TV Shows Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Dec 24, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    This series can flip around so fast though and also a lot of disjointed stories which make no sense just to have "cliffhangers" both in episodes for ad selling and also between episodes and seasons. These shows exist for two things. Ad revenue and money. And two is the overall social programming. I'd argue the social programming and distraction, bread and circuses is the larger reason most media exist.

    Trannyhookerwood doesn't need your money, they get that from private money, their own banks, treasury officials and others who are part of funding this who get thier money through various schemes. As I've said trannyhookerwood is definitely part of Dope Inc. No entity has sold more booze, tobacco, drugs and more then trannyhookerwood. It does it to this second. The jewmasontranny cults programming and social engineering is mostly done through the entertainment industry. The academic wing is mostly about scientism and such but also plays it's part. The governments play the enforcer of these social engineering goals of these pagan sickos. It's an UnderWorld Order. The time of massive criminals having thier way as much as God will allow them to anyways.
    Hertzian56, Feb 6, 2025
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Getting back to what I was saying. The side scenarios a lot of the time don't make sense. They're fighting a war with the Whisperers and Michonne just goes off on some goose chase on a boat. I mean I guess the reason there is so she can find something from Rick and then go off to find him thus setting up the spinoff, years later of course.

    Another example is Eugenes need to go find some anonymous radio woman. All the while back home the war is going on, kinda ridiculous. He also drags king and yumiko, good fighters, with him for such a frivolous thing. The point of this tacky scenario is to get Princess as a companion and of course the stormtroopers who lured the idiots into a trap or an intro "cliffhanger" for S11.
    Hertzian56, Feb 6, 2025
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I didn't find what is known as S10c, the extra episodes after 16, to be that great. There's a lot of filler there tbh. I fast forwarded through a few of them when they got dumb. I think the only that's too interesting is the Negan one ep22. As an origin story it works, of a character that has a major arc in the later seasons. In some ways I think Negan is a dark form of Rick. There was a transition to when Rick was being phased out and Negan was being phased in. The Wahmens were taking over the leadership when the baaaadmans were losing and disappearing.

    Don't think this isn't intentional by all those involved. I've seen this race replacement and gender role reversals all over including when I worked in that industry. A black Clark Gable was deliberately used in one show that was like a variety show for disney. They also never let us know that they were paying 80 flat for a 10hr+ plus job. This would make it illegal, below min wage, but we couldn't refuse it due to not being told.

    One of the biggest marxist tropes of trannyhookerwood is women leaders, women as prominent etc And also the bad men, flabby weak dumb men who kowtow to these women etc Eugene is classic but the emo types like Aaron also. Even Negan w his blue haired wifey was pitiful to watch.

    Once again it gets SO OLD to see these narcissist jewmasontranny cultists and their FAF 'it's all family' and faf emo shti all over their lying media. These are sickos who are druggies and worse IRL. But they present themselves as upstanding types both on screen and off. Huge liars.
    Hertzian56, Feb 7, 2025
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So S11 of Walking Dead isn't all bad either. I did like the subway scenes. Of course we get more "amazing wahmans" as leaders and the obnoxious "racial" balancing DEI stuff is offensive and overdone. The 100th character that has dark skin, female(at least to the average eye) and has an anfrow is just cannon fodder and a total NPC that can't be killed off too soon. This goes for the chubby or "soft" "man" follower too, can't wait for feminazi cliches like Eugene, Aaron and similar to be killed off horribly but of course if I know they're name they're sadly not going to be horribly killed.

    You get a whole series of signourney Tall Man weaver types, leaders of course. ALL leaders that are portrayed as "complex" and good are these feminazi dei types. The show gets SOOO CRINGEY as it goes on in that regard. We have almost every jewish-masonic filth tropes in this show.

