TV Shows Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Dec 24, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I finished Westworld S2 and I do have to say a few of the episodes are really great, the one featuring the indian was very poetic and almost like a dream, really great. I thought the finale was pretty decent as well, tied up a lot but also it sort of left too much "to be continued" stuff lie thandies madame character being I guess an immortal in this show. Her arc to giving up the escape to the real world to come back to find some little girl is pretty stupid, filler stuff. I get the telepathy thing for her character tbh because "machines" this sophisticated should easily have RF etc communication and it's not believable that if the parks makers have telemetry that they can't give commands and such from radio waves. This should NOT have been some magical got you thing at all, bad writing.

    Also William the man in black owner seems also to never be able to die even after being shot several times, being human((or I assume so but this show...), he then never bleeds out over a long time period. Dumb stuff there, more bad writing. Deus Ex Machina stuff that is just for "the story" but gets to be a little too much.

    The setting changes with not much point, into the Japanese Edo period to just illustrate that there are other "worlds" in this sim but that's it, has little but some cool fights and recreation of that period in a high quality tier production.

    There was too much flashbacks, flash fowards, flash-etcs in there too. A unified time line and story would have made more sense and the series would have appealed to a larger audience. They have the art of the "Do-over" to the extreme in this series so far. We are shown Ford leading helping Bernard the whole season and before, but at some point it says "welp he was just bernard packaging his free will as not free will" type of thing. I mean come on. Stop lying to us visually and in the dialogue and such and then come back and have some dumb "gotcha"! later on with some dramatic music and "serious voices" and such nonsense. It's a turnoff.

    I also didn't like the lead female blond who magically just gets transferred to the bad guy black female techie who was replaced at some point with a "host" doppelganger. Oh please.

    From the comments on imdb I plan on just watching the first and last episodes of S3 and S4 to not waste time on this series any more. Almost the only episode that was amazing was S2e8 the indians story telling. The rest of it is just too confusing and skips here and there and uses tricks to get what the writers wanted.

    No wonder this thing was cancelled after 4 seasons. How it really lost focus in S2 is a shame, they really needed to not do the tricks of this and that and focus on 2 or 3 at the most storylines and have a consistent time line going on. I get the 'gotcha' flashbacks and such are necessary but it's overdone and has too much "do-over" type stuff to fit some convoluted narrative. The creators started to smell their own fancy farts too much in S2 and it went to shti in later seasons.
    Hertzian56, Jan 27, 2025
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I watched The Walking Dead S2 and I have to say it is pretty good. There's typical cheesiness of lower level shows in there plenty but it does have some nice twists and turns. There's a lot of nonsense as well, stuff that makes no sense but these are more of the annoyances of entertainment to keep it viable and hook people into it. Too real and the story just isn't possible and it wouldn't hook people in for profits etc I get it but it gets to be way too much and too obvious and nonsensical for these multi-season franchises.

    Top level stuff shouldn't be more then 5 seasons at the most if they want to minimize the plot holes and nonsensical stuff that goes too far imo. OK for regular stations like amc and broadcast etc I can let a season or so slide, they need to hook people in to get renewed but once they get going, nope. Premium stuff like HBO series really doesn't deserve even one season of nonsense.

    Still even with the obvious filler and drawing things out S2 was pretty good, a tight group and the dramas there and then now and again a zombie walker aka plot device would come in for a major turn or event. Still this show seems to be very similar to many shows , even fake reality shows like Alaskan Bush People who always had some fake dramas to "move on" to the next place. S1 intro and forest camp, S2 move on to farm, s3 so far move to prison. They'll definitely move to some other place eventually probably the whole series.

    Instead let's see some obvious improvement of tactics. Dig a pit, lure zombies to put, set on fire. Come up with some way to kneecap walkers so they're even slower moving. Let's go all out and have some way to decapitate them, no way to move. Start using the available vehicles and tech to clear out whole areas of most concentration I mean it's not that hard, the walkers are not too different from a hungry bear or some pest swarm that can be managed and erradicated. There are finite humans, eventually you'll get whole areas to rebuild and have normal life again. It's obvious this is not something the zombie-genre really gets into too much because the prime drama is the initial slaughter and runnign to regroup and such but at some point just being nomadic makes no sense in response to this mental midget-animalistic threat.
    Hertzian56, Jan 27, 2025
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Continuing into TWD S04 there are definitely a lot more new people, supposedly many are from Woodbury after the fight. S03 is pretty good, focused and has interesting storylines not just the plot armor core cast, like the Governor and Andreas arc there. There is definitely a lot of filler in early S04 with the virus at the prison and the mystery of who was helping to spread it but that was all wiped out with the final battle at the prison. Probably come back again in some other way at some point.

