seems to not be too connected to Fargo and it's genre too much. So far S5 is interesting and definitely feels like Fargo in many ways.

    However Fargo as a genre features a lot of Feminism, brilliant "oppressed" women and cartoon bad guy bumbling idiot men. It's part of the original movie so it's carried into the TV series. Lots of politics there. This is somewhat muted in S02 with the police side of it though. But the annoying "scrappy" women police trope gets OLD.

    Also the "stwong womuns" in the other roles gets OLD too. This is definitely very strong in S3 and S5 but especially in S5. S5 has the most egregious marxist messaging. With "red neck" "neo nazi" imagery garbage, cartoons and they are ALL cartoons of "BAD MANs" only(no women w perhaps the possibility of the matriarch in S05, a little bit in S02 w the family clan) in this series. Writ large with S5 and it's not welcomed.

    We also see the "gunserbeeed" imagery in S05, more over the top cartoonish stuff. I've only got about halfway through S05 so far though but it's not nearly as good as the first 3 seasons of this series.

    I don't know if they are doing more or not but a return to the style of the first 3 seasons would be welcomed and leave out the feminaziism and other marxist nonsense. I'd lean on the idea that this series is past it's prime and needs to be mothballed.
    Hertzian56, Jan 23, 2025
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    On a good note Westworld starts to get a bit more coherent and focused later in S1 to be actually more then just some western interspersed with bland office politics in some lab. After about half a season of mostly incomprehensible mishmash we get to stuff that is focused and draws you into what's next. The setup was way too long and nebulous and I can see how this series was cancelled in 4 or 5 seasons.

    If they do this much filler in S1, what many say is the best season, I can only think after it they would just keep chugging with standard average soap opera stuff but with higher production values only. I likely will watch a couple episodes of S2 when I get done w S1 just to see if there's any need for it to wrap up S01, they like their cliffhangers don't they. And see if S2 is worth it or devolves into soap opera franchise mode.

    From the reviews, real ones not the obvious fake or paid for ones, it seems like this series is not worth the time after S1 and or S2 so I have no plans beyond that.

    This is similar to Mad Men which I've not gone back to after a few episodes of S2. Seems like just more of the same stuff over and over, higher quality soap opera but a bland one. Same office same cartoon people same nonsense etc etc I did sneak and watch the final episode of S7 the series finale and it seems like the series becomes too unfocused and implausible. Don is some hippie and various other top cast are spread around into their own lives all over not too interesting. Final scene DonD "meditating" and seeing a cringe Coke commercial hippy style chorus, wow amazing lol
    Hertzian56, Jan 23, 2025
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    After Westworld and Fargo I plan on getting back into a rewatch of Deadwood and then the movie that came out a few years after the first 3 seasons. Deadwood really needed to stop the nasty language which most definitely is NOT ACCURATE to the time period. Even in a mining town I just don't believe language like that was common. This is more jewish projection of it's filth in their shows to subtly recast and fraudulently retell history in their own way to effect people who watch their media complex unthinkingly.

    I like the series but it needed more then just the statehood angle to it because that had a time limit. I think a more traditional western serial of stories like the old Maverick or Rawhide series would have served it better. Ok like Bonanza they could have centered it around Deadwood country or maybe like Fargo and surroundings. So an anthology western would have been better for this show and it would have lasted longer then 3 seasons with a whimper "ending" movie 10 years later lmao! Of course the cost of westerns is likely another reason for only 3 seasons as well but it's entertaining no doubt.

    The other series I'll get into are Hell on Wheels which I've not given much attention. Rewatches of Fargo, BB, Oz and such. Maybe rewatch Malcolm in the Middle. I forgot about Boardwalk Empire as well. I did watch this for a couple seasons back when it was new. It so far doesn't grab as much as these other shows. I've rewatched only a couple episodes so far.

    There's always Sopranos and The Wire rewatching as well, plenty of stuff to watch.
    Hertzian56, Jan 23, 2025
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    After watching a couple more of Fargo S5 it's pretty bad feminaziist season, by far the most annoying one of the ones I've watched. I don't think I'd be interested in a rewatch of this season and once again it seems like this series really peaked in S2 and the only seasons that anyone should bother with are the first 3. Unless you're a DEI far left weirdo that is, then you'll likely think 5 is one of the best seasons, this is the case in the reddit sub for this show, lots of weirdo lefties in a weirdo leftie site think 5 is better then 3 lol

    Reddit is a left wing google site for mind control in many cases. Some subs stick to their topic without the leftist whackiness but it's fewer and fewer as time goes by. Dumbos there rail about capitalism but don't even understand that the fulfillment of communism is monopoly capitalism. Democracy really only works in small states, city states where it was first used, not in huge empires that have global reach etc Otherwise the jewpress and jewgold picks the 2-3 candidates via money for us to "choose" from. Almost no difference between candidates, all are jewmasontranny cultists of course. Democracy in this mode devolves into socialism and even further along with monopolies and an unimpeachable state-god into full communism but a megacorpo monopoly final state of it.

    I agree social services for citizens should be put above the military-profiteering system that we have and small independent business should be free of red tape and crushing taxes. In the USA individuals should pay no federal taxes whatsoever, with thousands of companies valued in the billions and more the tax code needs to be charging them for any federal taxes.