    It certainly doesn't help that of all the people in the world we get A>NOTHER british scumbag picked who hides the accent so well. I'm talking abou the trannyman jewish-british empire member Andrew Lincoln of course. We saw this in the Wire with almost all major characters being jewbrits. Filth. What pedo-cannibal etc work did Lincoln do to get that role? You have to sacrifice to satan in the jewmasontranny cult empire to get these leading and high profile positions in this mafia.
    Hertzian56, Feb 7, 2025
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The amount of just stupid story lines in S11 is astounding. A horror escape house for two darkie's doesn't interest me in the least. The Reapers villains fit the SAME>OLD cliche this show has had since The Governor. Bad white man, ignorant or oppressed "good" women under him, and eventually the good wAHmans and friends get their revenge and away to be more good guys with the main group of mostly filler characters since S6 with the most annoying core group still left aka Maggie, Carol and others.

    The frankly obnoxious and bizarre "commonwealth". That's a nice jewbrit empire reference btw. In this CW we get the CRINGEY Yumiko jewbrit ladyboy lawyer, the fat soft coward eugene, the obnoxious AS HEL Princess, the cartoon character Ezekiel along with the stupidAF stormtroopers. Ugh terrible stuff. This show is a Walking Corpse during this season, def needed to end 2-3 seasons ago instead of shtting the bed.

    At this point I don't really have any character I like in the show other then Negan, who badly needed to gut Maggie and the rest of them and be done with it.
    Hertzian56, Feb 7, 2025
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    On another note I watched the first episode of The Last Of Us and it's pretty good. I do find the actor who plays the little girl to be so obviously a boy it's just dumb. But so far the story seems interesting. I didn't play any of the games, more Sony cringe movie-games tbh It's better to watch a show in this case.
    Hertzian56, Feb 7, 2025
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    OMG Season 11 of TWD is so bad. It has some good stuff in the subway but otherwise it's just mundane settlement stuff. The core group has WAY too much plot armor and at least half or more of them needed to go, but the terrible writers just kept on going with the bad writing and illogical suspension of disbelief. I actually wanted all of the core "good guys" to be killed off brutally. Such hypocrites deserve their heads on spikes.

    As usual all women are good, all men are either villains or subservient to women. All minorities are good guys, blackies, beaners and all the rest are always good guys. It's ONLY Whites and mostly men that are bad guys. All good guy white men, who are subservient to women and ethnics, have interracial disgusting partners. ALL top leaders who are good are women. All top leaders who are bad are men. The almost universal interracial relationships is so nasty. It's disgusting DEI garbage.

    I had to start fast forwarding this season as it's not even decent as filler background stuff. This show just falls off so hard in season 11, 10 had some decent stuff with the whisperers who were wasted mostly. Once again the top leader of them is a woman. 9 was mostly boring after Rick disappeared. Just terrible.

    A show that was a solid 7.5 to 8 in the first 5 seasons or so and a gradual drop off after that to a 3 or so. So if you keep watching this show after S6 or so it will just become a different show with mundane story lines, cringey characters and BAD writing overall. I don't recommend watching this show past S5 or S6 maybe if you want to see ricks last episodes skip 7-8 and watch first half of S9. Don't go past that imo. S10 has TOO MUCH FILLER and a wasted new tribe in the Whisperers. Should have had half or less episodes. I'd skip the ones past the first 16 besides maybe the pointless Negan one 10x22 which was entertaining. S10 I'd recommend watching every other episode there only.

    Bottom line overall it's a 5. Bad series, bad spinoffs, bad writing, nasty tranny actors, DEI issues everywhere, cringeyness to the max. Don't bother.
    Hertzian56, Feb 8, 2025
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And of course my review on IMDB was not posted because it tells the truth about TWD. IMDB is a fake reivews site that is just in the business of manipulating algos and such to give almost EVERYTHING at least an 8. It's a blatant conflict of interest and most reviews are FAKE, PAID FOR, OR AI PAID FOR. All the 10's should definitely give it away and for a long time AI "reviews" have been capable of writing the type of reviews you see on IMDB.

    It's also very easy to see in IMDB's "top" movies, they're almost all newer stuff that's still trying to make back prod and marketing costs so IMDB scummers do them a favor. I don't bother with any review on IMDB over a 7, otherwise it's not thoughtful and is rife with fakery. I am also sure that upvotes and downvotes are manipulated by IMDB and thier algo and staff.
    Hertzian56, Feb 14, 2025
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So anyways I've been doing a lot of re encoding to save space and also got into The Simpsons after years and years. I grew up with that show and used to watch it a lot, at least the first 18 or so seasons. The all time classics in that show are the first 12-13 seasons mostly. So I grabbed them at pahe and re encoded down using handbrake. Goes from 175mb to 75mb per episode by adjusting the encoding data rate.