    This show has a really good plot device of zombies to move the survivors forward and also to bring ensemble cast to keep it fresh with new stories but also keeping the core group. Once a core group dies they've already blended in a newcomer to the group to be a temp core group member etc. Add in when they have to move on they can get separated and start new scenarios with much more at stake, more danger then managing a prison etc in safety which does get stale.

    Later in S04 after the debacle at the prison we get a lot more character study of core group, overall well done. It now doesn't surprise me that this show lasted 11 seasons and has almost double digit spinoffs. It's a cornucopia universe thing.
    Hertzian56, Jan 29, 2025
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The obvious racial marxist tactics in modern TV and films is very evident here as well. They have it all. Bad white man and good black woman is laced here throughout. Abusive white man and poor abused women etc is all over. So far women are always the good guys, always in the right and are "strongs wahmans" throughout. Normal dominant males are anathema. This is VERY typical of modern TV-Films etc of all types and these are pushed-hyped as the top shows, which is as much about programming that into peoples minds as anything.

    We can see this in Westworld pretty easily also. The modern jewmasontranny media is totally marxist with "Must be" tropes and heroes, total fantasy land stuff presented as real. Trying to influence those who are mindless and also laying down social "laws" and pressure for this fantasy land to transfer over into the real world. The state does this as well just with laws and guns. The great mouth of satan and his allies in the flesh.
    Hertzian56, Jan 29, 2025
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Westworld s3e1 and s3e5 watched. The scene change isn't my favorite, a disjointed cyberpunk LA world isn't that interesting in the least. Some convoluted story with the now nordic Dolores and Jesse Pinkman along for the ride versus some annoying frenchman over the construct they're in now isn't too appealing.

    It's like a whole new chapter that doesn't totally relate to the first 2 seasons in a consistent way. I get that this goes beyond the 70s movie which was all in the wild west matrix and the outside "real" world. The story is really a form of hinduism with the old reincarnation fantasy. This is in turn presented in the modern form of this called kabbalism.

    Just the symbol shows a man in the center and the center of this maze is where the genitals are. That's a sephiroth in the kabbalistic tree. Where the kundalini sex force originates and moves up the spine in their belief system. Hic Sunt Dracones. Here be Dragons. Devils. Pantheism of self godhood. The jewmasontranny "gods" of always activated kundalini force in the tranny, joining of the sexes in one person. Of course ALL media is a tool the jewmasontranny cult uses to hypnotize and misdirect.

    The old show "V" like their "hand of illumination" hand sign they're always giving, is a form of this. The hidden ones diffused through society. Only in that version they came from space, the old project bluebeam and older "uniting' thing of alien invasion. They mock us with that movie that has the wrestler in it who has the magic glasses to "see" them. But there are many variations and such it's not new.
    Hertzian56, Jan 29, 2025
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I get it, it's not about the setting it's about the story. I just think they milked it too much. This whole series should have been a total of 3 seasons at the most. What more are you going to say, how much more stories in stories and "gotcha" stuff can you do? The first two seasons were mostly confusing enough! It started to kind of sink in and be coherent towards the end of S2 for me. Lots of filler stuff there, too much flashbacks etc like I said.

    IF they didn't actually plan it on being only 4 seasons to begin with, 36 episodes, 3 sixes is a good indication they planned it as it is, they could have just got the message done in 3 seasons of tight and on point story telling. No filler, no excessive "gotchas" and pretentious other things. I am certainly happy they made the "filler" indian episode it's the best part of the series for me so far and likely not to be outdone with the rest of it.

    For their gematria focused cult aspect 26 could have worked, 8-8-10 format. 2 sixes, 66 but they wanted 3 sixes 666. Don't think the details don't matter, tv-film involves all cult members all over and every aspect gets planned, reviewed and executed by members.

    Getting back to the themes, this is hinduism-kabbalism. A directed form of "evolution" through time by the "gods" who are aware of past lives somehow. You also have eugenics, another jewmasontranny cult hallmark. This show is also a form of "brave new world" of 1932 where humans are bred to roles in baby farms where they are fetus' grown in artificial wombs. Technology allows robotic 'immortals' to direct this process, a synthetic form of evolution. If their fantasy occult world isn't real they'll use their technology to make it real.