    Diffusion of wealth among as many as possible is the answer, not concentration like we have in this jewmasontranny cult system that's been imposed on us. State taxes are fine for infra and social services. And there should be no central bankster scam like the Federal Reserve(or the other central banks in almost every country btw jewscam du jour), no organs of this mafia like the IRS to scare peons etc The only thing the federal gov should do is defense and also simply issuing money. No interest paid to some dynastic satanic families owned central bankster scum. This is the national debt, it's mostly interest paid for this entity doing nothing but printing paper, this is a scam.
    Hertzian56, Jan 23, 2025
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Soo therefore I have little hope that Fargo can recover from getting even more leftist weirdo, we're talking about the nasty jew cohens here after all. Still the first 3 seasons are entertaining and not too dei garbage. But like I said S03 repeats the "dumb men only", "smart women only" garbage. It's fine with season 1 as it's just one season but when you see a pattern you see it's deliberate subliminal programming. The movie was the same thing, dumb men, "toxic masculinity" whacko stuff and "smart wonderful women" stuff. A cartoon that gets old.

    We hope Fargo is put on mothballs for it's own legacy.
    Hertzian56, Jan 23, 2025
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I have pushed through True Detective S3 and it's still just slow and dull a lot of the time. I can see it comes back to the S1 formula with flashbacks and forwards and such but it just doesn't have any of the other excellent things that S1 had. It reminds me a bit of Mindhunter with how slow and procedural it is with personal life stuff that isn't too interesting either. In episode 7 of 8 it does pickup a bit so we'll see about the final episode of this season but how much slow filler there is in this season is just too bad. I'd still not recommend this season of TD.

    Season 1 is by far the best season with S2 a step down but a good season on it's own and in it's own way, it has a lot more action then S3 that's for sure and really needs a rewatch to get more of the too many stories and characters. I'd skip the rest of TD.
    Hertzian56, Jan 24, 2025
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've also grabbed early seasons of Walking Dead as I remember watching a bit of the first season back when it was new and it of course gets good reviews. From what I gather this series was milked for too long, a total of 11 seasons with tons of spinoffs in full franchise mode. I don't plan on watching more then the first 4-5 seasons at the most of this one. I think once they get into franchise mode it drops off pretty bad. Few series ever get better after 5 seasons or so.
    Hertzian56, Jan 24, 2025
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Walking Dead certainly isn't at the level of most of the shows I've watched here, there is a lot of cheesiness and offensive cartoon moments. There's little nuance to most of the side characters. And a lot of the decision making is purely based on drama making, which is typical but gets old. This is true of most shows though, get as much drama and spectacle as possible to get eyeballs and of course add in the marxist feminism and other pervy tropes of these trannyhookerwood shows.

    Hard to imagine this was around for 11 seasons though, seems like it'd become more and more ridiculous to the point of absurdity and I don't plan on going more then 5 seasons or so into this show if I get that far. It could get absurd long before that and in that case I'd drop it. I couldn't imagine watching any of the obnoxious franchise spinoff stuff either, but most people are fast food eaters, grazers and it's no different with entertainment.

    One positive is that it's not as full of nasty language and gratuitous sex scenes and other nasty things which HBO and similar cable shows are full of. Ironic in a show with disgusting rotting corpses walking around though lol
    Hertzian56, Jan 25, 2025
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    There's a lot of product placement in Walking Dead, mostly car brands but other things also. They were cringe level with the annoying asian short round and the challenger in the first episode. There's also a lot of stuff that wouldn't make sense in a survival situation, lots of nonsensical objections and things that bother people. Again more drama for dramas sake going on.

    The feminism is laced throughout as well, this wouldn't fly in a survival situation. But somehow all the femboys cast as men in this show kowtow to "feewings" ugh. A lot of cringe stuff, cartoon characters and such. Obvious ladyboy "women" also, almost as gruesome as the zombies. And just a lot of stupidity all around. How this became so big is a mystery.
    Hertzian56, Jan 25, 2025
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Ominously the cdc scientist who is locked in and alone, which the cast discovers and stays a bit with just before the power runs out LOL and we get a big self destruct. Well his name was Jenner. A qwack named Jenner was the originator of the vaccine pseudo-science.

    Of course this being jewmasontranny scum media we also get the obligatory murdering in church with a huge crucifix in the background. Hey how come we don't get criminal synagogue burning and disrespecting in the media?? I mean it's a den of rats and crimes of all sorts get planned there, not to mention spiritual criminals, talmudicks-kabbalist scum. Jewmasontranny scum.
    Hertzian56, Jan 25, 2025
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm early season 2 and TWD seems like a rinse and repeat with some dumb stuff in between. New base->dumb drama and out of the blue action->base gets attacked-> rinse repeat...

    How they come into a farm that is perfect condition, all amenities, no zombies anywhere, so there's a stable area for dumb drama and cringe dialogue etc Everyone wearing clean clothes, perfect hair etc etc I mean these are vagabonds it's irritating to watch mostly.

    Then there's the OLD trick of trying to change the meaning of Christianity to an ATM-God, if God doesn't "pay up" in the material world when you ask He's bad or not there. I get it it can get frustrating but that's not Christianity at all. The Lord reigns NOW, His spiritual kingdom is HERE NOW. This world is a trial, a filter, it's a time to pay caesar with caesars rights, but no more. I'm not saying God doesn't move in the material world, He does but it's usually either not perceived or not to our liking.

    It's hard no doubt as it does get frustrating when we're in trouble and even family won't help so we want God to fill the breach and it usually never happens. We also see and know the most evil seem to be doing the best and spreading misery all over with God allowing this, it sucks tbh. But it's a plan that isn't always w us in the center of it. Or the help is not perceived. I ever just don't want God to go to extremes to prove He's there, I don't want typical magic type stuff, extreme and ruthlessly pragmatic which is why magic of all kinds is forbidden.

    Anyways I digress, it's all jewmasontranny cult media, it does that all the time, it's it's reason for being mostly.

    I can't imagine this already cheesy bad show gets worse but most reviews say after 5 or so it does, wow that bad. It'd be almost like watching it because it's so bad as a sort of macabre comedy.
    Hertzian56, Jan 26, 2025
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