    So I grabbed the classic seasons 4-8, with plenty of one offs from all the seasons up to about 18. Pahe generally has most seasons but they can be hard to get a good ddl link to. Someone put the whole series on archive just search the simpletons. The problem is that each episode is 1.4GB which is totally unnecessary for 2d animated shows like this. So with over 20 episodes per season you're talking about 30GB per season.

    A good size is about 200mb per episode if you are watching on a huge screen at 4k or so. I don't own a tv and my laptop is only 1080p so have no need for such large files. Even if I bought a 4k tv I wouldn't get more then about 40 inches, that size of file for a 2d cartoon wouldn't make sense. Most tvs now will upscale anyways. Watching on old backup phone screens with 6" screens doesn't need more then like 40mb. I have king of the hills, futurama and others that are about that size that look fine.
    Hertzian56, Feb 14, 2025
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    A lot of people wonder how the Simpsons seems to get so many things right about future happenings and it's a really easy answer. The Simpsons is made, written, performed and more by jewish mafia members, so part of the show is to reveal things well before the fact in an occult way so then later on the "revelation of the method" can point to how "great" they are. It's a form of entertainment to think, well what is the jewmasontranny cult going to do next?

    Snake Fascination.

    Eve was snake fascinated.

    You could see how they seeded in Donald Trumpinasteinberg in the media for decades, this wasn't just something that happened this was on purpose. All sorts of other stuff there too. It's similar to "back to the future" movies and a lot more. "The lone gunman" bad tv show had it's pilot episode about planes into WTC BEFORE it happened by a year or so. Of course there WERE NO PLANES, this was CGI and mass hypnosis along with fake interviewees and more. So that show was a "reveal" before but a reveal to push the NARRATIVE. Which later was "revealed" as showing the future somehow. When we know the jewmasontranny satanic cult had this planned for a long time before.

    The name Simpsons is also just another name they use to hide behind. This is standard MO for jews for centuries. I have no doubt this name has some sort of german-yiddish equivalent that means something. NAMES don't matter when it comes to judaism(talmudick-kabbalism), nor does ethnicity nor does publicly professed religion. Marranos Cryptos see this as a good tactical business and they are right, it's just that it's deceptive and satanic. But they're of the devil so it is just normal for them.

    Like the King of the Hill this is a way to laugh at the dumb goy who have no clue, to make fun of them. Homer, Hank Hill and more is the mook, the dumbgoy to make fun of. But the viewers don't know that these are figures for THEM.
    Hertzian56, Feb 14, 2025
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The jewmasontranny cult owns the media and pretty much everything else so the media is a TOOL of theirs, it's not that hard. So THEREFORE, DO NOT TRUST their numbers, stats and more because it's coming from CONFIRMED liars and deceivers. There's ALWAYS and angle ALWAYS.
    Hertzian56, Feb 14, 2025
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Still I do like a lot of media obviously so even with it's manipulations and falsehoods and dei and other crap the entertainment aspect can outweigh the bad in many cases.

    I've also been re encoding the british soap opera from the 1970's Upstairs Downstairs which I grabbed years ago and have watched a few times. It was only 5 seasons. I'm re encoding to save space, it's never been remastered afaik anyways so it's fairly blurry but I'm not a stickler for technical details more about the story and such. I do get a nice file size reduction with half encoding data rate without much difference in how it looks. And thus get 50-75% reduction in file size. I haven't watched it in a while and it's just on one of my storage hdds.

    Also re encoded Metalocalypse a zany short animated show about an over the top metal band called Dethclok. It is demented of course but also entertaining and certainly macabre. I only have the first two seasons out of 4. Maybe have to look around for the other two sometime. The episodes are only like 11 mins long each with at least 1 min of that being the same intro but it's done at almost 2mins into the episode so you can't really shave it off to not have to watch it every time. Big mistake by them imo.
    Hertzian56, Feb 14, 2025
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I finished metalocalypse and the doomstar requiem and I'd say s3 with the 22 min episodes versus the usual 11 minute ones has some good band member backstory filling but also has a lot of filler stuff to it, so S3 is a wash really. Season 4 is back to the shorter form and thus has a tighter feel to it. I wouldn't say any of the episodes grabbed me like the first 2 seasons did but it does have the "finale" of the series, which left a cliffhanger ending. It took about a year to get the supposed "finale" in the Doomstar Requiem rock opera. Glad I watched a couple of seasons then lost track of this show, how annoying to have to wait for all that and then another year or more for the movie.