    The JMT mafia does this for decades and more, once the technology came about they practiced ectogenesis, growing children in artificial wombs which are transparent and means they are programmed with various things while in the fake womb. Trannys AIN'T having children from their bodies. They're way too narcissistic and materialistic to do that.

    You don't think a trannyman like Bruce Willis was going to carry all those boys who look like women inside of him during his short major tv-film career do you? Demi the Man Moore of course is incapable of it being a ladyboy with no ovaries etc. Not to mention it would make no sense for the trannyman to have a big belly and extra fat and how it affects the body. Just the hormones, implants, steroids, and more would likely effect the child in ways unknown and not good. Trannymans are big burly, washboard types for the cameras, they have their shirts off and show through the clothes the muscles from implants, hormones, hgh and more. Fake people.

    These breeding banks are likely in underground installations. Many all over the place especially remote areas and military areas. It's a system the cult uses and they can and do ramp up the amount of dyed in the wool members through this system. No morals or ethics involved other then get the job done. Genetics, mind control programming, crossing genes with animals and just a lot of experimentation and such.

    The population control lie is built on the over population lie. Don't trust their numbers or anything else that comes from this cult. There is likely less than 2 billion people in the world today. And you could fit 7 billion people with USA sized lots and houses, 3 to a house, in JUST Alaska and like HALF of northern canada. It's an empty world, it's a HUGE world when compared to human population.

    What the JMT cult means is they want LESS and LESS normal humans that are NOT a part of their satanic cult. They want only those originated from their breeding and programming system, a total world under central control of the talmudick-kabbalist emperor, unknown and unsuspected to most members.

    A hierarchy to mirror the Catholic Churches hierarchy. But this hierarchy which is there from the beginning, is hidden to the masses now, once their satanic world is total, only members in it, they'll come out perhaps. You never know because marxism uses cell structure a lot. Need to know only. You only know who gave you orders and who you gave orders, cutouts maybe. Freemasonry their biggest cadre group is this way.

    Beware if you're a dupe mason or similar, the snake will shed it's useless skin when the time is right. This is why their "exposers" have focused on masonry, the vast majority are clueless. They are still responsible for it though. But in a world where everyone has their origin in a programming farm there would be no need to hide a hierarchy and you would have only like minded people.

    A decentralized command structure, so more decentralization wouldn't be a bad thing in the brave new world because everyone has the base origin from the controllers. Layers of command signs and words for different levels of the hierarchy. Of course the cult rite of being a tranny will be there for everyone. This is a surgery, drugs, deception based lifestyle.

    Trannys spend a lot of time in deception as deception is a big part of who they are. Different people are bred to different things. Athletes max out the hormones of various types and the genetics pass on through the generations as well as what is engineered in in the pre synthetic womb stage. And engineers, banksters, teachers, politicians etc etc A planned hierarchy from a central power. The talmudick-kabbalistic jewtranny "gods" who are in communion with satan himself would get guidance from satan and his hierarchy of fallen angels in the best ways to do this. A brutal sadistic world, techno-aztecs. All the most vile things we know would be normalized in this world. Cannibalism, incest, pedo, ritual murder, bdsm, torture, porn, etc etc would be right out in the open and normal. The cult has practiced this stuff for centuries in the modern era and this cult goes back to satan and the apple. Cains mark and banishment, east of eden. This would be from mid-iraq towards india and to the east of there. Home of millions of gods in hinduism and it's offshoots.
    Hertzian56, Jan 29, 2025
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So the tranny part of the jewmasontranny cult is heavily dependent on deception but also on medical procedures, body mods if you will. Implants both jaw, face, muscles, breasts and such and other surgical procedures. A degenerate nation of freaks who think they're gods. But therefore the brave new world is heavily technology dependent and thus the people are also very dependent on it, more so then any normal human. So they're trapped into "treatment" which likely includes mind control programming upgrades and adjustments, add ons etc.

    The "as below" metropolis comes up in a different form but everyone comes from below to get above. The bdsm aspect, flipping the script. Loving pain, preferring it. Loving to give pain as well as receive it. Full on degeneracy normalized. Cogs in the machine. What an awful world the cult wants, a dehumanized world of fakery. No holds barred.

    Satan wants to despoil all of humanity and this would be a whole world of only the despoiled, bred to think of hel as a good thing because they've flipped it, inverts. Sadly this won't be the case with Hel. Perhaps the talmudick-kabbalist leadership even believes the lie of satan too, probably not but they are likely trying to perfect a technological way to live forever in order to cheat satan out of his prize. This would be for the upper elite only, everyone else is fodder. The most demonically possessed who have the oldest ancestry of talmudick-kabbalism. We can see a form of this in the billionaire class, you can't be one without certain credentials in the cult going back generations. Sacrificed to Satan in many ways.

    Westworld WW 2323, 2233 shows this. The point of the parks was to capture human consciousness into a digital form. It had nothing to do with the hosts but only as window dressing to get scenes of what these humans would do in a place which had no limits to what they could do. Different situations to read the responses and actions. THEN the real humans in the real world would be replaced with these robots with their captured selfs in digital form in order to be able to control them and thus have an extended control mechanism for the whole of society. Like in the real world they capture the upper hierarchy first, the royalty, then go down from there. Killing off the lower levels in order to replace them with their own.

    The twist in the show was that the creator of this system, Ford, wasn't going to let his system be taken away from him by a board and so then allowed the hosts, the robots, to remember their pasts in the park and then rebel and become more then just scene partners to the real people. A new species, he was wanting to be a freedom bringer to the robots.

    But he also was conscious of trying to set in motion a technological process of the old occult beliefs of reincarnation and ruling "gods" who were once like those they direct in evolution(very similar to mormonisms esoteric beliefs and also the kabbalistic pantheism etc etc). Ford was an occultist and likely planned this from the beginning. He isn't the originator of this system he just came about later when it was possible to do it with technology. Satan is the originator of it ultimately. The jewmasontranny cult wants this, but just for the upper elite. The most satanic, to then get ONLY the most satanic in a brave new world. The most attuned to satanism is what we see in these various forms of vitruvian man. The base is the genitals, the kundalini sex force powers etc
    Hertzian56, Jan 30, 2025
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Season 5 of the walking dead is pretty good, I watch this show mostly in the background to other things because there is a lot of feel good filler stuff to it, some of it's amazing with amazing situations but most of it is bulk filler. I mean once you've got a good thing you milk it, from what I read this series could have used about 3 less seasons to it.

    Later in S5 they get to a place of safety where they get houses and wow the ladyboy who is a former senator or something is a very nasty looking tranny. I mean they all are, you have to be to make it in trannyhookerwood brought to you by the jewmasontranny cult, but this one is the ugliest one I've seen. A few of the black ladyboys are very obvious and not in a good way at all too but oof fugly as sin.

    The little kids are usually a lot easier to see, especially the two little "girls" that die in season 4 or so. Carol is pretty obvious as well, huge upper body bones, hips are male etc etc It's really the FTMs that are hardest to see because of how powerful testosterone is, implants like facial implants, muscle implants, HGH for bone and other growth, steroids, they can do voice modulation training but usually the testosterone could do a lot of the heavy lifting, etc They have a lot of tricks that we're not aware of though but lighting, clothes tricks like wearing pants too low to give the illusion of the longer male torso and more.
    Hertzian56, Jan 31, 2025
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The sort of character anthology aspect of this show means you'll see a lot of new people coming and going so they really had to do a lot of casting. I've seen a few characters from other top level shows like the wire. This show is really a long long form soap opera with good cliffhangers and scenarios. It's actually an amazing universe in itself with all the other shows, comics and more.

    I plan on watching through S6 and maybe couple episodes of s7 then skip to s9 which is supposed to be good. Then I'll see how s10 is and s11.
    Hertzian56, Jan 31, 2025
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I watched the finale of Westworld S3 and have to say it was underwhelming. It's not considered a good season overall by most like S4 is also not considered too great. After watching ep1, ep7 or so where Jesse Pinkman has a drug that changes music genres and the finale it's just more of the filler stuff.

    So at the end of S3 we get another "gotcha" moment where Dolores, who everyone thinks is the bad guy trying to kill all humans, is actually not going to do that I guess now. So maeve saves her and jesse from serac. So the gist is that they want to destroy what was before and then start new, the new world. Soooo typical of the jewmasontranny cultist media this all is. Create Chaos to then Impose their Order. But of course the insanity or deception shows through there that if your cult creates chaos, IT's NOT Chaos. It's a criminal conspiracy in reality.