    I have to say that I don't like Doomstar Requiem much. It's mostly filler music video rock opera which wasn't very good imo. For 46 mins you get obnoxious filler for about 35-40 of it. They needed to release a pack of music videos instead of a long drawn out one. Nothing too interesting happens until offenhousen their manager just bows out and quits then leaves with little to no reason to frankly. Then in the end they of course vanquish the foes and rescue the hostages toki and abigail. O.Kay. We got no real closure with the power cabal of the general, the rasputin character and the big boss silecia! They were laced all through the series in almost every episode and we got pretty much nothing of closure at the end of Requiem!! BAD writing, just bad.

    Requiem was about 35 mins too long, a simple 11 minute extra episode was all that was needed to get to that ending for the hostages and such faux series ending. The filler gets sycophant fanboys in a tizzy but to the casual fan it was cringey and bad. I think what happened was that they thought there would be a Season 5 to wrap it up but that never happened due to the quality downgrade we got in S3 and S4 and thus no more money to make it. So they got one big chunk of money somewhere to "end it" with a longer format movie and thus had to fill up a long long amount of time which they chose to fill with annoying and bad musical stuff. Terrible. Such a waste of the premise of the power cabal and the metalocalypse as a whole there.

    I have not been able to get a hold of the 2023 movie army doomstar, 10 years later! Doesn't seem worth the hassle tbh Now the Army Doomstar is supposed to be the "Real" finale of the series so I may keep an eye out for it. At least it's not an annoying long music video rock opera like the first movie. Series just sort of fizzled out tbh no real ending and downgrade in the last 2 seasons. Eh.
    Hertzian56, Feb 24, 2025
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I went through a few of the adult swim stuff as well. Easy enough to get through their website using a video downloader and also pahe has most of the larger series.

    I forgot about Samurai Jack as I vaguely remember watching this series a bit back when it was still active. I grabbed all 5 seasons and there are some compelling episodes and about as much or more filler episodes. Thankfully each one is only about 25 min so you can binge it out pretty quick. I'm about halfway through rn.

    Apparently there was no real end to it during the major run and the final season, S5, didn't come out until 13 YEARS later. So therefore those who were invested in the main run were left with nothing at the end of S4. Wow it really doesn't pay to watch a lot of these animated shows as they release.

    I do like this series when it's not a filler episode and done well. I think anyone can lookup the classic episodes like the three archers, spartans, the scots ones etc They could have likely cut at least a whole season of episodes out and been fine, perhaps even more. Eh
    Hertzian56, Feb 24, 2025
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The other adult swim show I've been watching is Primal which is from the same creator as Samurai Jack. It's a glorified version of the old saturday morning hannah barbera type of show with forms of tarzan battling wild creatures. No dialogue in the first season so far, it's just the struggles of a single caveman and a raptor like dino that he travels with so there's nothing here based on any sort of science or historical stuff. They battle all sorts of creatures, mostly fantasy stuff. There are only 2 seasons so far not sure about if there will be more, seems unlikely imo

    Primal never really grabbed me like SamJack did, it just feels like another cartoon. I mean the buddy aspect between the caveman and the dino working together to survive is there of course. Great visuals and action of course but it just doesn't grab me too much. Too rando with no story other then ok we fight this or this creature this episode. I'm currently on the last ep of s10 and it introduces a female character who has some dialogue in some ancient language band they communicate in a way through sand pictographs but that's about it so far.

    From what I've read S2 has actual story and dialogue but apparently it's not too great so idk. I'll def give it a go though.
    Hertzian56, Feb 24, 2025
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Also I've grabbed some netflix and other animation shows. Arcane, Blue Eye Samura and Scavengers Reign.