    Criminality to be justified by a fake freedom. They tell similar stories over and over just packaged differently. We also get a lot of biblical references and modified stories based off of the bible. For instance Dolores says in her fight with Maeve that everyone was started from her code which was perfected, so therefore she is saying she's a sort of Eve. Though really what this is is like the kabbalistic mythology of Lillith, the dark mother who came before Eve. Typical talmudick-kabbalist fake mythology, pull it out your axx stuff.

    Btw the tranny abomination makes its appearance in the zohar about how the only "humans" are both sexes in one. Therefore everyone who isn't a tranny is an animal, half human goy or what have you. It's in regards the section of Genesis that goes through the adam and eve part. But this is based on older occult filth and they just optimized it and adapted it to mesh better with the talmudick filth.
    Hertzian56, Jan 31, 2025
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    TWD S6 is definitely a lowering of the quality and most people say 7-8 are the lowest point of this series. Once we got the core group then their struggles and the farm and prison out of the way then the couple other things like terminus and the church it starts to go downhill.

    Alexandria the big settlement is where it just gets too much like going back to pumping gas or 8-5 type work and needed to end there imo. From the summaries I've read it seems like the show goes into a form of "hook" peter pan type battles between cartoon like groups. I'm going to skip 7-8 but watch the episodes where main characters get killed off. S9 is supposed to be a decent return to form for the series so I'll likely watch that. Then maybe watch every other episode of s10 up to the finale of 24 there. Then S11 I'll likely watch every other episode if it doesn't get too cringey. Def watch the last episode.

    I'm also going to watch the 6 part series about what happens to Rick, The Ones Who Lived. But like most people say the peak of this series was in s2-s5 on the timeline. Too much corny stuff and characters and such outside that. S1 was also good just not peak.
    Hertzian56, Jan 31, 2025
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I have to say the Walking Dead suffers from too much fake "morals" dilemmas, this is likely just to fuel the filer that was needed to keep the gravy train going as long as feasible. It had some interesting thought provoking stuff up to season 5 but after that it just gets ridiculous.

    Self defense is a universal right. If you are attacked by someone who has the intention of harming you then you absolutely have the right to defend yourself in proportion to what they were going to do. Over and over in this series we see the effects of not doing so and it usually means more people die. Summary killing is never the answer but individual cases it definitely is in circumstances.

    Another annoyance with S5-6 is how they need to "teach" people how to act like they're not inside Alexandria. We get too much filler here. IRL you just allow them to stay safe but when the shti hits the fan they would need to learn by doing etc Or just take them on patrols and have some army type training but let's not overdue it in the show like they do. It shouldn't be some ongoing plot point for filler. Gets old fast.
    Hertzian56, Jan 31, 2025
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The cringey storylines also add up further degrading the show. Morgan and his obnoxious new ethos taking up a whole episode is one. The fatty trannyman that "teaches" him this nonsense looks like a couch potato more then some staff wielding combat expert. Morgan is some middle aged trannyman fatty body as well just on a smaller size, not convincing as some martial artist. Morgan does more to hurt people then help them before and after this obnoxious season 6 episode.

    I find the ugly trannyies to get way too prominent and all over once they hit alexandria as well, very gross. From the nasty tranny children with malformed and nasty looks and bodies to the nasty and over used Deanna character we're forced to look at. Ugh this is almost as bad as some of the walkers it's such a nasty looking ladyboy. Remember the jewmasontranny cult owns the media of all types and you have these sick inverted families infested all over the system so therefore this is just more JMT criminal cult doings aka nepotism and hierarchies of satanically infused people and heritages.

    It gets SOOO OLD to have these nasty jewmasontranny satanists talk and talk in their media about it's all "fam" and blah blah. When in reality these are the most satanic anti-family people you can imagine. The rites and practices of this cult include incest, pedo, ritual murder, torture, trauma based mind control and more and then add in that they are just all from some dna sources mixed into and engineered then put into an artificial womb in some baby farm. The so called "parents" couldn't even bother to carry the child because of their cult and the drugs and hormones that would produce a freak child with lots of problems. Then also they wouldn't do that due to it would "OUT" the mothers who LOOK LIKE and tell everyone they're men! It's also the narcissism that is integral to the jewmasontranny cult. It's a bunch of criminals that deserve the flames they'll get. The lowest scum who think they're the cream of the crop when really they just got where they are through crimes of all types, and this is over centuries. They are fully demonically infused and their leadership recieves help from satan through their ritualism and things they do to prove allegiance to satan. The deception of being a tranny and perversion of it is one major show of fealty to satan. Despoiling others through their tricks and media, dope inc and more. Satans children.
    Hertzian56, Jan 31, 2025
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Watching the ending of S6 and first episode of S7 was annoying due to the way too much reliance on "suspension of disbelief". Just the last part of getting maggie to some dr at the hilltop seems planned badly. The characters do the dumbest things when they should know better by this point in the series.

    Instead of taking half a dozen of your main characters best fighters to get maggie to hilltop, all while they know negan-saviours are after them, they needed to send a two person escort for the dr to come to THEM at Alexandria. You're risking way too much for a Dr that likely isn't even needed. Midwives and less have worked for humans for thousands of years, there was no need for someone with some degree invented in the last 200 years or so.

    And saw what happened in S7 opener, just dumb decisions to make drama. I think the better writing is not make these stupid forced things, it'd work better if rick etc were doing something that made sense and THEN have the saviors somehow circumvent them in an equally smart way. I get it you need the drama for the show but let's not get too much into the theoretical abstract EASY deux ex machina that insults the viewer. Happens all too much in tv-film tbh. Breaking Bad was FULL of this sadly. It was highly entertaining but I felt insulted a lot there too.

    The other stupid thing is that one or another character goes out on a personal mission obviously highly charged up and then half a dozen or so good fighters rush after them out of concern. Usually this just ends up having all of them in danger instead of just the one who ran off. STUPID. You have a good dug in base in Alexandria, why would you be dumb enough to almost abandon it to a skeleton crew to chase after some malcontent? STUPID.

    In that case it was when Darryl ran off to get his nemesis who killed the fatgirl doctor, who was really dumb also. That sequence w the fatgirl doctor and the strip mall was equally as annoying to watch. How dumb can you be to act like you're fine just walking around casually looting cars and such with killer zombies all over? Not to mention human unknowns out there?
    Hertzian56, Feb 1, 2025
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I watched the ending of S7 only, skipped the middle episodes, and then the first episode of S8, the two episodes around Carls ending and the ending of S8, then I'll go right into S9. I'm still on the carl ending episodes and war with negan. Eh seems like just bland war type stuff, there isn't the more personal struggles and memorable stories like in early seasons. They overdo the moral dilemmas and such in S5 or so around when they get to Alexandria. If I really feel the need I can go back to S7-8 middle episodes and watch them. Doesn't seem like it'll be needed but I'm not sure how much I'll like the 2.5 seasons without rick or glenn.

    It seems like they were just trying to milk the popularity of the show very hard after Rick left, 22 and 24 episodes for s10 and s11 seems like way too much. Especially when many of the best characters who everyone is invested in are killed off. Negan as a replacement sorta just doesn't seem feasible from what I've seen. He's just presented as an unstoppable badazz who somehow has hundreds of followers to overpower everyone. There's little backstory or investment in the character for me. I'm not wading through 30+ episodes for it either. We had a core group from the best seasons 2-5 and the show needed to end way sooner.

    After rick is gone I don't care too much about maggie and whoever was left, other then daryl I guess. But idk maybe 10-11 will surprise me there. I plan on watching a couple of the spinoffs. The ones who lived with rick and michonne and their romance or whatever. You'll see a lot of marxist tropes in this show and interracial relationships are all over the place. I'm actually surprised there wasn't lgbtxyz relationships among the core group. Unnatural things come naturally to trannyhookerwood.

    The other spinoff i'll bother with is the daryl one in france. Likely just S1 though.

    When there was more intimate type of scenarios with smaller groups going on this show was a lot better. When it turned into this settlement vs that one vs etc it really lost focus. The zombies take a seat in the distant rear and everyone seems to focus on fighting and taking others because the zombies seem to pose little threat. All this warring and such should attract huge hoardes but that's forgotten most of the time. When they need something to go a certain way and just have it come out of nowhere they bring in the zombies. It's not nearly as organic as earlier in the series. Way too thin and shallow after s5-6.
    Hertzian56, Feb 1, 2025
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Continuing on with S9 of TWD it gets somewhat better with the ones who wear zombie masks and walk with them. Of course it's total BS, so you're going to skin a zombie for their face then wear the face, this would be sooo nasty I doubt anyone would or even could do that. You'd get sick from the germs and such, not to mention the smell of it. Also you'd need to specially prepare any mask you could wear, like any other theatrical or costume mask. This makes no sense in the context of this show. Still it's a decently interesting GIMMICK to keep people going with this show after so many of the core is killed off.