    Arcane has some great animation style and visuals, the story is typical videogame stuff with the ever boring "all women are leaders and badasses" garbage. I think DEI is required for netflix and others for a long time and it gets so boring. The men are all softies or bad. A strong natural male in his rightful position of authority and power is never shown except when it's as a villain, abuser and worse. This is simply marxist propaganda retelling and reframing to get a younger audience brainwashed with unreality and fantasy. Many of these showrunners and writers, if not jewish, are lesbo ladyboys. This was obvious when I worked in hollywood for years at a low level enough to observe it. You either had obvious ugly jews writing the shows or these feminazi ladyboys who were in reality gay men.

    But Arcane at least is visually stunning if not a cliched story full of your average trannyhookerwood tropes. So far there are 2 seasons of this not sure if it will get more. After about half way through S1 I was bored tbh. I'll power through it but the episodes are a LONG 40mins each. They needed to be 25 at the most.
    Hertzian56, Feb 24, 2025
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Blue Eye Samurai is TERRIBLE. Apart from the nice modern animation and such it's just nothing but DEI and such. The whole premise is like that revolting movie Yentl about a women who crossdreses to fool people into thinking she's a man so she can learn the revolting talmud of the rabbis. When in reality barbara streisand was born male and likely castrated for the long wind of the larger male lungs, he's also your classic rat faced talmudick-kabbalist. I'm not sure if this type of rat is ashkenazi or sephardick.

    But in terms of this show it's a woman who happened to observe a master ad just from that becomes an unstoppable swordsman. Cringe. The whole show is full of over the top abusive men and pushing some fantasy abusive world they planted into the Japanse Edo Period. This is wholesale fraud and stalinist rewriting of history. It's also very bad and insensitive denigration of times past in Japan. The context is totally wrong and of course in a marxist way is condeming anything not "the people's something something". Terrible show.
    Hertzian56, Feb 24, 2025
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Scavengers Reign is a chill show for the most part, low key most of the time. And the art here reminded me of a very chill game called Sable. In this show which I'm guessing is just one season, the ship crashlands on an unknown planet and they crew is broken up. Thus we see the struggles of each group on this planet. They seem to not have suits for foreign planets, which makes no sense, and thus proceed to traipse around this planet with some strange consequences. It's definitely not too chill. A bit of action and story telling there. I'm about halfway through it. If you like a more cerebral animation that's not constant action but does have some then it's recommended. It def is slow a lot of the time.
    Hertzian56, Feb 24, 2025
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And coming to the next animated series I got into. Cowboy Bebop. The original japanese version with 26 episodes. This was a pain to get with properly synched english voice dubs but I did finally get it. Only very bloated 1080p was available for ddl, so on top I had to re encode it to a much more manageable size for totally adequate quality of an animated show.

    It follows bounty hunters, called cowboys strangely, in their adventures and builds a sort of cyberpunk world that encompasses space and planets and such. It is definitely interesting. Many short episodes are definitely better then less but longer ones. I'm about 1/4 way through and generally like watching. I can see how it's so influential. Just the starting intro I've seen similar in much later shows like Archer and Samurai Jack.
    Hertzian56, Feb 24, 2025
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also grabbed a low quality copy of Chernobyl but doubt I'll watch it. Sounds like anti-nuclear propaganda with british and irish actors instead of russian and ukranians so the focus was on a narrative rather then on accuracy. This is likely true for all the rest of the show.

    Once again reading IMDB reviews is a lesson in fake reviews, paid for reviews, ai paid for reviews and the like. Any critical reviews point out all the problems with it and they get downvoted to heck. This is heavily indicative of fanboy brigading, paid for reviews and IMDB's blatant tinkering with likes and overall scores to sell shows.

    I can tell you that IMDB took off all my scores for all the shows I've reviewed on there, I rarely give anything above a 6-7 and my scores do not show up when I look at my profile and reviews when not logged in. IMDB is total trash as far as review numbers and trustworthiness. You need to drill down into the reviews a ways to get a composite accurate score, disregard the MANY 9-10s and go for everything 7 or lower on that site. It would be better to go to other sources for recommendations at all.
    Hertzian56, Mar 4, 2025
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