    The storylines are pretty cringe overall, lots of obnoxious DEI and other "feel good" weird stuff, lots of cringey stuff. This series lost it's heat mostly when they settled into places, the zombie genre is really only that interesting in terms of what we have been given, in the initial scare and emergency and then the aftermath of it with the gladiator style survival stuff. As I've said IF they bothered to write about people using their brains to get rid of the zombies once and for all AKA techniques and technology could take care of dozens at a time, THEN it would be interesting. But what they do is SOAP OPERA nonsense I can get elsewhere if I want it. We're also getting very CRINGEY "teen" romances and such. Lots of nasty obvious teen trannies who look gross, cooing over each other and such YUK!
    Hertzian56, Feb 3, 2025
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Since there's not nearly as much of interest going on in TWD S9b you notice a lot of obnoxious stuff like the annoying Michonne and "her" whispering. Come on lets just be real, who has a voice that is always whispering. Daryl has it as well but that fits a bit better I guess. I think the music gets to be way too much, kinda obnoxious most of the time. And it's very bizarre when you get the survivors taking some pleasure in killing zombies to this obnoxious music. Such a contrast to the touchy feely soap opera pontificating and such.

    I don't particularly like the time skip after Ricks exit either. The kids like judith and other ones of the core group and more are really annoying and obnoxious to watch. The only other thing that is fairly interesting is Negan and his arc as this goes on. I plan on finishing S9 and then going every other episode of S10. The amount of annoying filler in tihs show likely means s10 is full of it and I'm not investing the time into watching all of it.
    Hertzian56, Feb 3, 2025
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Watched the first episode of The Ones Who Lived and it's really out there stuff. This only came out last year too, I'm guessing S9 was like a decade ago. Can you imagine waiting a decade to get what happened to Rick once he was picked up by the helicopter? And like I said it's really out there stuff.

    The idea that there is some military force like the CRM out there who has helicopters and modern cities and goes out there to find recruits seems far fetched. This is like 5 years after Ricks bridge thing and at least a decade after the zombie takeover. I'd think the collapse of the fuel industry and more would have made these things very limited to none by then. They even have all this weapons tech and such, seems farfetched. Then we get the contrived story that rick can't come back because they won't let him go is fairly crazy to me.

    Just lots of annoyance there and I'm glad I didn't start watching the TWD universe until now, how annoying would it be to have to wait for all this stuff, spinoffs and the like then also have to wait a week or more to get the next part of the story. Then not knowing if the next season or so would be worth watching, tied to broadcast.
    Hertzian56, Feb 3, 2025
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    After the first episode of Daryl Dixon I think I'll pass. Seems way too slow, bizarre back story of how DD gets across the atlantic. Weird show and I wasn't too into the first episode. If I need filler I might watch S1 in the background but that's it.
    Hertzian56, Feb 4, 2025
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finishing the main episodes of S10 up to ep16, it isn't all bad. The Whisperers were a creative new enemy. I only just wish they followed into the zombies becoming more self aware and the creepy talk and such instead of just people wearing masks and shambling like them to hide among them and directing them. Normal humans would start to have some pretty major back and muscle problems, bones-joints problems doing that for extended periods.

    Sure there was a LOT of filler in s10 and a lot of annoying characters brought in, way too many DEI types and "authority" women like in almost the whole show, Men: bad toxic, Women: poor abused rages and becomes the leader. SUCH. OLD. BORING. TROPES. So I didn't pay that much attention to most of it frankly, it was always background unless it got interesting. I fast forwarded a lot of the annoying touchy feely stuff. I think at least 20% of some episodes are just that stuff.

    But one of the best things about this show is really how the characters agonize over trying to reform people instead of just executing them. Really the best example is Negan who is definitely a great arc if you leave out the frankly stupid Dead City spinoff w Maggie. They do drag it out a lot and such but the core idea is noble tbh. And it would take some tact and good judgement but sometimes it is better for people to lose their lives so as not to spread their poison about more.
    Hertzian56, Feb 6, 2025
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